

2010年10月,Adobe在MAX大會中公布了關於Flash Player的新項目,名為Molehill的新API集可以讓開發者藉助GPU大幅提升Flash的3D渲染能力。
目前現有的Flash Player 10.1可以在30Hz下渲染幾千個非Z緩衝三角形,使用Molehill和圖形晶片則可以在60Hz左右的高解析度顯示器中全螢幕渲染近百萬的Z緩衝三角形。這些新的3D API還將同時支持Flash Player和Adobe AIR,為用戶提供全新的3D體驗。
Adboe介紹稱,Molehill是新推出的支持GPU硬體加速底層API的總稱,支持Z緩衝、模版色緩衝、碎片和頂點著色、立方體紋理等特性。藉助這些3D API,開發者可以在任何情況下調用GPU,如果出現GPU不兼容的情況則會調用CPU作為圖形渲染處理器
Flash Player10中現有的3D API將可以繼續使用,Molehill主要面向高級開發人員用來構建複雜的3D模型,開發者可以按照實際需要選擇使用這兩種API。Adobe表示他們將會為不同的平台提供這些新的開發工具,在Windows系統中將會依賴於DirectX 9,在Mac和Linux下則依賴於OpenGL 1.3,未來還將會藉助OpenGL ES 2.0支持Android和Linux Mobile等移動平台。
Molehill首次公測版本將會在2011年上半年發布,同時在Flash Player和Adobe AIR進行集成。
"Molehill" is the code name for a new set of low-level, GPU-accelerated 3D APIs that will enable advanced 3D experiences across screens through the Adobe? Flash? Platform runtimes. These new low-level APIs will provide advanced 3D and 3D engine developers the flexibility to leverage GPU hardware acceleration for significant performance gains. Today, Adobe Flash Player 10.1, renders thousands of non z-buffered triangles at approximately 30 Hz. With the new 3D APIs, developers can expect hundreds of thousands of z-buffered triangles to be rendered at HD resolution in full screen at around 60 Hz. Using the new 3D APIs in Flash Player and AIR will make it possible to deliver sophisticated 3D experiences across almost every computer and device connected to the Internet.
The 3D capabilities enabled by the new APIs will also be available to the broader developer community through popular ActionScript? 3D frameworks, such as Alternativa3D, Away3d, Flare3D, Sophie3D or Yogurt3D.


