



  • 中文名:李歡
  • 外文名:Huan Li
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:湖南瀏陽
  • 出生日期:1985.10
  • 職業:中南大學地質資源系特聘教授
  • 畢業院校:日本九州大學


李歡,男,漢族,中南大學地質資源系特聘教授,1985年10月生,湖南省瀏陽市人。008年、2011年分別獲中南大學工學學士(地質工程礦產勘查方向)、碩士(礦產普查與勘探)學位;2011年被錄取為國家公派研究生赴日本九州大學攻讀博士學位,2014年畢業後作為海外優秀博士人才引進回國,入職中國地質大學(武漢),並於2016年遴選為首批“地大學者”,2018年起任中南大學地球科學與信息物理學院教授。工學博士,研究方向:構造與成礦、岩石礦床大地構造、成礦規律與成礦預測。日本資源地質學會會員,國際SCI刊物《Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology》、《Ore Geology Reviews》、《International Geology Review》、《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences》、《Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry》、《Earth Sciences Research Journal》、《Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition》及《Journal of Earth Science》審稿人。


至今為止以第一作者或通訊作者身份發表國際SCI論文30餘篇(總影響因子>80)、EI論文2篇,論文被引300餘次。曾赴日本、捷克、德國、美國、英國、新加坡、蒙古國、印度、印度尼西亞、中國等國參加國際會議十餘次並作口頭報告,發表國際會議論文十餘篇,主要會議為:日本(CINEST Symposium 2011、Asia-Africa Mineral Resources Conference 2011、日本資源地質學會第63回年會學術講演會)、印度(G-COE 9th Symposium)、新加坡(GEOS 2012)、印度尼西亞 (Asia-Africa Mineral Resources Conference 2012)、蒙古國(Asia-Africa Mineral Resources Conference 2013)、德國(GeoMod2014)、英國(VMSG 2014)、美國(Goldschimidt 2014)、香港(PACRIM2015) 、捷克 (Goldschimidt 2015)。主持包括國家重點研發計畫子課題、國家自然科學基金在內的科研項目6項,作為骨幹人員參與國際合作項目、國家重點研究計畫、國家自然科學基金面上項目及國家省部級項目和橫向課題20餘項,野外研究主要集中在湖南錫礦山銻礦,河南省陝縣大方山、葫蘆峪金礦,湖南平江蛇行山鉛鋅礦,青海省大柴旦紅燈溝金礦,青海省茫崖虎頭崖多金屬礦,廣西平果鋁土礦,印度尼西亞萬丹省Neglasari金礦,青海省玉樹趙卡隆鐵銅多金屬礦,郴州坪寶地區寶山鉛鋅礦、香花嶺錫鉛鋅礦、黃沙坪鉛鋅礦、大坊金礦、柿竹園多金屬礦床,內蒙古太僕寺旗金豆子山金礦,河北張家口東坪金礦,湖南板溪銻礦,印度尼西亞Krakatau活火山,日本鹿兒島縣菱刈(Hishikari)金礦,蒙古國Borro金礦和Erdent斑岩銅礦,英國Arthor’s Seat 火山,美國加利福尼亞-內華達州金礦,印度那格譜爾多金屬礦,膠東三山島北部海域、蠶莊及九曲金礦等。科研合作夥伴主要有日本Koichiro Watanabe 教授、Kotaro Yonezu副教授以及Thomas Tindell助理教授,克羅地亞Ladislav antun palinka?教授,澳大利亞Noreen Evans教授、Martin Danisik高級研究員,美國Thomas Algeo教授,菲律賓Jillian Aira S. Gabo-Ratio助理教授等。




1. Li, H.*, Zhou, Z.K., Algeo, T.J., Wu J.H., Jiang, W.C., 2019c. Geochronology and geochemistry of tuffaceous rocks from the Banxi Group: Implications for Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the southeastern Yangtze Block, South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, 152-176 (SCI).

2. Li, H.*, Palinka?, L.A., Evans, N.J., Watanabe, K., 2019b. Genesis of the Huangshaping W–Mo–Cu–Pb–Zn deposit, South China: Role of magmatic water, metasomatized fluids, and basinal brines during intra-continental extension. Geological Journal, DOI:10.1002/gj.3505(SCI).
3. Li, H., Kong, H.*, Zhou, Z.K., Wu, Q.H., Xi, X.S., Gabo-Ratio, J.A.S., 2019a. Ore-forming material sources of the Jurassic Cu–Pb–Zn mineralization in the Qin–Hang ore belt, South China: Constraints from S–Pb isotopes. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, DOI:10.1016/j.geoch.2018.12.008(SCI).
4. Liu, B., Li, H.*, Wu, Q.H.*, Evans, N.J. Cao, J.Y., Jiang, J.B., Wu, J.H., 2019. Fluid evolution of Triassic and Jurassic W mineralization in the Xitian ore field, South China: Constraints from scheelite geochemistry and microthermometry. Lithos 330–331, 1–15 (SCI).
5. Huang, C.W., Li, H.*, Lai, C.K., 2019. Genesis of the Binh Do Pb-Zn deposit in northern Vietnam: Evidence from H-O-S-Pb isotope geochemistry. Journal of Earth Science, Accepted (SCI).
6. Wang, T., Huang, C., Du, G.*, Liu, Y., Xie, J., Li, H., 2019. Geochronology, geochemistry and zircon Hf-isotopes of the early Mesoproterozoic Yaopengzi dolerite in SW Yangtze block (Sichuan, SW China): implications for the Columbia supercontinent breakup. Geosciences Journal, DOI:10.1007/s12303-018-0082-4(SCI).
7. Huang, C., Du, G.*, Jiang, H., Xie, J., Zha, D., Li, H., Lai, C.K., 2019. Ore-Forming Fluids Characteristics and Metallogenesis of the Anjing Hitam Pb-Zn Deposit in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Earth Science 30(1), 131–141 (SCI).
8. Liu, Q.Q., Shao, Y.J., Chen, M., Algeo, T.J., Li, H., Dick, J.M., Wang, C., Wang, W.S., Li, Z.Q., Liu, Z.F.*, 2019. Insights into the genesis of orogenic gold deposits from the Zhengchong gold field, northeastern Hunan Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews 105, 337–355 (SCI).
9. Li, H., Sun, H.S*., Algeo, T.J., Wu, J.H., Cao, J.Y., Wu, Q.H., 2018f. Mesozoic multi-stage W–Sn polymetallic mineralization in the Nanling Range, South China: An example from the Dengfuxian–Xitian ore field. Geological Journal,http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gj.3369(SCI).
10. Li, H*., Li, J.W., Algeo, T.J., Wu, J.H., Cisse, M., 2018e. Zircon indicators of fluid sources and ore genesis in a multi-stage hydrothermal system: The Dongping Au deposit in North China. Lithos,314–315, 463–478 (SCI).
11. Li, H*., Wu, J.H., Evans, N.J., Jiang, W.C., Zhou, Z.K., 2018d. Zircon geochronology and geochemistry of the Xianghualing A-type granitic rocks: Insights into multi-stage Sn-polymetallic mineralization in South China. Lithos 312–313, 1–20 (SCI).
12. Li, H*., Myint, A.Z*., Yonezu, K., Watanabe, K., Algeo, T.J., Wu, J.H., 2018c. Geochemistry and U–Pb geochronology of the Wagone and Hermyingyi A-type granites, southern Myanmar: Implications for tectonic setting, magma evolution and Sn–W mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 95, 575–592 (SCI).
13. Li, H., Wu, Q.H*., Evans, N.J., Zhou, Z.K., Kong, H., Xi, X.S., Lin, Z.W., 2018b. Geochemistry and geochronology of the Banxi Sb deposit: Implications for fluid origin and the evolution of Sb mineralization in central-western Hunan, South China. Gondwana Research 55, 112–134 (SCI).
14. Li, H*., Palinkas, L.A., Watanabe, K., Xi, X.S., 2018a. Petrogenesis of Jurassic A-type granites associated with Cu–Mo and W–Sn deposits in the central Nanling region, South China: Relation to mantle upwelling and intra-continental extension. Ore Geology Reviews 92, 449–462 (SCI).
15. Wu, J.H., Li, H.*, Algeo, T.J. Jiang, W.C., Zhou, Z.K., 2018. Genesis of the Xianghualing Sn–Pb–Zn deposit, South China: A multi-method zircon study. Ore Geology Reviews 102, 220–239 (SCI).
16. Kong, H., Li, H.*, Wu, Q.H., Xi, X.S., Dick, J.M., Gabo-Ratio, J.A.S., 2018. Co-development of Jurassic I-type and A-type granites in southern Hunan, South China: Dual control by plate subduction and intraplate mantle upwelling. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry 78, 500–520 (SCI)
17. Sun, H.S., Li, H*., Algeo, T.J., Gabo-Ratio, J.A.S., Yang, H., Wu., J.H., Wu, P., 2018. Geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Tanjianshan Group, NW China: Implications for the early Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the North Qaidam Orogen. Geological Journal,http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gj.3268(SCI).
18. Jiang, W., Li, H*., Evans, N.J., Wu, J., Cao, J., 2018b. Metal Sources of World-Class Polymetallic W–Sn Skarns in the Nanling Range, South China: Granites versus Sedimentary Rocks? Minerals,http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/min8070265(SCI).
19. Jiang, W.C., Li, H*., Wu, J.H., Zhou, Z.K., Kong, H., Cao, J.Y., 2018a. A newly found biotite syenogranite in the Huangshaping polymetallic deposit, South China: Insights into Cu mineralization. Journal of Earth Science 29(3), 537–555 (SCI).
20. Cao, J., Yang, X*., Du, J., Wu, Q., Kong, H., Li, H., Wan, Q., Xi, X., Gong, Y., Zhao, H., 2018b. Formation and geodynamic implication of the Early Yanshanian granites associated with W–Sn mineralization in the Nanling range, South China: an overview, International Geology Review 60, 1744–1771 (SCI).
21. Cao, J., Wu, Q*., Yang, X., Kong, H., Li, H., X., Xi, Huang, Q., Liu, B., 2018a. Geochronology and genesis of the Xitian W-Sn polymetallic deposit in eastern Hunan Province, South China: Evidence from zircon U-Pb and muscovite Ar-Ar dating, petrochemistry, and wolframite Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopes. Minerals,http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/min8030111(SCI).
22. Wu, J.H., Li, H*., Xi, X.S., Kong, H., Wu, Q.H., Peng, N.L., Wu, X.M., Cao, J.Y., Gabo-Ratio, J.A.S., 2017. Geochemistry and geochronology of the mafic dikes in the Taipusi area, northern margin of North China Craton: Implications for Silurian tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogen. Journal of Earth System Science 126:64,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12040-017-0841-z(SCI).
23. Sun, H.S., Li, H*., Evans, N.J., Yang, H., Wu, P., 2017c. Volcanism, mineralization and metamorphism at the Xitieshan Pb–Zn deposit, NW China: Insights from zircon geochronology and geochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews 88, 289–303 (SCI).
24. Li, H*., Yonezu, K., Watanabe, K., Tindell, T., 2017b. Fluid origin and migration of the Huangshaping W–Mo polymetallic deposit, South China: Geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of hydrothermal K-feldspars. Ore Geology Reviews 86, 117–129 (SCI).
25. Li, H., Sun, H.S*., Wu, J.H., Evans, N.J., Xi, X.S., Peng, N.L., Cao, J.Y., Gabo-Ratio, J.A.S., 2017a. Re–Os and U–Pb geochronology of the Shazigou Mo polymetallic ore field, Inner Mongolia: Implications for Permian–Triassic mineralization at the northern margin of the North China Craton, Ore Geology Reviews 83, 287–299. (SCI)
26. Sun, H.S., Li, H*., Dani?ík, M., Xia, Q.L., Jiang, C.L., Wu, P., Yang, H., Fan, Q.R., Zhu, D.S., 2017b. U–Pb and Re–Os geochronology and geochemistry of the Donggebi Mo deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Insights into mineralization and tectonic setting. Ore Geology Reviews 86, 584–599. (SCI)
27. Sun, H.S., Li, H*., Liu, L., Chen, Q.M., Yang, H., Wu, P., 2017a. Exhumation history of the Jiaodong and its adjacent areas since the Late Cretaceous: Constraints from low temperature thermochronology. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 60, 531–545. (SCI)
28. Cisse, M., Lu, X*., Algeo, T.J., Cao, X., Li, H., Wei, M., Yuan, Q., Chen, M., 2017. Geochronology and geochemical characteristics of the Dongping ore-bearing granite, North China: Sources and implications for its tectonic setting. Ore Geology Reviews 89, 1091–1106. (SCI)
29. Cao, J.Y., Wu, Q.H*., Li, H., Ouyang, C.X., Kong, H., Xi, X.S., 2017. Metallogenic mechanism of Pingguo bauxite deposit, Western Guangxi, China: Constraints from REE geochemistry and multi-fractal characteristics of major elements in bauxite ore. Journal of Central South University 24, 1627?1636. (SCI)
30. Li, H., Xi, X.S., Sun, H.S*., Kong, H., Wu, Q.H., Wu, C.M., Gabo-Ratio, J.A.S., 2016. Geochemistry of the Batang Group in the Zhaokalong area, Yushu, Qinghai: Implications for the Late Triassic tectonism in the northern Sanjiang region, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 90, 704–721. (SCI)
31. Wu, Q., Cao, J*., Kong, H., Shao, Y., Li, H., Xi, X., Deng, X., 2016. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the early Mesozoic Xitian granitic pluton in the middle Qin-Hang Belt, South China: Constraints from zircon U–Pb ages and bulk-rock trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 128, 130–148. (SCI)
32. Li, H*., Xi, X.S., 2015. Sedimentary fans: A new genetic model for sedimentary exhalative ore deposits. Ore Geology Reviews 65, 375-389. (SCI)
33. Li, H*., Watanabe, K., Yonezu. K., 2014b. Geochemistry of A–type granites in the Huangshaping polymetallic deposit (South Hunan, China): Implications for granite evolution and associated mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 88, 149–167. (SCI)
34. Li, H*., Watanabe, K., Yonezu, K., 2014a. Zircon morphology, geochronology and trace element geochemistry of the granites from the Huangshaping polymetallic deposit, South China: Implications for the magmatic evolution and mineralization processes. Ore Geology Reviews 60, 14–35. (SCI)
35. Li, H*., Watanabe, K., Xi, X.S., Yonezu, K., 2013b. Geochemistry of volcanic rocks at Zhaokalong iron-copper-polymetallic ore deposit, Qinghai Province, China: Implications for the tectonic background. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 6, 58–63. (SCI)
36. Li, H*., Xi, X.S., Wu, C.M., Watanabe, K., 2013a. Genesis of the Zhaokalong Fe–Cu polymetallic deposit at Yushu, China: Evidence from ore geochemistry and fluid inclusions. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 87, 486–500. (SCI)
37. Li, H*., Xi, X.S., 2012. Geochemistry and sedimentary exhalative mineralization in Hutouya–Kendekeke field, Qinghai Province, China. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 22, 772–783 (in Chinese with English abstract). (EI)
38. Li, H*., Xi, X.S., Wu, C.M., Zhang, D.B., 2012. Geochemistry and genesis of andesite from Zhaokalong Fe–Cu polymetallic deposit, Yushu, Qinghai. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 43, 3524–3534 (in Chinese with English abstract). (EI)
39. Quan, T.J., Kong, H*., Fei, L.D., Wang, G., Li, H., Wu, C.M., 2012. Petrogenesis of granodiorite porphyry in Baoshan deposit: Constraints from geochemistry, zircon U–Pb chronology and Hf isotopes. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 22, 611–621 (in Chinese with English abstract). (EI)


