



  • 書名:可壓縮流與歐拉方程
  • 作者:克里斯托多羅 (Demetrios Christodoulou) 繆爽
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:648頁
  • 開本:16
  • 外文名:Compressible Flow and Euler's Equations
  • 類型:英語與其他外語
  • 出版日期:2014年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787040400991 





作者:(美國)克里斯托多羅(Demetrios Christodoulou) 譯者:繆爽


Compressible Flow and Non—linear Wave Equations
1.1 Euler's Equations
1.2 Irrotational Flow and the Nonlinear Wave Equation
1.3 The Equation of Variations and the Acoustical Metric
1.4 The Fundamental Variations
2 The Basic Geometric Construction
2.1 Null Foliation Associated with the Acoustical Metric
2.1.1 Galilean Spacetime
2.1.2 Null Foliation and Acoustical Coordinates
2.2 A Geometric Interpretation for Function H
3 The Acoustical Structure Equations
3.1 The Acoustical Structure Equations :
3.2 The Derivatives of the Rectangular Components of L and T
The Acoustical Curvature
4.1 Expressions for Curvature Tensor
4.2 Regularity for the Acoustical Structure Equations as # ~ 0
4.3 A Remark
5 The Fundamental Energy Estimate
5.1 Bootstrap Assumptions. Statement of the Theorem
5.2 The Multiplier Fields K0 and K1. The Associated Energy—Momentum Density Vectorfields
5.3 The Error Integrals
5.4 The Estimates for the Error Integrals
5.5 Treatment of the Integral Inequalities Depending on t and u.
Completion of the Proof
6 Construction of Commutation Vectorfields
6.1 Commutation Vectorfields and Their Deformation Tensors
6.2 Preliminary Estimates for the Deformation Tensors
7 Outline of the Derived Estimates of Each Order
8 Regularization of the Propagation Equation for ~trx.Estimates for the Top Order Angular Derivatives of X
9 Regularization of the Propagation Equation for u.Estimates for the Top Order Spatial Derivatives of u
10 Control of the Angular Derivatives of the First Derivatives of the xi. Assumptions and Estimates in Regard to X
11 Control of the Spatial Derivatives of the First Derivatives of the xi. Assumptions and Estimates in Regard to u


