
梁宇,中國科學院植物研究所 助理研究員


  • 中文名:梁宇
  • 代表論著:菌根真菌在生態系統中的作用
  • 研究方向:植物與菌根真菌的共生關係
  • 工作經歷:2008 - 至今,副研究員


  1. 2008 - 至今,副研究員
  2. 2003 - 2008,中國科學院植物研究所 助理研究員
  3. 2000 - 2003, 中國科學院植物研究所 生態學專業(博士)
  4. 1997 - 2000, 南開大學生命科學學院 生態學專業(碩士)
  5. 1993 - 1997, 南開大學生命科學學院生物學系(本科)


植物與菌根真菌的共生關係, 真菌多樣性及其在生態系統中的功能


  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“菌根真菌多樣性與植物功能群的關係及其在生態系統穩定性維持中的作用”2010 - 2012
  2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“菌根真菌網路和土壤病原真菌對亞熱帶森林幼苗更新存活和生長的整合效應”,2012 - 2015


  1. Yanhua ZHANG , Jian NI , Fangping TANG , Kequan PEI , Lifen Jiang , Tianrong Guo, Lifu Sun*, Yu Liang*. 2017. Diversity of root-associated fungi of Vaccinium mandarinorum along a human disturbance gradient in subtropical forests, China. Journal of Plant Ecology (In press)
  2. Yanhua Zhang, Jian Ni, Fangping Tang, Kequan Pei, Yiqi Luo, Lifen Jiang, Lifu Sun*, Yu Liang*. 2016. Root-associated fungi of Vaccinium carlesii in subtropical forests of China: intra- and inter-annual variability and impacts of human disturbances. Scientific Reports, 6:22399 (corresponding author)
  3. Bingwei Zhang , Shan Li , Shiping Chen*, Tingting Ren , Zhiqiang Yang , Hanlin Zhao , Yu Liang* , Xingguo Han. 2016. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi regulate soil respiration and its response to precipitation change in a semiarid steppe. Scientific Reports, 6:19990 (corresponding author)
  4. Xiufeng Sun, Yuanying Su, Ying Zhang, Mingyu Wu, Zhe Zhang, Kequan Pei, Lifu Sun, Shiqiang Wan, Yu Liang*. 2013. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore communities and its relations to plants under increased temperature and precipitation in a natural grassland. Chinese Science Bulletin,58:4109-4119. (corresponding author), (in press).
  5. Lifu Sun, Kequan Pei, Fang Wang, Qiong Ding, Yanhong Bing, Bo Gao, Yu Zheng, Yu Liang*, Keping Ma. 2012. Different distribution patterns between putative ercoid mycorrhizal and other fungal assemblages in roots of Rhododendron decorum in the southwest of China. PLOS One, 7: e49867
  6. Jie Bi, Naili Zhang, Yu Liang*, Haijun Yang & Keping Ma. 2011. Interactive effects of water and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in a semiarid steppe. Journal of Plant Ecology, 5: 320-329.(通訊作者)
  7. Qiong Ding, Yu Liang*, Pierre Legendre, Xinhua He, Kequan Pei, Xiaojun Du & Keping Ma. 2011. Diversity and composition of ectomycorrhizal community on seedling roots: the role of host preference and soil origin. Mycorrhiza 21:669–680.(通訊作者)
  8. Yu Liang, Hui Chen, Mingjuan Tang & Shihua Shen. 2007. Proteome analysis of an ectomycorrhizal fungus Boletus edulis under salt shock. Mycological Research 111: 939-946
  9. Yu Liang, Hui Chen, Ming-Juan Tang, Ping-Fang Yang & Shi-Hua Shen.2007. Responses of Jatropha curcas seedlings to cold stress: photosynthesis-related proteins and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics. Physiologia Plantarum 131: 508-517
  10. Yu Liang, Liang-Dong Guo, Xiao-Jun Du & Ke-Ping Ma. 2007. Spatial structure and diversity of woody plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi in a natural subtropical forest. Mycorrhiza, 17: 271-278
  11. Yu Liang, Liang-Dong Guo, Keping Ma. 2005. Population genetic structure of an ectomycorrhizal fungus Amanita manginiana in a subtropical forest over two years. Mycorrhiza 15:137-142
  12. Yu Liang, Liang-Dong Guo, Keping Ma. 2004. Genetic structure of an ectomycorrizal fungus Russula vinosa population in a subtropical forest in Dujiangyan, southwest of China. Mycorrhiza14: 235-240
  13. Yu Liang, Liang-Dong Guo, Keping Ma. 2004. Spatial pattern of the most common ectomycorrhizal fungi in a mature subtropical forest in Dujiangyan, southwest of China. Acta Botanica Sinica, 46: 29-34
16. 梁宇,郭良棟,馬克平. 2002. 菌根真菌在生態系統中的作用. 植物生態學報,26:739-745


丁瓊(博士,協助指導) 論文題目:都江堰常綠闊葉林與退化林地外生菌根真菌多樣性及其生態意義
畢捷(博士,協助指導) 論文題目:內蒙古草原土壤微生物多樣性對增雨、施 氮、施磷以及割草的回響
孫秀峰(博士,協助指導) 論文題目:草原生態系統叢枝菌根真菌多樣性對全球變化的回響
王珊珊(博士,協助指導) 論文題目:
賈全全:(碩士,聯合培養)論文題目:古田山亞熱帶森林50 個主要樹種的細根功能屬性及其與葉片相關性研究


