Another Heartbreak

Another Heartbreak是一支樂隊,成立於1988年,成員有Jim Creeggan、Kevin Hearn、Ed Robertson、Tyler Stewart,代表作有《One Week》。


  • 外文名:Another Heartbreak
  • 創立時間:1988年
  • 國家:加拿大
  • 成就:多次榮獲朱諾音樂獎


Barenaked Ladies是一隻加拿大搖滾樂隊。樂隊最初於1988年在多倫多安大略成立。  他們因為幾首熱門單曲走火,《One Week》《The Old Apartment》《Pinch Me》《If I Had A Million Dollars》以及當紅美劇《生活大爆炸(The Big Bang Theory)》的主題曲《The History of Everything》。他們曾多次榮獲朱諾音樂獎,也曾獲得過格萊美音樂獎提名。樂隊最初的鍵盤手Andy Creeggan和主創成員Steven Page分別在2005年和2009年離開了樂隊。  至今為止,Barenaked Ladies至少已經賣出了1500萬張唱片(包括專輯和單曲)。


Barenaked Ladies - Another Heartbreak
Hold on' here comes another heartbreak
Hold on' here comes another heartache
Too bad' but it's still a chance I had to take
Hold on' here comes another heartbreak
Soaking in another rainy day
I stopped to watch the long parade
Winding slowly through the maze
Hold on' here comes another heartbreak
Hold on' here comes another heartache
Too bad' but it's still a chance I had to take
Hold on' here comes another heartbreak
I lost my way in the summer breeze
I fell down to my hands and knees
And now I am searching
Through the autumn leaves
Hold on' here comes another heartbreak
Hold on' here comes another heartache
Too bad' but it's still a chance I had to take
Hold on' here comes another heartbreak
And here you stand in front of me
In all of the complexity
That I had mistaken for simplicity
Hold on' here comes another heartbreak
Hold on' here comes another heartache
Too bad' but it's still a chance I had to take
Hold on' here comes another heartbreak
Hold on ...


All In Good Time
語言:英語 流派:Rock


