Quantum Extended Graphics Array. It is a display mode in which the resolution is 2048 pixels horizontally by 1536 pixels vertically (2048 x 1536). This results in 3,145,728 pixels in the image. A QXGA display might be preferred by computer users who want or need extreme detail, or who want to view multiple images on a single screen. Advanced projection systems use QXGA to obtain images that appear crisp even when enlarged to dimensions such as those used in presentations.
昆騰擴展圖像序列。解析度達到水平2048像素,垂直1536像素(2048 x 1536)的顯示器模式,這使得圖像有3,145,728個像素。需要極其細節的或者需要在一個螢幕上查看多個圖像的計算機用戶會喜歡QXGA。高級投影系統使用QXGA來使得圖像放大到很大(例如做演說的時候)仍然保持清晰。
目前蘋果公司發布的new ipad、ipad4和NEW MAC BOOK PRO產品中所使用的retina螢幕套用的就是這種技術,這種螢幕技術使得整塊屏的顯示顯示效果達到了一個相當高的細膩程度,像素密度達到326像素/英寸(ppi)。


