Two Worlds(人猿泰山原聲大碟)

Two Worlds(人猿泰山原聲大碟)

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《泰山(Tarzan)》是由克里斯·巴克、凱文·利瑪執導的一部迪士尼第37部經典動畫長片,改編自Edgar ORice Bourroughs的《泰山》系列知名小說。故事講述在非洲原始森林成了孤兒的嬰孩在猿猴家族的照料下長大成人,人類探險和出現打破了他寧靜和平的世界,也使他認識到他是人類的一員,他在決定歸屬哪一類家族問題上的思考因為他對美麗的珍妮姑娘的感情進而變得更加複雜,而人類將對猿猴家族的傷害更使他進入了進退兩難的境地。


  • 中文名稱兩個世界
  • 外文名稱:Two Worlds
  • 所屬專輯人猿泰山
  • 歌曲時長:02;42
  • 發行時間:1999-01-01
  • 歌曲原唱Phil Collins
  • 填詞:Phil Collins
  • 譜曲:Phil Collins
  • 編曲:Phil Collins
  • 音樂風格:流行,搖滾
  • 歌曲語言:英語
Two Worlds (Phil Version) - Phil Collins
Put your faith in what you most believe in
Two worlds one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see
A paradise untouched by man
Within this world blessed with love
A simple life they live in peace
Softly tread the sand below your feet now
Two worlds one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see
Beneath the shelter of the trees
Only love can enter here
A simple life they live in peace
Raise your head up
Lift high the load
Take strength from those that need you
Build high the walls
Build strong the beams
A new life is waiting
But Danger's No Stranger Here
No words describe a mother's tears
No words can heal a broken heart
A dream is gone
But where there's hope
Somewhere something is calling for you
Two worlds one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see


