

《數學物理方法第3版》是2002年出版的圖書,作者是Jeffeys & Jeffeys,Cambridge Mathematical Library。


  • 書名:數學物理方法第3版
  • 作者:Jeffeys & Jeffeys,Cambridge Mathematical Library
  • 出版時間:2002年7月
  • 頁數:718 頁
  • 定價:110 元
  • ISBN:9787506256414 


  In the present edition we have made changes in Chapter 1, mainly as a result of comments by Professor A. S. Besicovitch. Some theorems are stated more explicitly, a few proofs are added, and some are shortened. We are indebted to him for an elementary proof of the theorem of bounded convergence for Riemann integrals, which appears in the notes. In Chapter 6 the proof of Poissons equation has been improved. In Chapter 17 we have discussed the Airy integral for complex argument in more detail, and have given conditions for uniformity of approximation for asymptotic solutions of Greens type for complex argument. In Chapter 23 we have added some remarks on the analytic continuation of the solutions, and a note applies them to the parabolic cylinder functions. We should like to express our thanks to several readers for drawing our attention to errors and misprints.


Chapter 1.The Real Variable
2.Scalars and Vectors
5.Multiple Integrals
6.Potential Theory
7.Operational Methods
8.Physical Applications of the Operational Method
9.Numerical Methods
10.Caloulns of Variations
11.Functions of a Complex Variable
12.Contour Integration and Bromwich‘s Integral
13.Conformal Representation
14.Fourier‘s Theorem
15.The Factorial and Related Functions
16.Solution of Linear Differential Equations of the Second Order
17.Asymptotic Expansions
18.The Equations of Potential, Waves, and Heat Conduction
19.Waves in One Dimension and Waves with Spherical Symmetry
20.Conduction of Heat in One and Three Dimensions
21.Bessel Functions
22.Applications of Bessel Functions
23.The Conflutent Hypergeomtrio Function
24.Legendre Functions and Associated Functions
25.Elliptic Functions
Appendix on Notatin
13.Conformal Representation
14.Fourier‘s Theorem
15.The Factorial and Related Functions
16.Solution of Linear Differential Equations of the Second Order
17.Asymptotic Expansions
18.The Equations of Potential, Waves, and Heat Conduction
19.Waves in One Dimension and Waves with Spherical Symmetry
20.Conduction of Heat in One and Three Dimensions
21.Bessel Functions
22.Applications of Bessel Functions
23.The Conflutent Hypergeomtrio Function
24.Legendre Functions and Associated Functions
25.Elliptic Functions
Appendix on Notatin


