You Got A Nerve

《You Got A Nerve》是由齊豫演唱的歌曲,該歌曲收錄於專輯《Whoever Finds This, I Love You》中。


  • 外文名稱:You Got A Nerve
  • 所屬專輯:Whoever Finds This, I Love You
  • 歌曲原唱齊豫
  • 歌曲語言:英語


Here you stand with tears in your eyes 此刻你站在我面前淚流滿面
crying into my arms 抽泣著跌進我的懷抱
pleading with me to take you back 哀求我重新接受你
teasing me with your charms 用你的魅力一再嘲弄我
But you got a nerve to come round here 你太厚顏無恥竟敢回來
after all you've said and done 在你說過做過這所有事情以後
I thought I had seen everything 我想,我一切已看得清清楚楚
obviously I was wrong 明顯地我從前是多么的錯
'Cause where were you when the sun went down 因為…當太陽沉落之時你跑到哪裡了
Skies turned dark and gray 在那些既灰且黑的日子
Where were you when the north winds blew 當北風狂吹時你跑到哪裡了
Honey tell me where were you 甜心,告訴我當時你在哪裡
I heard you were living down in Brazil 我聽說你住到巴西去了
with the high class friends of mine 和我那些上流朋友在一起
I can't believe I was so naive 我無法相信自己當時那么天真
Did I never once cross your mind 連想都沒想過你會如此
You told them all I was down and out 你告訴他們我已沉淪出局
My existence you even denied 我的存在你已經毫不在乎
Oh what pleasure it gives me now 噢現在真讓我感到欣慰
to know that you're bleeding inside 看見你今天傷心欲絕
You were my life, you were my breath 你曾經是我的生命,我的呼吸
You were every move I ever made 你是我每一個行動的理由
But recently my opinion's changed 但最近我的想法已經改變
The joke's on you I'm afraid 我實在害怕你的惡作劇
'Cause I have a woman so beautiful 現在我已經有一個美麗的女人
For you I could no longer wait 我早已無法再等待你
Please go away you may spoil everything 請走吧,你別再來搗亂
Your love has turned up too late 你的回心轉意實在太晚
Go away, go away 走吧,走吧
Please, please go away 請你,請你走吧
I loved you once 我曾經愛你
I don't love you now 如今我不愛你了
Please, please go away 請你,請你走吧


齊豫(Chyi Yu)(1958年10月17日),台灣著名女歌手,被譽為“天籟之音”。祖籍山東,籍貫台灣。母親為滿族.生於台灣台中歌手齊秦為其弟。1978年出道。國立台灣大學人類學學士,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校人類學碩士


