

中國醫學細菌保藏管理中心(以下簡稱為“CMCC”)建立於1979 年,目前掛靠在中國食品藥品檢定研究院,為國家級醫學細菌保藏管理中心,亦是國家微生物資源平台的參建單位之一。



  • 中文名:中國醫學細菌菌種保藏管理中心
  • 外文名:National Center for Medical Culture Collections (CMCC)
CMCC現擁有79 屬、475 種、10202 株、230000 多份國家標準醫學菌(毒) 種,涵蓋幾乎所有疫苗等生物藥物的生產菌種和質量控制菌種。CMCC承擔醫學菌種的研究、收集、鑑定,保藏、分發與管理任務;承擔生產和檢定用菌種質量標準的技術覆核;承擔相應品種標準物質研究和標定工作;開展相應技術方法研究及技術人員培訓等工作。
A Brief Introduction ofNationalCenterfor Medical Culture Collections (CMCC)
National Center for Medical Culture Collections (CMCC) was established in 1979 , affiliated to National Institute for Food and Drug Control(NIFDC),is a national center of medical bacteria, is also a center of National Infrastructure Microbial Resources(NIMR) and joined World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) in the mid 80s last century. CMCC set up specialized laboratories forleptospirosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa etc.
The center now has collected 79 genera, 475 species, 10,202 strains and more than 230,000 copies of reference bacteria (viruses), covering almost all the strains for production and quality control of vaccines and other biological products. The center undertakes 1) research, collection, identification, preservation, distribution and management of medical bacteria; 2) technical reviewing the quality standards of the stains for production and quality control; 3) research and calibration of bacteria standards; 4) technique development and training on bacteria preservation.
CMCC serves reference bacteria for centers for disease control, medical research /teaching/training institutes, food/pharmaceutical/biological products manufactures or quality controllers.
CMCC provides more than 10,000 copies of strains for more than 500 organizations in more than 1,000 times each year for the purpose of research, teaching, quality control and production.


