



  • 中文名:山東電子職業技術學校
  • 類別:職業技術學校
  • 所屬地區:山東
  • 占地:1000餘畝






校企合作、工學結合,建立以就業為導向的人才培養模式。企業參與全部專業培養方案的制定,校企共同開發課程和教材;重點IT企業接受學校教師進行頂崗鍛鍊,並提供兼職教師;進行“訂單培養”,已培訓學生近千人;積極與企業橫向合作開發課題;校企合作共建校外實習基地90個,每年接受學生頂崗實習2000餘人次,實現了知識、技能及職業素質與企業需求的零距離對接,畢業生能直接上崗工作;實行“多證書”制,將職業資格取證內容有機地融入到課程教學系體中,為就業打下堅實的基礎;企業捐贈設備、圖書,冠名設立獎學金。籌建高職院以來,先後投入2億多元用於基本建設,2006年以來投入3000多萬元,用於校內實習實訓設施建設,已建立75個實驗實訓場所;開發了一系列 “教、學、做”一體化的課程,如“電子製作”課、“電子技能”課等,便於學生理論結合實際,收到了良好的教學效果。廣泛運用多媒體技術,半數以上課程進行多媒體教學。不斷完善實踐教學體系,實踐教學占專業教學總學時的50%以上。建有連線兩個校區,覆蓋教學、辦公場所的千兆校園網,已實現網上辦公,實現了學生網上選課、網上評教,不斷依託精品課程網站促進教學資源共享。廣泛套用多媒體技術,半數以上課程進行多媒體教學。圖書編目和流通實現數位化,配備有電子圖書系統和豐富的電子期刊。學院是國家“計算機套用及軟體技術專業領域技能型緊缺人才培養學校”、國家“電子信息產業高技能人才培訓基地”、“齊魯軟體園軟體人才培養基地”。
樹立質量立校觀念,不斷完善教學質量保障體系。牢固堅持 “教學工作的中心地位、教學質量的首要地位、教學改革的核心地位、教學投入的優先地位”,積極深化教學改革,提高教學質量,健全質量保障體系。2009年度11月,獲得“山東省普通高等學校教學管理先進集體”的表彰。


堅持以人為本的理念,創建和諧校園。堅持以教師為本位,全面最佳化師資隊伍結構。2005年以來引進“雙高”、“雙師”人才近百人,積極實施教師 “學歷提升工程”,組織教師參加政府培訓項目,注重骨幹教師隊伍建設,不斷完善專業(學科)帶頭人和骨幹教師選拔機制。已形成師資力量雄厚的團隊,其中教授、副教授、高級工程師135人,博士、碩士130人,有來自企業和重點本科院校的兼職教師130餘人;2005年以來,有3人被評為省級優秀教師,78人次獲得廳級表彰。程式設計類教學團隊被評為省級教學團隊,軟體教研室被評為“全國學習型班組”。
注重科技與人文統一的校園文化建設,凝鍊成了“求真達善 致知力行”的校訓,形成了“勤學勤練 動腦動手”的學風、“和諧 自強 嚴謹 創新”的校風。先後獲得了“全國職業技術教育先進單位”、“全國職業技術學校職業指導工作先進學校”、“全國信息產業系統先進集體”等榮譽和表彰。連續5年保持“省級文明單位”稱號。
Shandong College of Electronic Technology (SDCET) is a provincial full-time regular institution authorized by Shandong government and recorded by the Ministry of Education. SDCET was founded in 1978. As “the national advanced unit of vocational education," “advanced collectives of the information industry” and “provincial civilized unit”, it has brought up high- qulity and skillful talents for the development of information industry and the spread and application of information technology. It is in the second batch of college admission. SDCET is a higher learning institution open to the nation. Its’ students come not only mainly from Shandong Province but also the whole nation.The college admission plan of 2010 is to enroll 3000 students.
Situated in Jinan , capital city of Shandong Province , SDCET has its advantages. The province is located on the east coastal part of China and the lower reach of Yellow River. Not only is it one of the most economically developed coastal provinces in China, but also a major contributor to the ancient Chinese culture—the auspicious birthplace of Qilu culture. Surounded by various educational institutions and hige-tech enterprises, its old campus site is next to high and new-tech industries development zone. In 2004, SDCET moved to newly constructed campus and started a new page of its own history. The new campus is in zhangqiu higher education base, with traffic extending in all direction and perfect supporting facilities.
SDCET consists of 4 schools/colleges and a department. Courses are offered in 33 main academic disciplines: electronic engineering, software technology, electrical automation technology and electronic commerce and applied korean, etc. All these have formed into distinguishing, reasonable and dominant major groups such as the electronic technology, computer science and software technology and automation technology.
SDCET covers an area of more than 1000 mu (66.7 hectares) with more than 9000 students in school. Its running conditions are excellent, including 75 labs and practicing rooms in school and 90 off-school practice bases. It is a national "college of training much–needed talented students in computer application and software technology fields”, it is a national “base of training highly skilled students in electronic information industry” and it is “Qilu Software Zone base of training talents in software". What is more, it is the only one Comprehensive training base in information industry of Shandong province ─ “one comprehensive training base of highly skilled talents in information industry in Shandong Province.” In addition, it has constructed Gigabit Campus Network connecting the two campuses and covering teaching and working space; it has realized online working, including students’ online course selection, online teaching evaluation, and it will continue to rely on Excellent Course Websites to promote sharing of teaching resources. With regard to teaching, multi-media technology is widely used and more than half of courses are taught with multi-media technology. As for its library, cataloging and circulating of books are digitized, and the library is equipped with E-books system and rich digital journals. It has Strong and professional faculty force, including 135 professors, associate professors, senior engineers, 130 doctors and masters, and130 part-time teachers from enterprises and undergraduate institutions.
Our college firmly relies on industry background, exerts professional excellence, sticks to our own unique school characteristics so that it has built the overpass over the students’ growth and fostered the advantages of students’ success and employment. School students have achieved great achievements in the previous National and Provincial Undergraduate Electronic Design, Software Design, Mathematical Modeling Contests, among which, in November 2008 the only Grand Prize award was given by the Qilu Software Design and Foreign Students Organizing Committee for the first time and in 2009 the student in our school received the first prize in National Undergraduate Electronic Design. Generally speaking, the graduates from our school have been in short supply in recent years and the number of students’ upgrade from college to university is superior to similar colleges. Thanks to good professional qualities, the graduates have soon become the backbone or the elite of the enterprises and a group of IT industry leaders have emerged.


