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李紅:女,電子科技大學講師。研究方向/ research direction: 分數階動力系統與控制

1998/09 - 2002/07 中國地質大學,理學院,大學本科
2003/09 - 2006/03 電子科技大學,數學科學學院,碩士研究生
2006/03 - 2007/08 聊城大學,數學與系統科學學院,教師
2007/09– 至今 電子科技大學,數學科學學院,講師
2009/09 - 2015/06電子科技大學,數學科學學院,博士研究生
2013/09 - 2014/09 美國威廉瑪麗學院,訪問學者
發表學術論文多篇,在Web of Science中多篇論文被SCI期刊引用(單篇最高引用22次).
1. Li H, Zhong S M, Li H B, Asymptotic stability analysis of fractional-order neutral systems with time delay,Advances in Difference Equations, 2015(1):1-11.
2. Li H, Zhong S M, Li H B. A note on asymptotic stability of an interval neutral delay–differential system, Applied Mathematics Letters, 25(2012): 220-226.
3. Li H, Li H B, Zhong S M. Stability of neutral type descriptor system with mixed delays. Chaos Solitons &Fractals, 2007, 33(5):1796-1800.
4. Li H, Zhong S M, Li H B. Some new simple stability criteria of linear neutral systems with a single delay. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics, 2007, 200(1):441-447.
5. Li H, Zhong S M, Li H B. Stability of Interval Fractional-order systems with order 0<α<1. International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Sciences, 2012 (6) 89-93.
6. Li H, Zhong S M, Li H B. Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Systems with Time Delay, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational Science and Engineering , 8(4), (2014): 14-17.
7. Li H, Zhong S M, Li H B., Stability analysis of fractional order systems, Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference of Matrices and Operators (I), 2011, 123-126.
8. Hong Li, Jun-kang Tian, Novel Delay-dependent Robust Stability Criteria for Lurie Control Systems with Multiple Nonlinearities,Proceedingof the Sixth International Conference of Matrices and Operators (II),2011, 378-381.
9. Li H B, Huang T Z, Liu X P, H Li. On the inverses of general tridiagonal matrices. Linear Algebra & Its Applications, 2010, 433(5):965-983.
10. Li H B, Huang T Z, Liu X P, H Li, Singularity, Wielandt‘s lemma and singular values, Journal of Computational andApplied Mathematics, 2010, 234(10): 2943-2952.
11. Li H B, Huang T Z, H Li. Some New Results on Determinantal Inequalities and Applications, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2010, Article ID 847357, 16 pages.
12. Li Hong, Lǚ Shu, Zhong Shou-ming. Global Uniform Asymptotic Stability of Competitive Neural Networks with Different-Time Scales and Delay. J. Electr .Sci. Tech. China, 2005, 3(2), 126-129.
13. 李紅,白宏.時滯線性區間系統穩定的充分條件.電子科技大學學報,2007,36(2),412-414.


