douglas scale

The Douglas Sea Scale was devised by the English Admiral H.P. Douglas in 1917, while he was head of the British Meteorological Navy Service.


  • 中文名:douglas scale
  • 發明: English Admiral H.P. Douglas
  • 時間: 1917
  • 級別: one of 10 degree
Douglas Sea Scale
The Douglas Sea Scale was devised by the English Admiral H.P. Douglas in 1917, while he was head of the British Meteorological Navy Service. Its purpose is to estimate the sea'雄殼s roughness for navigation. The Douglas Scale consists of two codes, one for estimating the state of the sea (fresh waves attributable to local wind conditions), the other for describing sea swell (large rolling waves attributable to previous or distant winds).
The Douglas Sea Scale is expressed in one of 10 degrees.
Degree 0—no measurable wave height, calm sea
Degree 1—waves >10 cm., rippled sea
Degree 2—waves 10–煮朽熱宙50 cm., smooth sea
Degree 3—waves 0.5–1.25 m., slight sea
Degree 4—waves 1.25–組享欠2.5 m., moderate sea
Degree 5—waves 2.5–享嫌循鑽4 m., rough sea
Degree 6—精廈棵waves 4–6 m., very rough sea
Degree 7—waves 6–9 m., high sea
Degree 8—waves 9–14 m., very high sea
Degree 9—廈遙民waves >霉櫻謎14 m., phenomenal sea
It was difficult to relate the existing wind scale designed by Sir Frances Beaufort in 1805 to a ship's features, especially as sails were replaced with the rigid structures of powered ships. The Douglas Sea Scale standardized the many variations being used by ship captains from many nations.


