

楊暘博士於現為美國天普大學(Temple University)旅遊與酒店管理學院助理教授,並擔任旅遊經濟分析中心副主任。楊暘博士畢業於美國佛羅里達大學,獲得經濟地理學博士學位(副修:計量經濟學)、經濟學碩士學位和統計學碩士學位。在獲得全額獎學金留美之前,楊暘先後就讀於南京大學、北京大學和香港理工大學,分別獲得理學學士學位和酒店與旅遊業管理(哲學)碩士學位。

楊暘博士注重使用多學科理論和方法,深入分析旅遊和酒店業經濟問題。其主要研究方向包括:(1) 旅遊需求與區域旅遊經濟成長;(2)酒店區位與財務分析;(3)旅遊數據的統計學和計量經濟學建模。在過去的數年中,楊博士已在SSCI索引期刊發表研究論文十餘篇,包括Annals of Tourism Research,Tourism Management,Journal of Travel Research以及International Journal of Hospitality Management。



  • 中文名:楊暘
  • 外文名:Yang Yang
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:江西南昌
  • 出生日期:1985
  • 職業:美國天普大學助理教授
  • 畢業院校:美國佛羅里達大學


2007年-2009年,香港理工大學(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University),酒店與旅遊業管理(哲學)碩士;
2009年-2013年,美國佛羅里達大學(University of Florida),經濟地理學(哲學)博士,副修計量經濟學;
2010年-2013年,美國佛羅里達大學(University of Florida),經濟學碩士;
2010年-2013年,美國佛羅里達大學(University of Florida),統計學碩士;
2013年-,美國天普大學(Temple University)旅遊與酒店管理學院院助理教授(終身教職軌)。
2012-present,Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA);
2011-2012, FloridaSociety of Geographers (FSG);
2011-present, AsiaPacific Tourism Association (APTA);
2010-2012,Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (SEDAAG);
2009-2010,American Association of Geographers (AAG)。


  • 旅遊及酒店業經濟分析(Economic Analytics in Hospitality and Tourism)
  • 旅遊需求與區域旅遊經濟成長(Tourism Growth and Demand Modeling)
  • 酒店區位與財務分析(Hospitality Real Estate and Financial Analysis)
  • 旅遊數據的統計學和計量經濟學建模及大數據分析(Statistical, Econometric Modeling and Big Data Analytics in Hospitality and Tourism


  1. Luo, H., Yang,Y(通訊作者). and Law, R. (conditionalaccepted). Efficiency analysis of the hotelindustry in major China’s cities,2001-2011. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.266)
  2. Yang, Y. and Wu, X.(2014). Chinesehousehold demand for outbound travel: Evidence from the ChinaFamily PanelStudies. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子0.359)
  3. Yang, Y., Liu, Z-H. andQi, Q. (2014).Domestic tourism demand of urban and rural residents in China:Does relativeincome matter? Tourism Management, 40, 193–202.(SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子2.571)
  4. Yang, Y., Luo, H. andLaw, R. (2014).Theoretical, empirical, and operational models of hotel locationresearch.International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 209-220. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.692)
  5. Luo, H. and Yang,Y(通訊作者). (2013). Spatialpattern of hotel distribution in China. Tourismand Hospitality Research.
  6. Yang, Y., Pan, B. andSong, H. (2013).Predicting hotel demand using destination marketingorganizations’ web trafficdata. Journal of Travel Research. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.899)
  7. Yang, Y., Fik, T. andZhang, J. (2013).Modeling sequential tourist flows: Where is the nextdestination? Annals of Tourism Research, 43, 297–320. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子3.683)
  8. Yang, Y. and Wong, K.(2013). Spatialdistribution of tourist flows to China’s cities. Tourism Geographies, 15(2),338-363. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子0.731)
  9. Qi, Q., Yang,Y. and Zhang, J. (2013).Attitudes and experiences of tourists oncalligraphic landscapes: A case studyof Guilin, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 113, 128-138. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子2.314)
  10. Yang, Y. and Wong, K.(2012). A spatialeconometric approach to model spillover effects in tourismflows. Journal of Travel Research, 51(6), 768-778. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.899)
  11. Yang, Y., Wong, K. andWang, T. (2012).How do hotels choose their location? Evidence from hotels inBeijing. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 675-685. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.692)
  12. Yang, Y. and Wong, K.(2012). The influence of cultural distance on China inbound tourism flows: Apanel datagravity model approach. Asian Geographer, 29(1), 21-37.
  13. Mao, L., Yang,Y., Qiu, Y. and Yang, Y.(2012). Annual economic impacts of seasonalinfluenza and vaccination on UScounties: Spatial heterogeneity and patterns. International Journal of Health Geographics, 11:16. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子2.195)
  14. Yang, Y., Wong, K. andZhang, J.(2011). Determinants of length of stay for domestic tourists: Casestudy ofYixing. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 16(6), 619-633. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子0.359)
  15. Shi, C. and Yang,Y. (2008).Shift-share analysis and its application in tourism. InternationalJournal of Management Perspective, 1(1), 21-30.
  16. Shi, C., Zhang,J., Yang, Y. and Zhou,Z. (2007). Application of shift-shareanalysis to international tourismcompetitiveness: The Jiangsu provinceexperience. Chinese Geographical Science,17(2): 173-182. (SCI-E索引刊物)


