

《領導模式與組織績效關係研究》是2012年 復旦大學出版社出版的一本圖書,作者是荊豐。


  • 書名:領導模式與組織績效關係研究
  • 作者:荊豐
  • ISBN:9787309087376
  • 頁數:450
  • 定價:30.00元
  • 出版社: 復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2012-5
  • 副標題:以澳大利亞醫藥銷售企業為例


This book is also a valuable resource for researchers. Feng Fenwick Jing is to be congratulated for his excellent research that makes a valuable contribution to the study of leadership.Not only are the approach, structure, methodology and data collection of the highest standard, but the results open up many avenues for future research. My hope is that researchers in China and elsewhere will continue this ground-breaking investigation.


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.2Importance of the leadershipperformance relationship
1.3Research questions
1.4Research model
1.5Significance of this research
1.6Outline of this book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.2Link between leadership and organisational performance
2.3Definition of leadership
2.4The history of leadership
2.5Leadership typologies
2.6Characteristics of Avery's leadership paradigms
2.6.1Classical leadership
2.6.2Transactional leadership
2.6.3Visionary (transformational, charismatic) leadership
2.6.4Organic leadership
2.7Review of the performance measurement literature
2.8Leadership paradigms and organisational performance
2.8.1Classical leadership and organisational performance
2.8.2Transactional leadership and organisational performance
2.8.3Visionary leadership and organisational performance
2.8.4Organic leadership and organisational performance
2.9Importance of mediating variables
2.9.1Mediating role of vision
2.9.2Mediating role of organisational climate
2.9.3Mediating role of trust between leader and followers
2.10The relationships between leadership paradigms,staff turnover/manager tenure and organisational performance
2.10.1The relationship between leadership paradigms and staff turnover
2.10.2The relationship between leadership paradigms and manager tenure
2.10.3The relationship between manager tenure/staff tenure and organisational performance
2.11Gaps in the literature
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.2Justification of choice of small business and pharmaceutical retail sector
3.3Population and sample
3.3.2Unit of study
3.3.3Nature of sample
3.3.4Sample size
3.4Approaching the sample
3.4.1Recruiting, training and managing research assistants (RAs)
3.4.2Coding of stores and questionnaires
3.4.3Approaching store managers
3.4.4Approaching staff
3.4.5Approaching customers
3.5Data collection
3.5.1Pilot study
3.5.2Main study
3.6Justification of choice of the questionnaire method
3.7Questionnaire design
3.7.1Question format
3.7.2Rating scales
3.8Contents of questionnaires
3.8.1Store manager questionnaire
3.8.2Staff questionnaire
3.8.3Customer questionnaire
3.9Measures of variables
3.9.1Measures of independent variables
3.9.2Measures of dependent variables
3.9.3Measures of mediating variables
3.10Operational definitions
3.10.1Operational definitions for the direct effect paths
3.10.2Operational definitions for the mediating effect paths
3.11Improving reliability and validity of measured variables
3.11.1Use of multiple measures
3.11.2Construct reliability and item reliability
3.11.3Content validity and construct validity
Chapter 4 Data Preparation and Measurement Model
4.2Data preparation
4.2.1Coding the data
4.2.2Data cleaning and screening
4.2.3Missing data analysis
4.2.4Respondent characteristics
4.2.5Managers leadership style
4.3Structural equation modelling
4.3.1Step one: model conceptualisation
4.3.2Step two: preparing for model evaluation
4.3.3Step three: measurement model evaluation and specification
4.3.4Step four: testing onefactor congeneric measurement models
4.3.5Reliability and validity of constructs in the models
Chapter 5 Hypothesis Testing and Research Findings
5.1Overview of Chapter 5
5.2Hypothesis testing for research questions
5.2.1Leadership paradigms and organisational performance relationship
5.2.2Vision communication/vision sharing and organisational performance relationship
5.2.3The mediating role for organisational climate
within the leadershipperformance
5.2.4The mediating role for trust between leader and followers within the leadershipperformance relationship
5.2.5Performance comparison for leadership paradigms
5.2.6Testing the relationship between leadership paradigms and staff turnover (staff tenure)
5.2.7Testing the relationship between leadership paradigms and manager tenure
5.2.8Testing the relationship between manager tenure/staff tenure and organisational performance
5.3Results of hypothesis testing
5.4Analyses of interactions for mediating variables
5.4.1Testing the mediating effects and interactive roles of mediating variables within the classical/transactional leadershipperformance relationship
5.4.2Testing the interactive roles of mediating variables within the visionary/organic leadershipperformance relationship
Chapter 6 Discussion and Implications
6.1Overview of Chapter 6
6.2Discussion of research findings
6.2.1Leadership paradigms and organisational performance
6.2.2Vision communication/vision sharing and organisational performance
6.2.3The mediating role of organisational climate within the leadershipperformance relationship
6.2.4The mediating role of trust between leader and followers within the leadershipperformance relationship
6.2.5The relationships between leadership paradigms,staff turnover/manager tenure and organisational performance
6.2.6The mediating effects and interactive roles of mediating variables within the classical/transactional leadershipperformance relationship
6.2.7The interactive roles of mediating variables within the visionary/organic leadershipperformance relationship
6.2.8Summary of research findings
6.3Contributions and implications
6.3.1Contribution to knowledge
6.3.2Implications for practice and policy
6.4Limitations and further research
6.4.1Limitations of this book
6.4.2Recommendations for further research
6.5Final conclusions
Appendix 1 Characteristics for distinguishing the leadership paradigms
Appendix 2 Hypotheses of this book
Appendix 3 Research results of this book
Appendix 4 Consent forms
Appendix 4.1Store manager consent form
Appendix 4.2Staff consent form
Appendix 4.3Customer consent form
Appendix 5 Questionnaires
Appendix 5.1Store manager questionnaire
Appendix 5.2Staff questionnaire
Appendix 5.3Customer questionnaire
Appendix 6 Rationale for questionnaires
Appendix 7 Survey situation report
Appendix 8 Vision statement
Appendix 8.1Store manager vision statement
Appendix 8.2Staff vision statement
Appendix 9 Chisquare outputs
Appendix 9.1Outputs for classical leaders
Appendix 9.2Outputs for transactional leaders
Appendix 10 Correlation outputs
Appendix 10.1Outputs for visionary leaders
Appendix 10.2Outputs for organic leaders
Appendix 11 Correlations among constructs


