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  • 中文名:李博
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:河北
  • 出生日期:1970年12月15日
  • 職業:中國農業大學副教授
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 主要成就:濃縮蘋果汁釀製蘋果酒關鍵技術的研究獲教育部技術進步獎二等獎
  • 代表作品:主編專業書1部,參編教材和專業書2部。獲授權發明專利8項


2004年8月——2005年7月在美國Clemson University做博士後研究。




1. 生物活性肽的研究,主要內容包括:活性肽的分離鑑定、酶法製備技術、高通量篩選、功能性評價、構效關係研究等;
2. 益生菌微生態製劑及功能性發酵食品的研究;
3. 天然產物中生物活性成分(抗氧化、抗菌、降血脂和提高免疫力等)的分離提取技術、功能性評價以及藥食同源功能性食品和飲料的開發;
4. 微生物預測技術和食品貨架期預測技術。


主持國家自然科學基金 “天然抗氧化肽對腸肽酶的耐受性及其跨膜轉運機制”,項目編號31271846,78萬元,2013.01-2016.12
2011年度新世紀優秀人才支持計畫項目, 生物活性肽在模擬消化過程中的降解機制和耐受性評價,項目編號NCET-11-0483,50萬元,2012-2014.12.
主持其他部委項目”軍用食品貨架期預測技術研究”, 2009-2012年;
主持青年教師科研創新專項”生物活性肽在模擬消化過程中的降解規律”, 項目編號2010JS078, 2010.9-2011.8.
“十一五” 食品加工關鍵技術研究與產業化開發項目 “食品快速檢測與質量安全控制技術及設備開發研究”, 主持其子課題“畜產(牛羊肉)食品原料加工特性與評價體系”的研究;


Xie,NN., Wang, C., Ao J., Li, B.*. Non-gastrointestinal-hydrolysis enhances bioavailability and antioxidant efficacy of casein as compared with its in vitro gastrointestinal digest. Food Research International, 51 (2013) 114–122. IF, 3.15
Li, YW., Li, B.*. Characterization of structure-antioxidant activity relationship of peptides in free radical systems using QSAR models: key sequence positions and their amino acid properties. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 318 (2013) 29–43. IF, 2.21
Ao, J., Li, B*.. Stability and antioxidative activities of casein peptide fractions during simulated gastrointestinal digestion in vitro: Charge properties of peptides affect digestive stability. Food Research International, 52 (2013) 334–341, IF, 3.15.
Xie, NN., Zhou, T., Li, B.* Kefir yeasts enhance probiotic potentials of Lactobacillus paracasei H9: The positive effects of coaggregation between the two strains. Food Research International, 45 (2012) 394–401. IF,3.15
Ao, J., Li, B.* Amino acid composition and antioxidant activities of hydrolysates and peptide fractions from porcine collagen. Food Science and Technology International, 2012, 18:425-434. IF, 0.681.
Wang, C., Li, B.*. Separation and identification of Zinc-chelating peptides from Sesame protein hydrolysate using IMAC-Zn2+ and LC-MS/MS. Food Chemistry, 134(2012)1231-1238. IF, 3.655
Chen, M., Li, B.*. The effect of molecular weights on the survivability of casein-derived antioxidant peptides after the simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 16 (2012) 341–348. IF, 3.03
Liu, CC., Zhou, T., Li, B.*. Gastrointestinal tolerance and adhesion to Caco-2 cells of Lactobacillus paracasei H9 in presence of its exopolysaccharide. African Journal of Microbiology Research, Accepted. IF, 0.54.
Li, Y.W., Li, B.*, He, J.G, Qian, P. Structure-activity relationship study of antioxidative peptides by QSAR modeling: the amino acid next to C-terminus affects the activity. Journal of peptide science, 2011,17(6), pp 454-462.
Li, Y.W., Li, B.*, He, J.G, Qian, P. Quantitative structure-activity relationship study of antioxidant peptides by using different sets of amino acids descriptors. Journal of Molecular Structure, 998(2011)53-61.
Chen, G., Luo, Y.C., Ji, B.P., Li,B.*, Su, W., Xiao, Z.L., Zhang, G.Z. Hypocholesterolemic effects of Auricularia auricula ethanol extract in ICR mice fed a cholesterol-enriched diet. J Food Sci Technol-Mysore,, 2011,48(6):692–698. IF,0.477.
Li, Y.W, Li, B.*. Quantitative structure-activity relationship study of radical scavenging peptides based on ORAC method by using different sets of amino acids descriptors. CMBB 2010 (2010 First International Conference on Cellular, Molecular Biology. 國際會議論文(EI收錄), 2010.12. 25-26. 齊齊哈爾,中國. Vol.3, P251-257.
Luo, Y.C.; Li, B.*; Ji, H.; Ji, B.P.; Ji, F.D.; Chen, G.; Tian, F. Effect of soybean varieties on the fibrinolytic activity and sensory characteristics of douchi. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2010,34;Suppl. 2;457-469
Yang, ZW; Zhou, F; Ji, BP*; Li, B*; Luo, YC; Yang, L; Li, T . Symbiosis between Microorganisms from Kombucha and Kefir: Potential Significance to the Enhancement of Kombucha Function. Appl Biochem Biotechnol., 2010, 160(2):446-455.
Zhou, T., Li, B.*, Peng, C., Ji, B.P., Chen, G., Ren, Y.L. Assessment of the sequential simulated gastrointestinal tolerance of lactic acid bacteria from kefir grains by response surface methodology. Journal of Food Science. 2009,74(Nr.6), M328-334; (SCI, IF, 1.489).
Luo, Y.C., Chen, G., Li, B.*, Ji, B.P., Guo, Y., Tian, F. Dietary Intervention with AHP, a Functional Formula Diet, Improves Both Serum and Hepatic Lipids Profile in Dyslipidemia Mice. Journal of Food Science. 2009, 74(06), H189-195. (SCI, IF,1.489)
Zhao, L., Ji, B.P, Li, B.*, Zhou, F., Li, J.H., Luo, Y.C. Immunodulatory effects of aqueous extract of Velvet antler (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus) and its simulated gastrointestinal digests on immune cells in vitro. Journal of food and drug analysis. 2009, 17(4), 282-293. (SCI, IF,0.471)
Luo, Y. C., Chen, G., Li, B.*, Ji, B.P., Guo, Y., Tian, F. Evaluation of antioxidative and hypolipidemic properties of a novel functional diet formulation of Auricularia auricula and Hawthorn. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 2009, 10, 215–221. (SCI, IF, 1.474).
Tian, F., Li, B.*, Ji, B.P., Zhang, G.Z., Luo, Y.C. Identification and structure-activity relationship of gallotannins separated from Galla chinensis. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2009, 42, 1289-1295. (SCI, IF, 1.887).
Tian, F., Li, B.*, Ji, B.P., Yang, J.H., Zhang, G.Z., Chen, Y., Luo, Y.C. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of consecutive extracts from Galla chinensis: The polarity affects the bioactivities. Food Chemistry, 2009, 113 (1): 173-179. ( SCI, IF, 3.052)
Luo, Y. C., Li, B.*, Ji, H., Ji, B.P., Ji, F.D., Chen, G., Tian, F. Effect of soaking and cooking on selected soybean variety for preparation of fibrinolytic Douchi. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2009, 46(2), 104–108. ( SCI, IF, 0.221).
姜良萍,李博*,王嬋,羅永康. 鰱魚源多肽鋅的製備工藝對其抑菌活性的影響。食品科技,2013, 38(02):125-129.
劉叢叢,紀鳳娣,李博*. 接種與調酸發酵對白菜中亞硝酸鹽含量的影響,食品工業科技,2013,34(10):215-218,234.
劉叢叢,紀鳳娣,姜良萍,李博*,羅永康.副乾酪乳桿菌H9複合塗膜技術對草魚的生物保鮮作用. 食品科技,2013,38(11):146-152.
張淼,李博*,錢平.食品中油脂提取及過氧化值檢測方法的最佳化. 食品工業科技, 2011.32(12):497-508.
陳敏,敖靜,李博*. 分子量對酪蛋白多肽抗氧化活性的影響. 食品工業科技, 2012.09:95-99.
肖龍恩,錢平,董新娜,李博*. 壓縮餅乾硬度臨界值的確定以及加速試驗條件下硬度的變化規律. 食品科技, 2012, 37(05):52-56.
董新娜,李博*,錢平,肖龍恩,張曉娟. 能量棒貯藏期穩定性及其貨架期預測. 食品科技, 2012,37(06):182-185.
孟祥升,李博*. 副乾酪乳桿菌及其胞外多糖的抗氧化性研究. 食品科技, 2012.10 .
李博,汪嬋. 芝麻蛋白源金屬螯合肽與肽微量元素螯合物及其套用. 專利號:ZL 201110159456.9
李博, 籍保平, 陳峰. 源自膠原蛋白的抗氧化肽及其用途. 專利號: ZL201010141974.3.
李博, 籍保平, 陳峰. 一種源自膠原蛋白的抗氧化肽混合物及其製備方法和用途. 專利號: ZL200610000996.1.
李博, 任雅麗, 籍保平, 韓輝. 一種開菲爾凍乾菌粉及其製備方法和套用. 專利號: ZL200610112456.2.
籍保平,田文禮,李博,吳薇,楊志偉. 一株葡糖酸醋酸桿菌及其套用。專利號ZL200410091488.X.
李博, 籍保平. 一種發酵豆腐及其製作方法. 專利號: ZL200410037595.4.
李博, 籍保平, 谷大海. 複合凝固劑及製作方法和用該凝固劑製作的豆腐及方法. 專利號: ZL200410037594.X.


.“濃縮蘋果汁釀製蘋果酒關鍵技術的研究”獲教育部技術進步獎二等獎(第4完成人);2004年2月。證書號: 2003-184。


