

李小俚,教授,博士生導師,燕山大學電氣工程學院自動化系系主任。分別於1992年7月和1995年3月在昆明理工大學獲機械工程專業學士和碩士學位,1998年3月獲哈爾濱工業大學機械工程博士學位,2000-2002年德國漢諾瓦大學洪堡學者,2002起在燕山大學電氣工程學院自動化系任教,教授,博士生導師 ,至今已在在國內外學術刊物上發表論文百餘篇,其中多是發表在國際權威刊物和國際會議上。 2010年獲得國家傑出青年科學基金資助。


  • 中文名:李小俚
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1970年
  • 職業:大學教授
  • 畢業院校:昆明理工大學,哈爾濱工業大學
  • 主要成就:2010年獲國家傑出青年基金資助
  • 工作單位:北京師範大學
  • 最高學歷:博士


博士,教授,博士生導師,北京師範大學認知神經科學和學習國家重點實驗室副主任和燕山大學電氣工程學院自動化系系主任。分別於1992年7月和1995年3月在昆明理工大學獲機械工程專業學士和碩士學位,1998年3月獲哈爾濱工業大學機械工程博士學位。他先後在香港城市大學德國漢諾瓦大學(洪堡學者)、香港中文大學和英國伯明罕大學研究和工作。2000-2002年德國漢諾瓦大學洪堡學者2010年獲得國家傑出青年科學基金資助。作為項目負責人目前主持國家自然科學基金項目重大研究計畫“視聽覺信息的認知計算”培育項目,河北傑出青年科學基金, 以及教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫。至今在國際期刊上發表論文80篇, SCI收錄78,EI收錄81篇,出版專著(中2部,英5章),成果獲得教育部提名國家自然科學一等獎(1項)和省部級自然科學二等獎(3項)和三等獎(1項)。






Neuroscience and Neural Engineering
Bio-signal Processing
Intelligent Monitoring and Diagnoses in Manufacturing
Manufacturing Process and System


2010年度河北省自然科學獎, 製造系統智慧型監控理論與技術,二等獎, 1
2009, 河北省傑出青年科學基金獲得者
2009, “南太湖精英計畫”領軍人才, 新一代麻醉深度監護儀的開發與推廣, C類
2008, 河北省有突出貢獻中青年科學專家
2006, 中國高校科學技術獎自然科學獎,切削過程工況監測基礎研究, 二等獎, 2
2003, 教育部提名國家自然科學獎,控制系統的參數化設計方法及套用, 一等獎, 8
2000, 中國高校科學技術獎自然科學,切削刀具狀態的智慧型監測技術的研究, 二等獎, 3
1996, 航天部科學技術進步獎,武器裝備FMS用新型聲發射感測器的研究,二等獎, 7
2010 民盟秦皇島市優秀盟員


1、國家自然科學基金(編號:60575012)腦電信號相位同步分析及癲癇發作預測 2006.1-2008.12 負責人
2、高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(編號20060216003)基於腦電高頻振動相位耦合的癲癇發作預測研究 2007.1-2009.12 負責人
3、Medical ResearchConical, UK Analysis of Information Flow among Cells with Graphical Modelling
2006.9-2007.6 負責人
4、國家自然科學基金(編號:60274023)時滯混沌系統的控制與同步套用研究 2003.1-2005.12 負責人
5、EPSRC,UK Business Plan Competition of 2006,Neural Oscillation Analysis Software 2006.6-2006 負責人
6、英國Wellcome Trust, UK Prediction of epileptic seizure with intelligent techniques 2004.1-2004.9 負責人
7、香港城市大學研究基金Intelligent integrated monitoring,diagnosis and control of manufacturing processes/compensation of workpiece errors 1998.10-2000.10 負責人
8、香港城市大學研究基金 Use of wavelet techniques and fuzzy neural network for tool wear monitoring in turning processes 1998.12-1999.6 負責人
9、香港城市大學研究基金Multiple wavelet transform and fuzzy radial basis function neural network for monitoring wear condition of machine tool 2000.1-2000.6 負責人
10、雲南省自然科學基金模糊理論在機械製造的套用研究 1993.1-1994.12 主要參加人
11、國防基金 刀具磨損檢測和智慧型刀具更換 1995.1-1997 主要參加人
12、香港研究資助局 A Model-based learning strategy incorporating on machine inspection for the compensation of workpiece errors in CNC machining 1998.1-2000.12 主要參加人
13、香港ITFE-Monitoring and Intelligent Diagnosis of Plastic Injection Molding Machines 2002.1-2003.12 主要參加人
14、Advantage West Midlands (AWM),UK.Computional Intelligence and Application 2003.1-2007.3 參加人
1. Chengbiao Lu, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Z. Henderson, XiaoliLi. Induction of theta-frequency oscillations in the rat medial septaldiagonal band slice by metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists, Neuroscience,Vol. 177, pp. 1-11, 2011.
2. Duan Li, Xiaoli Li*, ZhenhuLiang, Voss Logan and Jamie Sleigh, Multiscale permutation entropy analysis ofEEG recordings during sevoflurane anesthesia, Journal of Neural Engineering,7 (4) 046010, 2010 (SCI, IF=2.74
3.Dan Chen, Duan Li, Muzhou Xiong, Hong Bao, XiaoliLi*, GPGPU-Aided Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition forElectroencephalogram Analysis during Anaesthesia, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine. 14 (6), 1417-1427, 2010..
4. Dong Cui, Xiaoli Li*, Xueqing Ji and LanxiangLiu, Multi-channel Neural Mass Modelling and Analyzing, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, In press.
5. G. Gu,D. Cui, Xiaoli Li. Segmentation ofOverlapping Leukocyte Images with Phase Detection and Spiral Interpolation,Computer Methods inBiomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, in press
6. Dong Cui, Xianzeng Liu, YouWan, XiaoliLi*, Estimation ofgenuine and random synchronization in multivariate neural series, Neural Networks, 23(6):698-704, 2010(SCI: IF=2.66).
7. Xiaoli Li*and G.X. Ouyang, Estimatingcoupling direction between neuronal populations with permutation conditionalmutual information, NeuroImage, 52 (2010) 89-99. (SCI: IF=5.69).
8. Premysl Jiruska, Jozsef Csicsvari, Andrew Powell,John Fox, Wei-Chih Chang, Martin Vreugdenhil,Xiaoli Li, MilanPalus, Alejandro Fernandez, Richard Dearden, and John Jefferys, High-frequency network activity, global increase in neuronalactivity and synchrony expansion precede epileptic seizures in vitro. Journalof Neuroscience, 30(16): 5690-5701,2010. (SCI: IF=7.45)
9. Xiaoli Li*, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Astushi Usami, Yuji Ikegaya, andAttila Sik, Scale-free topology of the CA3 hippocampal network: a novelmethod to analyze functional neuronal assemblies, Biophysical Journal98(9): 1733-1741, 2010(SCI:IF =4.683
10. Gaoxiang. Ouyang, C. Dang Douglas Richards and Xiaoli Li*,Ordinal pattern based similarity analysis for EEGrecordings,Clinical Neurophysiology, 121 (5) 694-703, 2010. (SCI: IF=2.97)
11. Xiaoli Li*,Duan Li, Logan Voss and Jamie W. Sleigh, The ComodulationMeasure of Neuronal Oscillations with General Harmonic Wavelet Bicoherence andApplication to Sleep Analysis, NeuroImage, 48(3):501-14, 2009(SCI: IF=5.69)
12. S. He, Xiaoli LiMark R. Viant, XinYao, Profiling Mass SpectrometryProteomics Data using Smoothed Nonlinear Energy Operator and Bayesian AdditiveRegression Trees, Protemomics,9 (17), 4176-4191, 2009 (SCI: IF=4.59)
13. Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xiaoli Li*,Chuangyin Dang, Douglas A. Richards, Deterministic dynamics of neural activityduring absence seizures in rats. Physical Review E. 79 041146 2009.(SCI: IF=2.51)
14. Gaoxiang. Ouyang, C. Dang and Xiaoli Li*, MultiscaleEntropy Analysis of EEG Recordings in Epileptic Rats, Biomedical Engineering:Applications, Basis and Communications (BME). 21 (3) June2009: 169 - 176
15. Xiaoli Li*, S.Y Cui and LoganVoss, Using Permutation Entropy to Measure the Electroencephalographic Effectsof Sevoflurane, Anesthsiology109(3), 448-456, 2008. (SCI: IF=5.12)
16. P. Jiruska, M. Tomasek, D. Netuka, J. Otahal, J.G.R. Jefferys,Xiaoli Li, P. Marusic, Clinical Impact of High-frequencySeizure Onset Zone in a Caseof Bitemporal Epilepsy, Epileptic Disorders2008 Sep;10(3):231-238. (SCI: IF=1.07)
17. Xiaoli Li*, John Jefferys,John Fox and Xin Yao, Neuronal Population Oscillation Analysis of RatHippocampus during Epileptic Seizure, Neural Networks, 21, 1105-1111,2008. (SCI:IF=2.66)
18. Xiaoli Li*, Duan Li, Zhenhu Liang, Logan J. Voss, JamieW. Sleigh,Analysis of depth of anesthesia with Hilbert–Huang spectral entropy,Clinical Neurophysiology, 119(11), 2465-75, 2008 (SCI: IF=2.97)
19. G. Ouyang, XiaoliLi*, C. Dang, and Douglas Richards, Using Recurrence plot fordeterminism analysis of EEG recordings in genetic absence epilepsy rates, ClinicalNeurophysiology, 119(8), 1747–1755(2008). (SCI:IF=2.97)
20. Xiaoli Li*, Dong Cui, PremyslJiruska, John E Fox, Xin Yao, and John Gordon Ralph Jefferys, SynchronizationMeasurement of Multiple Neuronal Populations, Journal of Neurophysiology98: 3341-3348, 2007. (SCI: IF=3.65)
21. P. HE Tiesinga, XiaoliLi, Seiichi Sakatani, Zsolt Boldogkoi, H. Hirase and Attila Sik.,Synchronization of Interhippocampal Ripple Events (80-200 Hz) by Long-projectionInhibitory Neurons, BMC Neuroscience 8(Suppl 2): P45, 2007. (SCI: IF=2.85)
22. Xiaoli Li*, G. Ouyang andDouglas Richards, Predictability Analysis of Absence Seizures with PermutationEntropy, Epilepsy Research, 77: 90-74, 2007. (SCI, IF=2.41)
23. Xiaoli Li*, Jamie Sleigh,Logan Voss and G. Ouyang, Interpretation of Anesthetic Drug Effect usingRecurrent Dynamics of EEG Recordings, Neuroscience Letters, 424: 47-50, 2007.(SCI, IF=2.2
24. Xiaoli Li*, Jin Li, Xin Yao, AWavelet-Based Pre-processing Technique for Mass Spectrometry, Computers inBiology and Medicine, 37: 509-516, 2007. (SCI, IF=1.27)
25. G. Ouyang, XiaoliLi*, Yan Li, X.P. Guan, Application of Wavelet-based Similarity Analysisto Epileptic Seizures Prediction, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 37:430-437, 2007. (SCI, IF=1.27)
26. Xiaoli Li*, Xin Yao, John R. G.Jefferys and John Fox, Interaction Dynamics of Neuronal Oscillations Analysedusing Wavelet Transforms,Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 160: 178-185,2007(SCI, IF=2.09).
27. Xiaoli Li*, Temporal Structureof Neuronal Population Oscillations with Empirical Model Decomposition, Phy.Lets. A, 356(3): 237-241, 2006 (SCI, IF=2.17)
28. Xiaoli Li*, G. Ouyang,Nonlinear Similarity Analysis for Epileptic Seizures Prediction. NonlinearAnalysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 64(8): 1666-1678, 15 April2006 (SCI, IF=1.30).
29. Xiaoli Li*, P.G. Kapiris, J.Polygiannakis, K.A. Eftaxias, X. Yao, Fractal Spectral Analysis of Pre-epilepticSeizures Phase: in Terms of Criticality,Journal of Neural Engineering,2:11-16, 2005.(SCI, IF=2.74
30. P.G. Kapiris, J.Polygiannakis, Xiaoli Li, X. Yao, K.A. Eftaxias, Similarities in PrecursoryFeatures in Seismic Shocks and Epileptic Seizures, Europhys. Lett., 69(4):657–663, 2005 (SCI, IF=2.2).
31. Xiaoli Li*, Gaoxiang Ouyang,Xin Yao, Xinping Guan, Dynamical Characteristics of Pre-epileptic Seizures inRats with Recurrence Quantification Analysis, Physics Letters A, 333:164–171, 2004 (SCI, IF=2.17)
32. S.Y. Chen, G.J. Luo,Xiaoli Li, S.M. Ji, B.W. Zhang, "The Specular Exponent as a Criterion forAppearance Quality Assessment of Pearl-Like Objects by Artificial Vision,"IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, pp., 2011. (in press)
33. Xiaoli Li, ChrisBowers, Thorsten Schnier,Classificationof Energy Consumption in Buildings with Outlier Detection,IEEE Trans. onIndustrial Electronics, 57 (11):3639-3644, 2010 (IF=5.47).
34. Xiaoli Li*, S. K. Tso, X. P. Guan, Improving Automatic Detection ofDefects in Castings by Applying Wavelet Technique.IEEE Trans. on IndustrialElectronics, 53 (6): 1927-1934, 2006 (SCI,IF=5.47).
35. Xiaoli Li*, Xin Yao, Multi-scale Statistical Process Monitoring inMachining, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, 52(3): 922-924, 2005 (SCI, IF=5.47).
36. Xiaoli Li*, Du R, Denkena B, Imiela J, Tool Breakage Monitoring using MotorCurrent Signals for Machine Tools with Linear Motors,IEEE Trans. IndustrialElectronics, 52(5): 1403-1408, 2005 (SCI, IF=5.47).
37. Xiaoli Li*, Djordjevich, Alexandar, K. V. Patri, Current Sensor-basedFeed Cutting Force Intelligent Estimation and Tool Wear Condition Monitoring.IEEE Trans. on IndustrialElectronics, 47(3): 697-702, 2000 (SCI, IF=5.47)
38. Xiaoli Li*, S. K Tso, Jun Wang, Real Time Tool Condition Monitoringusing Wavelet Transforms & Fuzzy Techniques. IEEE Trans. on Systems,Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, 30(3): 352-357 2000(SCI, IF=1.38)
39. Xiaoli Li* and H. Li, X. Guan, R. Du, Fuzzy Estimation of Feed-cuttingForce from Current Measurement - a Case Study on Tool Wear Monitoring,IEEETrans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, 34(4): 506-512, 2004 (SCI, IF=1.38).
40. Xiaoli Li*, Bin Hu and R. Du, Predicting the parts weight in plasticinjection molding using least squares support vector regression,IEEE Trans.Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, 38 (6),827-833, 2008 (SCI, IF=1.38).
41. Xiaoli Li*, R. Du. X. P. Guan,Utilization of Information Maximum for Condition Monitoring in a MachiningProcess and a Water Pump, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, 9(4): 711-714,2004 (SCI, IF=1.61)
42. Xiaoli Li*, Detection of Tool Flute Breakage in End Milling usingFeed-motor Current Signatures, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics. 6(4):491-498, 2001 (SCI, IF=1.61)
43. Tonshoff HK, XiaoliLi*, Lapp C, Application of Fast Haar Transform and ConcurrentLearning to Tool-breakage Detection in Milling, IEEE/ASME Trans. onMechatronics, 8(3): 414-418, 2003 (SCI, IF=1.61)
44. Hua Changchun; GuanXinping; Xiaoli Li; Shi Peng, Adaptive Observer-based Control fora Class of Chaotic Systems, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 22(1): 103-110,2004 (SCI, IF=2.98,)
45. Xiaoli Li* and Halim Bassiuny, Transient Dynamical Analysis of StrainSignals in Sheet Metal Stamping Processes, International Journal of MachineTools and Manufacture, 48 (2008) 576–588. (SCI, IF=1.58)
46. Xiaoli Li*, G. X. Ouyang, Z. H Liang, Complexity Measure of MotorCurrent Signals for Tool Flute Breakage Detection in End Milling, InternationalJournal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 48/3-4 pp 371-379, 2008. (SCI,IF=1.58)
47. Halim Bassiuny, XiaoliLi* and Ruxu Du, Fault Diagnosis of Stamping Process Based on EmpiricalMode Decomposition and Learning Vector Quantization, International Journalof Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47 (15),2007, 2298-2306. (SCI, IF=1.58)
48. Halim Bassiuny, XiaoliLi*, Flute Breakage Detection during End Milling using Hilbert-HuangTransform and Smoothed Nonlinear Energy Operator, International Journal ofMachine Tools and Manufacture, 47: 1011-1020, 2007. (SCI, IF=1.58)
49. Xiaoli Li*, A Brief Review:Acoustic Emission Method for Tool Wear Monitoring during Turning, InternationalJournal Machine Tools and Manufacture, 42: 157-165, 2002 (SCI, IF=1.58,).
50. Xiaoli Li*, Shen Dong, Zhejun Yuan, Discrete Wavelet Transform for Tool BreakageMonitoring, International Journal Machine Tools & Manufacture. 39: 1935–1944,1999 (SCI, IF=1.58)
51. Yingxue Yao, XiaoliLi, Zhejun Yuan, Tool Wear Detection with Fuzzy Classification andWavelet Fuzzy Neural Network, International Journal Machine Tools &Manufacture, 39: 1525-1538, 1999 (SCI, IF=1.58)
52. Xiaoli Li*., On-line Detection of the Breakage of Small Diameter Drillsusing Current Signature Wavelet Transform,International Journal MachineTools & Manufacture, 39(1): 157-164, 1999 (SCI, IF=1.58)
53. Xiaoli Li*, Xinping Guan,Time-frequency Analysis based Minor Cutting Edge Fracture Detection during EndMilling, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 18: 1485-1496, 2004 (SCI,IF=1.98)
54. Xiaoli Li*, SK Tso, Drill Wear Monitoring based on Current Signals, Wear,231(2): 172-178, 1999 (SCI, IF=1.51)
55. Xiaoli Li*, Zhejun Yuan, Tool Wear Monitoring with Wavelet Packet Transform-fuzzyClustering Method,Wear, 219(2): 145-154 1998 (SCI, IF=1.51)
56. Xiaoli Li*, Development of Current Sensor for Cutting Force Measurementin Turning, IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 54(1): 289-296,2005 (SCI, IF=0.98).
57. XiaoweiMa, Xiaoli Li*, Hong Qiao. FuzzyNeural Network-based Real-time Self-reaction of Mobile Robot in UnknownEnvironments. Mechatronics. 11(8): 1039-1052, 2001 (SCI, IF=1.43)
58. Xiaoli Li*, R. Du, Condition Monitoring Using Latent Process Model withan Application to Sheet Metal Stamping Processes, ASME Trans. J. Manuf. Sci.Engg., 127(2): 376-385, 2005 (SCI, IF=0.74)
59. Xiaoli Li*, Ruxu Du, Analysis and Compensation of Workpiece Errors inTurning, International Journal of Production Research, 40(7): 1647-1667,2002 (SCI , IF=0.56)
60. Xiaoli Li*, Real Time Tool Wear Condition Monitoring in Turning, InternationalJournal of Production Research. 39(5): 981-992, 2001 (SCI , IF=0.56).
61. B Bedkena, HKTonshoff, Xiaoli Li*, Imiela J, Lapp C, Analysis and Control/monitoringof the Direct Linear Drivein End Milling. International Journal of Production Research, 42(24):5149-5166, 2004 (SCI, IF=0.56)
62. Shupin Ji, XiaoliLi*, R. Du, Tolerance Synthesis Using of Second-order Fuzzy ComprehensiveEvaluation and Genetic Algorithm for Tolerance Design.International J. ofProduction Research. 38(15): 3471-3483, 2000 (SCI, IF=0.77)
63. John A. Bullinaria, XiaoliLi, An Introduction to Computational Intelligence Techniques for RobotControl, Industrial Robot, 34(4): 295-302, 2007. (SCI, IF=0.4)
64. J. Li, Z. Shi, XiaoliLi, Genetic Programming with Wavelet-Based Indicators for FinancialForecasting, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement andControl, 28(3): 285-297,2006 (SCI, IF=0.5)
65. Yinggan Tang, XiumeiZhang, Xiaoli Li* and Xinping Guan. Application of a new imagesegmentation method to detection of defects in castings, International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2008, (in press) (SCI, IF=0.74)
66. Xiaoli Li*, Real-time Prediction ofWorkpiece Errors for a CNC Turning Centre, Part: 1 Errors Measurement and Identification,InternationalJournal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 17(9):649-653, 2001 (SCI, IF=0.74)
67. Xiaoli Li*, Real-time Prediction ofWorkpiece Errors for a CNC Turning Centre,Part: 2 Modeling and Estimation of ThermallyInduced Errors, InternationalJournal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 17(9):654-658, 2001 (SCI, IF=0.74)
68. Xiaoli Li*, Real-time Prediction ofWorkpiece Errors for a CNC Turning Centre, Part: 3 Cutting Force Estimationusing Current Sensors, InternationalJournal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 17(9):659-664, 2001 (SCI, IF=0.74)
69. Xiaoli Li*, Real-time Prediction ofWorkpiece Errors for a CNC Turning Centre, Part: 4 Cutting Force-inducedErrors. International Journal AdvancedManufacturing Technology 17(9): 665-669, 2001 (SCI, IF=0.74)
70. Xiaoli Li*, Patri K. Venuvinod, Djordjevich, Alexandar Z. Liu,Predicting Machining Errors in Turning using Hybrid Learning, InternationalJournal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 18:863-872, 2001 (SCI, IF=0.74)
71. Xiaoli Li*, J. Wu, Wavelet Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals inBoring. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Proceeding of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part B, 214(5):421-424, 2000 (SCI,IF=0.28)
72. Shuping Ji, XiaoliLi*, Yuli Ma, Optimal Tolerance Allocation based on Fuzzy ComprehensiveEvaluation and Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of AdvancedManufacturing Technology, 16: 451-468, 2000 (SCI, IF=0.74)
73. Xiaoli Li*, Shen Dong, K. V. Patri, Hybrid Learning for Tool WearMonitoring,International Journal of Advanced ManufacturingTechnology, 16(5): 303-307, 2000 (SCI, IF=0.74)
74. Xiaoli Li*, K. V. Patri, M. K. Cheng, Feed Cutting Force Estimation fromthe Current Measurement with Hybrid Learning, International Journal AdvancedManufacturing Technology, 16:859-862, 2000 (SCI, IF=0.74)
75. Xiaoli Li*, Real-time Detection of the Breakage of Small Diameter Drillswith Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,14(8): 539-543,1998 (SCI, IF=0.74)
76. Zhipin Ye, XiaoliLi*, C. Dang, Optimization of Main Parts of Hydroelectric Sets usingHybrid Genetic Algorithm, Journal Materials Processing Technology, 105: 152-160,2000 (SCI)
77. Xiaoli Li*, Xinping Guan, Hongrui Wang, Identification of Tool WearStates with Fuzzy Classification, International Journal Computer IntegratedManufacturing. 12(6): 503-509, 1999 (SCI, IF=0.72)
78. Xiaoli Li*, Yingxue Yao, ZhejunYuan, On-line Tool Condition Monitoring using Wavelet Fuzzy Neural Network, Journalof Intelligent Manufacturing, 8(4): 271-276, 1997 (SCI, IF=1.02)
79. Xiaoli Li*, K. V. Patri, Wavelet Packet Transforms of Acoustic EmissionSignals for Tool Wear Monitoring, International Journal for ManufacturingScience & Technology, 1(2): 89-93, 1999
80. Xiaoli Li*, Gaoxiang Ouyang, X. P. Guan, R. Du, Ram Position Control inPlastic Injection Molding Machines with Higher-order Iterative Learning, Controland Intelligent Systems, 34(1): 64-71, 2006(EI)
81. H. Y. Lau, XiaoliLi, R. Du, A new method for monitoring and tuning plastic injectionmolding machines, Control and Intelligent Systems, Vol.36 No. 2, 1862,2008. (EI)
82. S. He, XiaoliLi*, Application of a Swarm-based Artificial Neural Network to UltrasonicDetector Based Machine Condition Monitoring, Dynamics of Continuous,Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 14(S1):536-542,2007.
83. Xiaoli Li*, Ruxu Du, Monitoring Machining Processes based on DiscreteWavelet Transform and Statistical Process Control, International Journal ofWavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2 (3): 299-311, 2004 25.
84. XuguangZhang, Honghai Liu, Xiaoli Li. Target Tracking forMobile Robot Platforms via Object Matching and Background Anti-matching,Robotics and Autonomous Systems,58 (2010) 1197–1206, (SCI).
85. Xuguang Zhang, Xiaoli Li, Ming Liang, Yanjie Wang. Covariance tracking with forgetting factor and random sampling,International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. In press (SCI).
1、 Xiaoli Li, Complexity and Synchronization Measures of EEG with a Time Varying Parametric Model, (Chapter 5), Life Science Data Mining, edited by Stephen Wong & Chung-Sheng Li, World Scientific Press, Jan. 2007.
2、 Xiaoli Li, X. Guan, D. Ru, Using Damping Time for Epileptic Seizures Detection in EEG (pp. 255-258), Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (Edited by Feng and Carson), Elsevier Ltd, 2003
3、 Xiaoli Li, Fuzzy Neural Network & Wavelet for Tool Condition Monitoring (Chapter 15). Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing Handbook, edited by J. Wang and A. Kusiak, CRC Press USA, Dec. 2000.
4、 李小俚, 董申著, 先進制造中的智慧型監控技術, 科學出版社, 182 頁, 1999.
5、 萬光珉, 李小俚, 模糊理論在機械製造中的套用, 雲南科學技術出版社, 325頁, 1997.
培養碩士研究生22名 (海外5名),其中已畢業7名,在校15名。培養博士研究生6名,在校5名。在已經畢業的碩士研究生中,其中1名學生的論文被燕山大學評為“2005 年度優秀碩士學位論文一等獎”,1名學生畢業於英國的Cambridge University。


(1) Associate Editor for "International Journal of Tomography & Statistics” (2007-).
(2) Assistant Editor for “International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
(3) Member of the programme committee of the 2007 International Conference on Data
Mining (DMIN07), 25 - 28 June 2007, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, USA
(4) Member of the programme committee of the 2007 International Symposium on Neural
Network, June 3-7, 2007, Nanjing, China.
(5) Member of the programme committee of the 2007 International Conference on
Intelligent Computing, August 21–24, 2007, Qingdao, China
(6) Member of the programme committee of the 2006 International Conference on Data
Mining (DMIN06), 26 - 29 June 2006, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, USA,
(7) Member of programme committee Member and special session chair of 2006 IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 16-21 July 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia,
(8) Member of the programme committee and special session chair of the 2006
International Symposium on Neural Network, May 28-June 1, Chendu, China.
(9) Member of the Technical Program Committee for 2006 International Conference on
Communications,Circuits and Systems, 25-28, June 2006 Guilin,China
(10) Member of the programme committee of the 2005 International Symposium on Neural
Network, May 30-June 1, Chongqing, China.
(11) Member of the programme committee of the First International Conference on Natural
Computation, 27 - 29 August 2005, Changsha, China.
(12) Member of the programme committee of the 2004 International Symposium on Neural
Network, August 19-21, Dalian, China.
(13)2010 中國生物醫學工程學會醫學神經工程分會第一屆委員會委員
(14)2011 中國教育學會腦科學與教育研究分會常務理事。
Medical Engineering & Physics
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Biomedical Signal Processing & Control
IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Learning
IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems
IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics
IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering
ASME Trans. Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
Control and Intelligent Systems
Advances in Complex System
Nonlinear Dynamics
International Journal of Tomography & Statistics


1988-1994 昆明理工大學機械系本科和碩士教育
2003-至今 燕山大學控制科學與工程專業博士生導師
2011-至今 北京師範大學認知神經科學與學習國家重點實驗室
1998.11-2000.10 香港城市大學製造工程與工程管理系Research Fellow
2000.11-2002.10 德國Hannover 大學洪堡學者
2003.9-2009.6 英國Birmingham 大學計算機學院Research Fellow


