Baby Jane

Baby Jane,法國品牌Cacharel的副線,其品牌名稱是起源於法籍歌手Serge Gainsbourg的太太Jane Birkin。


  • 外文名:Baby Jane
  • 來源:《珠光寶氣》插曲
  • 國家:法國
  • 起源:Jane Birkin


以Cacharel作設計藍圖的Baby Jane,擁有主線的嫵媚及浪漫氣息,貫徹法國的少女情懷。設計師利用實而不華的物料,綴以細緻的繡花圖案,注入了感覺清新可喜的配搭方法,既保留了主線的神髓,亦為Baby Jane帶來與眾不同的品牌風格,成為眾多設計師副線品牌中最具原創性的少女品牌。形象方面,上世紀70年代風格的花朵圖案、生果及蔬菜圖案、甚至幾何圖案等,惹得人眼花繚亂。推薦一身典型的行頭:色彩鮮艷的幾何圖案帽子、間條拼大花圖案上衣、花朵圖案雪紡裙及粉紅色碎花尖頭鞋,當然,免不了兩朵胭脂。


歌名:Baby Jane
歌手:Colleen Grace
Blessed are the ignorant for they might know what they know
Still leaves an imprint, kinda like silly putty gone cold
Penance comes by means of feeling unjustified
To see you free, well, my conscious is clear
Watching you walk out that door
A show of angels was never as spectacular
You've got to hold on to what you know
He'll take your innocence
Just hold on to what you know
He'll take your innocence
Did he cover up your sky, oh baby Jane.
Drive down to motel 6, 7, 8, 9
Where no one would think to look
Or think to find
A new life drawn in sin
A new life ready to begin again
You've got to hold on to what you know
He'll take your innocence
Just hold on to what you know
He'll take your innocence
Did he cover up your sky
Did he even know why
Did he cover up your sky oh my baby Jane.


