

彭新東:男,研究員,教授,博士生導師。1983年9月至1987年7月,於蘭州大學地理系氣象專業學習,獲學士學位;1987年9月至1990年6月,於蘭州大學大氣系進行研究生學習,獲碩士學位;1992年9月開始,在蘭州大學大氣系進行博士研究生學習,期間1993年10月至1994年8月, 在東北師範大學留日預備學校學日語,獲二級日語證書,1994年10月至1996年10月,國家公派赴日本東京大學(中日聯合培養)攻讀博士學位,獲得理學博士學位。


  • 中文名:彭新東
  • 性別:男
  • 民族:漢
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生年月:1967年3月
  • 職業:中國氣象科學研究院
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學 東京大學


兼任《高原氣象》常務編委,武漢科技大學兼職教授、成都信息工程大學碩士生導師,《J. Comput. Phy.》,《Mon. Wea. Rev.》,《Atmos. Chem. Phy.》,《J. App. Meteo. Clim.》,《Adv. Atoms. Sci.》等雜誌審稿人。中國氣象學會會員,第37、38屆數值預報專業委員會委員;日本氣象學會會員,日本計算流體聯合會會員;亞洲大洋洲地學學會AOGS會員、歐洲地學聯合會EGU會員。


1. Peng, Xindong, Cheng, Linsheng: Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the evolution for the mean structure of PBL in Heihe region, Advances in HEIFE Research, China Meteorological Press, Edited by Gao, Y. and Hu, Y., 1993.
2. Peng Xindong and Cheng Linsheng, The simulated PBL structure over complex underlying surface, Climate, Environment and Geophysical fluid dynamics, China Meteorological Press, edited by Duzheng Ye, Q. Zeng, G. Wu and Z. Zhang, 1993.
3. Peng, Xindong and Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 1997, Impact of different convective parameterizations on mesoscale precipitation associated with the Baiu front. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 1997,vol.75, 1141-1154
4. Xiao Feng, T. Yabe, Xindong Peng and H. Kobayashi,2002, Conservative and oscillation-less atmospheric transport schemes based on rational functions, J. Geophys. Res, 107(D22),4609
5. Peng, Xindong, F. Xiao, T. Yabe and K. Tani, Implementation of the CIP as the advection solver in the MM5, Monthly Weather Review, Mon. Wea. Rev., 131,1256-1271, 2003
6. Xiao, Feng and Xindong Peng, A convexity preserving scheme for conservative advection transport, J. Comput. Phys. (2004),198,389-402
7. Peng, Xindong, F. Xiao, K. Takahashi and T. Yabe, Conservative CIP transport in meteorological models, JSME International Journal (series B), 47(4),725-734, 2004
8. Peng, Xindong, F. Xiao, W. Ohfuchi and H. Fuchigami, Conservative semi-Lagrangian transport on a sphere and the impact on vapor advection in an atmospheric general circulation model, Mon. Wea. Rev., (2005) 133,504-520
9. Peng, Xindong, F. Xiao and K. Takahashi, 2006, Conservative constraint for a quasi-uniform overset grid on the sphere. Q. J. R. Meterol. Soc. (2006) 132, No.616, 979-996.
10. xiao, Feng, Xindong Peng and X. Shen, 2006, A finite volume grid using multi-moments for geostrophic adjustment, Mon. Wea. Rev. (2006),134,No.9, 2515-2526
11. Li, Xingliang, Dehui Chen, Xindong Peng, F. Xiao and X. Chen, Implementation of Semi-Lagrangian Advection Scheme on the Quasi-uniform Overset Grid on Sphere, Adv. Atmos. Sci. (2006), 23(5), 792-801
12. Li, Xingliang, Dehui Chen, Xindong Peng, F. Xiao and K. Takahashi, A multimoment finite-volume shallow-water model on the Yin-Yang overset spherical grid, Mon Wea. Rev. (2008), 136, 3066-3086.
13. Takahashi Keiko, Xindong Peng, Kenji Komine, Mitsuru Ohdaira, Yosuke Abe, Takeshi Sugimura, Keisuke Hirai, Koji Goto, Hiromitsu Fuchigami, Masayuki Yamada, Kunihiko Watanabe , Development of Nonhydrostatic Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Simulation Code on the Earth Simulator, Proceedings of the High Performance Computing and Grid in Asia Pacific Region, Seventh International Conference on (HPCAsia'04) - Volume 00、487-494 (Cited 11)
14. Takahashi Keiko, Xindong Peng, Kenji Komine, Mitsuru Ohdaira, Koji Goto, Masayuki Yamada, Hiromitsu Fuchigami, Takeshi Sugimura, Non-hydrostatic atmospheric GCM development and its computational performance", Use of High Performance computing in meteorology, Walter Zwieflhofer and George Mozdzynski Eds., World Scientific, 50-62, 2005
15. Takahashi, K., Xindong Peng and et al., Impact of Coupled Non-hydrostatic Atmosphere-Ocean-land model with high resolution, Kevin Hamilton et al. Eds., High Resolution Atmospheric Simulations and Cooperative Output Data Analysis
16. Takahashi, K., H. Fuchigami, M. Yamada, X. Peng, K. Goto and eta al., Ultra high performance computation with coupled non-hydrostatic atmosphere-ocean-land GCM, Super Computing (2005)
17. Li Xingliang, X. S. Shen, X. D. Peng, F. Xiao, Z. R. Zhuang, and C. G. Chen, 2012: Fourth order transport model on yin-yang grid by multi-moment constrained finite volume scheme. Procedia Computer Science, 9, 1004–1013.
18. Peng, X., R. Zhang and H. Wang, 2013, Kinematic Feature of a Bow Echo in Southern China Observed with Doppler Radars, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 30, 1535-1548. doi: 10.1007/s00376-012-2108-6.
19. Li, X., X. Shen, X. Peng and et al., 2013, An accurate multi-moment constrained finite volume transport model on Yin-Yang grid, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 30(5),1320-1330.
20. Peng, Xindong, Yuzhang Che and Jun Chang, 2013, A Novel Approach to Improve Numerical Weather Prediction Skills by Using Anomaly Integration and Historical Data, J. Geophy. Res.-Atmos., 118, 8814-8826, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50682
21. Zhang, F., X. Zhou, H. Zhang, X. Peng and Z. Wang, 2014, On the relationship between direct and anisotropic diffuse radiation, Infrared Phys. & Tech., 65, 5-8.
22. LI Xiaohan, PENG Xindong*, LI Xingliang. An Improved Dynamic Core for a Non-hydrostatic Model System on the Yin-Yang Grid. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2015, 32 (5): 648-658.
23. Yuzhang Che, Xindong Peng, Luca delle Monache,Takayuki Kawaguchi and Feng Xiao, 2016, A wind power forecasting system based on the WRF model and Kalman filtering over a wind-farm in Japan, J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 8, 013302.
24. Yi Huang, Xindong Peng*, 2016, Improvement of the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino planetary boundary layer scheme based on the observational data in China, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, DOI :10.1007/s10546-016-0187-0.




