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  • 中文名稱:智旭
  • 畢業院校:日本大阪市立大學
  • 臨床職稱:例如:主任醫師
  • 專業:婦產科
  • 學歷:博士
  • 教學職稱:例如:副教授
  • 執業地點:北京大學第三醫院




2008-2013年於美國Albany Medical Center和University of Central Florida從事博士後及助理研究員工作,致力於蛋白泛素化修飾,以及Prop1突變小鼠的泌乳素變化等生殖內分泌相關的分子生物學研究。




2006年 日本ROTARY YONEYAMA優秀博士生獎項
2007年 中國國家優秀自費留學生獎項


1. Zhi X, Lamperska K, Golusinski P, Schork NJ, Luczewski L, Golusinski W, Masternak MM. Expression levels of insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Growth Horm IGF Res. 2014 Aug;24(4):137-41.
2. Menon V, Zhi X, Hossain T, Bartke A, Spong A, Gesing A, Masternak MM. The contribution of visceral fat to improved insulin signaling in Ames dwarf mice. Aging Cell. 2014 Jun;13(3):497-506.
3. List EO, Berryman DE, Funk K, Jara A, Kelder B, Wang F, Stout MB, Zhi X, Sun L, White TA, LeBrasseur NK, Pirtskhalava T, Tchkonia T, Jensen EA, Zhang W, Masternak MM, Kirkland JL, Miller RA, Bartke A, Kopchick JJ. Liver-specific GH receptor gene-disrupted (LiGHRKO) mice have decreased endocrine IGF-I, increased local IGF-I, and altered body size, body composition, and adipokine profiles. Endocrinology. 2014 May;155(5):1793-805.
4. Zhi X, Zhao D, Wang Z, Zhou Z, Wang C, Chen W, Liu R, Chen C. E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF126 promotes cancer cell proliferation by targeting the tumor suppressor p21 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation. Cancer Research. 2013 Jan 1;73(1):385-94.
5. Wang X, Hu G, Gao X, Wang Y, Zhang W, Harmon EY, Zhi X, Xu Z, Lennartz MR, Barroso M, Trebak M, Chen C, Zhou J. The Induction of Yes-Associated Protein Expression After Arterial Injury Is Crucial for Smooth Muscle Phenotypic Modulation and Neointima Formation. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2012 Nov;32(11):2662-9.
6. Zhi X, Zhao D, Zhou Z, Liu R, Chen C. YAP promotes breast cell proliferation and survival partially through stabilizing the KLF5 transcription factor. The American Journal of Pathology. 2012 Jun;180(6):2452-61.
7. Zhi X, Chen C. WWP1: a versatile E3 ubiquitin ligase in signaling and diseases. Cellular and molecular life sciences: CMLS. 2012 May;69(9):1425-34.
8. Zhao D, Zhi X, Zhou Z, Chen C. TAZ antagonizes the WWP1-mediated KLF5 degradation and promotes breast cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Carcinogenesis. 2012 Jan;33(1):59-67.
9. Honda K, Kajitani K, Nobeyama K, Kira Y, Yabunaka Y, Egami M, Zhi X, Fukuda T, Yoshida Y, Matsumoto Y, Ichimura Y, Yaui T, Sumi T, Ishiko O. An Upstream Estrogen Response Element Linked to Exogenous p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene Expression Differentiates Effects of the Codon 72 Polymorphism. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention : APJCP. 2011;12(4):865-8.
10. Yoshida H, Sumi T, Zhi X, Yasui T, Honda K, and Ishiko O. Claudin-4: a potential therapeutic target in chemotherapy-resistant ovarian cancer. Anticancer Research. 2011 Apr;31(4):1271-7.
11. Zhi X, Honda K, Sumi T, Yasui T, Nobeyama H, Yoshida H, Ishiko O. Estradiol-17β regulates vascular endothelial growth factor and Bcl-2 expression in HHUA cells. International Journal of Oncology. 2007 Dec;31(6):1333-8.
12. Zhi X, Honda K, Ozaki K, Misugi T, Sumi T, Ishiko O. Dandelion T-1 extract up-regulates reproductive hormone receptor expression in mice. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2007 Sep;20(3):287-92.
13. Noriyuki M, Sumi T, Zhi X, Misugi F, Nobeyama H, Yoshida H, Matsumoto Y, Yasui T, Honda K, and Ishiko O. Vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinases, and cyclooxygenase-2 influence prognosis of uterine cervical cancer in young women. International Journal of Oncology. 2007 Sep;31(3):531-6.


