
  • 外文名:MA-TSU MI
  • 成立:1990年
  • 公司:台灣瑪之蜜服飾有限公司
  • 致力於:開發生流行潮流年輕女裝


1997起,聘請日本WORLD LTD的 Katsukawa先生 擔任台灣區總經理。自1998年,和日本BRAW LTD企劃公司共同企劃商品。而深受消費者所喜愛的 品牌流行服飾,始終堅持品質及服務。現在台灣各大高級知名百貨商場均有設櫃,如新光三越、太平洋sogo、中友、廣三sogo、高雄漢神、遠東、美麗華、明曜、京華城、統領等。年年屢創優異的銷售業績、穩定的成長銷售率,在同業品牌服飾中嶄露頭角,樹立了良好的企業形象。近年來更將市場拓展到日本、新加坡,受到肯定。


台灣瑪之蜜服飾有限公司為開發中國大陸市場於1999年在上海成立分公司,負責 品牌在大陸的推廣及營運,目前已成功開發全國20多個一級城市一線商場及百貨公司近百家商場及加盟店.例如上海太平洋百貨/正大廣場/置地廣場等;北京中友百貨/崇光SOGO/君太百貨/國貿專門店/西單購物中心等;鄭州丹尼斯百貨/金博大購物中心;深圳茂業百貨/華聯等;成都太平洋百貨/王府井/摩爾百盛等;重慶王府井/太平洋/銀泰/新世界/時代百貨等;武漢廣場/群光百貨/世貿廣場/大洋百貨/亞貿廣場等;長春卓展/時代廣場/;杭州大廈/銀泰百貨等等。
2006年起,為服務更廣大的顧客群,授權於東莞芳儷服飾有限公司負責經銷MA-TSU MI、m520品牌。
MATSUMi in Taiwan has been established since 1990. The company is striving for the trustworthy, steady and sure attitude toward the development on world standard in the young lady’s merchandises.
The company hires Mr. Katsukawa from World Ltd. in Japan as the general manager for the Taiwan district since 1997. From 1998, the company joint adventure with the Braw Ltd in Japan for developing the brand, adore by the consumers. The company is persisting on its top quality and excellent service. The company has its own specialty stores locate at some major department stores such as Sing Kong Mitsuikoshi, Pacific Sogo Taipei, Chung Yo, Sogo Taichung, Hanshin, Far Eastern, Miramar, Ming Yao Department Store, Living Mall, Tonlin Department Stores and many other with outstanding sales every year with steady growth. It establishes the outstanding and excellent business reputation. The expansion of the markets even reaches Japan and Singapore for the recent years with great acceptance by the customers.
The MATSUMi in Taiwan establishes Shanghai branch office in 1999, responsible for the promotion and operation the brand in mainland China. It already successfully opens over 20 stores in major cities, department stores, malls, and many other locations, such as Pacific Department Store (Shanghai), Cheng-Ta Square, The Landmark, Zhongyou (Beijing), Sogo, Grand Pacific, National Trade Specialty Shops, Xidan Shopping Center, Denis Department Store, K Shopping Mall, Maoye Department Store, Hua-Lien, Pacific Department Store (Chengdu), Wangfujing Department Store, Wangfujing Department Store (Chongqing), Pacific Department Store, Yin-Tai, New World, Time Department Store, Wuhan Square, Chun-Kuang Department Store, World Trade Square, Pacific Department Store, Asia Trade Square, Charter Shopping Center, Time Square, Hangzhou shopping Center, Zhe Jing Intime Department Store, and many other locations.
In order to serve the larger customers, the company authorizes the Fang-Li Textile Co. Ltd. (Dongguan)東莞芳儷服飾有限公司as the agent in responsible for the sales of MA-TSU Mi and M520 brands since 2006.


