forever at your feet

forever at your feet

《forever at your feet》(永遠相隨)是Oh Susanna演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Sleepy Little Sailor》中。


  • 中文名稱:永遠相隨
  • 外文名稱:Forever at your feet
  • 所屬專輯:Sleepy Little Sailor
  • 發行時間:2001年
  • 歌曲原唱Oh Susanna


歌手: Oh Susanna
專輯名稱:Sleepy Little Sailor
發行時間: 2001年
專輯歌手:Oh Susanna
地區: 美國
專輯類型:General Folk
語言: 英語
唱片公司:Outside Record
專輯: Sleepy Little Sailor
歌手: Oh Susanna
發行時間: 2001年
地區: 美國
語言: 英語
專輯名稱:Sleepy Little Sailor
專輯歌手:Oh Susanna
專輯類型:General Folk
唱片公司:Outside Record


藝名Oh Susanna,原名Suzie Ungerleider,出生於美國,從小隨父母移居加拿大溫哥華,長大以後聽所有的音樂風格【特別喜歡滾石樂隊】1995年第一次演唱喔,蘇珊娜,並與1997年以Oh Susanna為名字的EP,錄製了7首歌曲。1999年發行了第一張正式專輯Johnstown,2001發行Sleepy Little Sailor,正是這張專輯讓更多人認識她,2003年為同名專輯Oh Susanna,這也恰恰是她首張EP的名稱.2006年發行The Cat Lady Sings 2007發行Short Stories.蘇珊娜的音樂風格遊走在民謠和鄉村音樂之間。她的聲音屬於那種隨意又舒服的類型,漫不經心中帶著稍稍的暖意。


Short stories deliver brief but indelible journeys. A single mouthful of sublime textures, or a window cracked -- fresh and sparkling images peeking through. Short Stories is also the title of Oh Susanna latest release, an intimate series of portraits and journeys that echo the haunting sound of her debut EP.
Short Stories is a dramatic and compelling collection of songs inspired by both the lives of people in Oh Susanna family and by those recorded in 20th Century American writing. It shares personal fables of heroes and antiheroes as if through the lens of a documentary film.
Short Stories will seduce new listeners and reward the returning. For those who have traveled with her from one album touchstone to the next, there is both continuity and surprise. Literary and cinematic as much as musical, Short Stories has a natural beauty that both entertains and gives the listener room to roam.
Over the last 10 years, Oh Susanna has garnered critical acclaim and loyal audiences around the world with Oh Susanna (2003), Sleepy Little Sailor (2001), Johnstown (1999), and EP (1997). She grew up a Canadian with an American passport, staring at the ocean, mountains and railroad tracks through sheets of rain. She sought refuge with song under burnt-out warehouses and in darkened clubs with the promise of guitar twang and a lonesome cry. Along the way she found inspiration in the music of the likes of Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen, as well as peers Jim Bryson, Sarah Harmer, Neko Case, Ron Sexsmith, Fred Eaglesmith, Eliza Gilkyson, Patti Griffin, and Iris Dement. Short Stories reunites Suzie with long time band-mates Bazil Donovan (Blue Rodeo) on bass, Cam Giroux (Weeping Tile, By Divine Right) on drums, Bob Packwood (Blue Rodeo) on piano as well as the explosive talents of Luke Doucet, Justin Rutledge and Burke Carroll.
An obvious stand out track is the epic ? You can almost see the credits roll up the screen as this track begs for inclusion on a soundtrack. Suzie抯 story about making a new start after a period of darkness is layered over a touching string arrangement by Kevin Fox.
Upon the release of Short Stories, Oh Susanna will be embarking on a cross-Canada promo tour so that she can tell you more about the album in person. She will also perform an intimate show in each of the cities that she will be visiting. More details to follow. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy Short Stories.


01. Johnstown
02. You'll Always Be
03. Alabaster
04. Old Kate
05. The Bridge
06. Oh My Good Ol' Gal
07. Walking
08. Parallel Rail
09. Pueblo
10. Black Dirt Road
11. Home Soon
12. Tangled & Wild
《Sleepy Little Sailor》
—— 2001年發行
1 Sleepy Little Sailor
2 River Blue
3 I've Got Dreams to Remember
4 Kings Road
5 All That Remains
6 Beauty Boy
7 Sacrifice
8 Forever At Your Feet
9 Ted's So Wasted
11 Ride On
《Oh Susanna》
1. Carrie Lee
2. Unknown Land
3. Right By Your Side
4. Mama
5. The One
6. I'll Keep It With Mine
7. Cain Is Rising
8. Little White Lies
9. Down By The Quarry
10. The Fall
11. Zoe
12. Billy
《Short Stories 》
1.Pretty Face
2.Beauty Queen
4.Three Shots
5.Greyhound Bus
6.Miss Liberty
8.Pretty Penny
9.Holy Roller
10.Billy 4
11.Filled with Gold



Forever At Your Feet
A locket on a chain
A bow that's made from rain
A briar grows entwined with rose
I've come to be forever at your feet
A blossom pages pressed
A knocking at my chest
Oh, winding road please take me home
I long to be forever at your feet
And I hope that you won't mind, my dear
When you see my eyes are lined, my dear
It's because I've waited all these years
For your kisses sweeter than milk
And your touch that's softer than silk
For your treasures
I will be forever at your feet




Oh Susanna的Forever at your feet(永遠追隨),在網路上完全是集詩情畫意的的完美評價於一身,例舉一二:
1. 偶然有一天聽到Oh Susanna在《Sleepy Little Sailor》專輯中的《Forever at your feet》。超喜歡那種乾淨的音樂&憂鬱雨聲:
雨還沒有來,霧總是先行的,看得見,摸不著,但是感覺得到,觸肌似有微涼。走在山路,聽到風掌拍打樹葉的嘩嘩聲,牛鈴的叮噹聲,迎向前去,就與山雨碰頭了。怕山雨的糾纏,躲進葉茂蔭濃,卻攔不住雨水順著葉面,一匹滴下一匹的來叩擊聽覺;冷眼看樹外的空間,雨勢時驟時疏,雨霧時濃時淡,一幅朦朧透出的水墨韻味,使人無由地多了幾分感受。 雨聲,蘊含一種淡淡憂愁的詩意;聽雨,則是覺察……人生的苦悶遂紛至沓來,心靈飽受淋漓之苦。此種雨聲帶來的感受雖不得意,但隱隱然自有一種淡而高遠的孤清……
2. 聽著這首歌就想起余光中的《聽聽那冷雨》,前塵隔海,古屋不再。聽聽那冷雨……
3. 整個音樂的背景是下雨的聲音,加強了因痴情而傷感的氛圍,包括歌者淡淡的而飽含感情的唱腔。這種配合天衣無縫。
4. 雨聲、雷聲、鋼琴聲,緩緩的提琴聲,加上低吟的女聲、潺潺的流水聲,這樣的音樂讓我陷進一種情緒里不能自拔……
Oh susanna(喔,蘇珊娜)——本身是一首很有名的英文老歌,或者用經典來形容更恰當,歌手的名字或許正來源於此,從她演唱的“Forever at your feet”這首歌來看,她確乎沒有辜負這首經典老歌的美名。


