
start.exe 進程信息

具體描述: start.exe is an advertising program by Secret-Crush. This process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the author's servers for analyses.

能否關閉: 間諜或木馬進程,建議關閉!

其他信息: 注意:start.exe也可能是Microsoft NetWorks主域登入腳本工具、多玩旗下的YY語音啟動程式或sandbox的啟動程式。

進程檔案: start.exe or start


  • 外文名:start.exe
  • 進程名稱:start.exe
  • 詳細名稱:Secret-Crush SpyWare
  • 後台進程: 是
start.exe 進程信息
具體描述: start.exe is an advertising program by Secret-Crush. This process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the author's servers for analyses.
能否關閉: 間諜或木馬進程,建議關閉!
其他信息: 注意:start.exe也可能是Microsoft NetWorks主域登入腳本工具、多玩旗下的YY語音啟動程式或sandbox的啟動程式。
進程檔案: start.exe or start
進程名稱: Secret-Crush SpyWare
start.exe is a process belonging to an advertising program by Secret-Crush. This process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the author's servers for analysis. This also prompts advertising popups. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Please see additional details regarding this process.
Note: start.exe also relates to the Domain Logon Script authoring tool which is a small utility designed for implementing Microsoft Networks.
start.exeSecret-Crush的廣告程式。這個進程監視你的瀏覽習慣,並將相關數據回傳到其伺服器上用於分析。這個程式也會彈出廣告視窗。這個進程的安全等級是建議立即進行刪除。注意:start.exe也可能是Microsoft NetWorks主域登入腳本工具。
Recommendation for start.exe:
DISABLE AND REMOVE start.exe IMMEDIATELY. This process is most likely an adware or spyware. to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet settings.
Author: Secret-Crush
Part Of: Secret-Crush SpyWare
Fix start.exe Errors: Free Scan
Remove start.exe: Use WinTasks
Boost start.exe Performance: Free Scan
安全等級 (0-5): 2
間諜軟體: Yes ( )
病毒: No ( Remove start.exe )
木馬: No ( Remove start.exe )
Memory Usage: N/A
System Process: No
Background Process: Yes
Uses Network: Yes
Hardware Related: No
Common start.exe Errors: N/A


