Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

《TalesofaFourthGradeNothing》是2005年ListeningLibrary出版社出版的圖書,作者是Judy Blume(朱迪·布魯姆)。


  • 又名:Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
  • 作者:Judy Blume(朱迪·布魯姆)
  • ISBN:9781400099184
  • 出版社:Listening Library


作 者/Author:Judy Blume(朱迪·布魯姆) 著
出 版 社/Publisher:Listening Library
出版時間/Publication Date:2005-04-12
裝 幀/Format:平裝
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙


原文(Living with his little brother, Fudge, makes Peter Hatcher feel like a fourth grade nothing. Whether Fudge is throwing a temper tantrum in a shoe store, smearing smashed potatoes on walls at Hamburger Heaven, or scribbling all over Peter's homework, he's never far from trouble. He's a two-year-old terror who gets away with everything—and Peter's had enough. When Fudge walks off with Dribble, Peter's pet turtle, it's the last straw. Peter has put up with Fudge too long. How can he get his parents to pay attention to him for a change?)


原文(Before Judy Blume, there may have been a handful of books that spoke to issues teens could identify with; but very few were getting down to nitty-gritty stuff like menstruation, masturbation, parents divorcing, being half-Jewish, or deciding to have sex. Now, these were some issues that adolescents could dig into, and Blume s ability to address them realistically and responsibly has made her one of the most popular and most banned authors for young adults.)


