I Know(I know)

I Know(I know)

Michael Jude Christodal 創作歌曲,收錄於《天使之城the city of angels 》電影配樂白金唱片及個人專輯《No One Is Really beautiful》。《I know》曾獲美國Billboard榜單第一名,僅在美國就銷售五百萬冊。


  • 中文名稱:我知道
  • 外文名稱:I know
  • 所屬專輯:No One Is Really beautiful
  • 歌曲時長:4:34
  • 發行時間:1998年
  • 歌曲原唱:Jude
  • 填詞:Michael Jude Christodal
  • 譜曲:Michael Jude Christodal
  • 編曲:Michael Jude Christodal
  • 歌曲語言:英語
I know-Jude
Album: No One is Really Beautiful
you ve got such a pretty smile.你有如此美麗的微笑
it s a shame the things you hide behind it.你深藏起來的是羞澀
let um go give it up for a while...放手!放棄一下下..
let um free and we will both go find it.讓它自由.我們都會找到它
i know there s no where you can hide it.我知道你不能把它藏到哪
i know the feeling of alone.我知道孤獨的感覺
i know that you do not feel invited,我知道你覺得(自己)不受歡迎
but come back,come back in from the cold.但是,回來吧從冷酷中回來吧
step away from the edge.離邊界只有一步之遙.
your best friend in life is not your mirror.你的鏡子並不是你生命中最好的朋友
back away come back away come back away...回來吧回來吧回來吧
i am here and i will be forever and ever and i...我在這裡,曾經在葉永遠會在這裡
i know that there s no where you can hide it.我知道你不能把它藏到哪
i know the feeling of alone.我知道孤獨的感覺
trust me and dont keep that on the inside.相信我.不要把它藏在心裡.
soon you...you ll be locked out on your own.很快,你會把自己鎖在心門之外的.
you re not alone...你不是孤獨的
you re not alone...你不是孤獨的
and dont say you’ve never been told.別說沒人告訴過你
i ll be with you till we grow old...我會一直和你在一起直道我們長大
till am old grown and i’m cold..直道我變老.我很冷
i m not further beyond the grown..我超越不了成人們(不好意思,這句很亂.應該翻不準)
i ll be with you till we grow up young..我和你在一起直道我們長大
like a dog you can always come home..像小狗狗一樣你隨時都可以回家
pick up a bone..然後撿起快骨頭
look around town baby down town 到小鎮四處看看吧寶貝四處看看
dont throw me to the pound..
look around look around...四處看看看看


