

《倖存者》是Sergiu Nicolaescu導演的一部犯罪片,由Sergiu Nicolaescu,Petr Falc等主演。



  • 中文名:倖存者
  • 外文名:The Survivor/Supravietuitorul
  • 製片地區:羅馬尼亞
  • 導演:Sergiu Nicolaescu
  • 類型:犯罪
  • 片長:115分鐘
  • 上映時間:2008年


年 代:2008
國 家:羅馬尼亞
語 言:羅馬尼亞語/英語/法語
字 幕:英文/羅馬尼亞文
IMDB評分:5.9/10 668 votes


導 演:Sergiu Nicolaescu


ComisarulSergiu Nicolaescu----
Comisarul tanarPetr Falc----
GoldbergVladimir Gaitan----
Goldberg tanarCristian Motiu----
Cristian VasileIon Ritiu----
Cristian VasileLucian Viziru----
ZaradaIleana Lazariuc----
HaralGeorge Mihaita----


二戰後,康彌撒路摩爾多瓦因被判為政治犯,關進羅馬尼亞的監獄,監獄的俄國獄長最大的消遣就是和犯人玩俄羅斯輪盤賭。摩爾多瓦憑藉其難以置信的好運和超人的生存意志平安度過這一難關。出獄之後,他加入了國際俄羅斯輪盤賭遊戲圈子。在這裡,摩爾多瓦遇見了很多熟悉面孔,有的是朋友,有的是仇人。(文: life_is_good@YDY)。
A film with a narrative that inevitably recalls a central plot point of Michael Cimino's gut-wrenching Vietnam War epic The Deer Hunter, director Sergei Nicolaescu's nail-biter Supravietuitorul follows the plight of Inspector Moldovan (Nicolaescu). A Romanian man incarcerated as a political prisoner, Moldovan falls under the thumb of a sadistic and vile Soviet commander whose main source of amusement involves forcing the prisoners to play games of Russian roulette. Astonishingly, Moldovan manages to survive this hellhole and evade death, but is so mentally warped by the time of his release that he voluntarily participates in Russian roulette tournaments for money.
After WWII, "Comisarul Moldovan" (Sergiu Nicolaescu / Petr Falc) spent years as a political prisoner of the communist regime. The favorite entertainment of the Russian Colonel in charge of the prison was to have the inmates play Russian Roulette. Only his unbelievable luck and survivor spirit helped Moldovan live through his detention. Out of the prison the ex-policeman joins an international Russian Roulette illegal gaming circuit. In late 70's faith brings him to a Central Eurpean town where Goldberg (Vladimir Gaitan / Cristian Motiu), an old acquitance of his is organising an "improved" version of the game where two opponents are shooting each other. Step by step Moldovan meets lots of familiar faces, both friends and enemies. It looks like the whole Bucharest's underworld from the 40's chose to meet here.


