How am I supposed to live without you

How am I supposed to live without you

Michael Bolton的重新演唱使這首歌大火,繼而成為他的代表作之一。


  • 中文名稱:沒有你我怎么活
  • 外文名稱:How am I supposed to live without you
  • 所屬專輯:Branigan 2
  • 發行時間:1983年月8月16日
  • 歌曲原唱:Laura Branigan
  • 填詞:Michael Bolton
  • 譜曲:Michael Bolton
  • 音樂風格:流行搖滾
  • 歌曲語言:英語


《How Am I Supposed to Live without You》是1983年Michael Bolton為美國籍女歌手Laura Branigan所作的一首經典曲目。1957年出生於紐約的女歌手蘿拉布蘭妮根(Laura Branigan)成名之前曾是加拿大詩人兼歌手Leonard Cohen的合音,1982年《Gloria》出道即獲格林美最佳女歌手提名,首張專輯《Branigan》里的《Gloria》拿下了美國排行榜的三周亞軍、英國榜Top 6的成績 ,其後推出《Self Control》等多張專輯,此後五年間她受到全球性的歡迎,也是她的黃金年代。Laura Branigan於1983 年所錄製,1983年月8月16日發行於Laura Branigan的《Branigan 2》專輯中。
Laura BraniganLaura Branigan
聲音高亢、略沙啞又帶奔放的蘿拉擅長以歐陸舞曲風格賦予舊曲新生命並且選曲上有獨到的國際色彩,數首暢銷曲都是以英文翻唱義大利歌曲像在美國拿下亞軍的Gloria;Ti Amo還有1984年度台灣地區英文歌曲票選總冠軍Self Control。,以Gloria、Self Control、Imagination、How Am I Supposed to Live Without You等名曲在80年代紅極一時,創下輝煌的成績。laura Branigan以沙啞性格嗓音著稱,曾經四度獲得葛萊美獎最佳流行女歌手獎項的提名。麥可伯特恩(Michael Bolton)所作How Am I Supposed To Live Without You、唐娜桑瑪(Donna Summer)的亞軍曲Dim All The Lights、電影【霹靂男兒】插曲Show Me Heaven、日後被席琳迪翁(Celine Dion)唱紅的Power Of Love都是蘿拉布蘭妮根的佳作。從她的歌曲中可以感覺外表冷艷的蘿拉雖以情歌為主但注重節奏與旋律,每每都以奔放的歌聲傳達其豐沛的情感。
1989 年,該曲的原作者Michael Bolton在對這首經典歌曲進行了重新演繹並收錄在《Greatest Hits 1985-1995》專輯中。重新演繹使得Michael Bolton一炮打響,紅遍歌壇。
How am I supposed to live without you
Bolton的《How Am I Supposed To Live Without You》,聽來令人激情蕩漾。這首歌曲成為90年代初排行榜上的冠軍歌曲及Billboard Hot 100 冠軍。同時Michael Bolton憑藉這首歌曲獲得了1990年第32屆葛萊美獎“最佳流行樂男藝人”。1991年第39屆BMI音樂獎《How Am I Supposed To Live Without You》又榮獲“年度最佳歌曲”。從此開始,推出了一系列碧浪靈歌《How Can We Be Lovers》,《Love Is A Wonderful Thing》。1991年的專輯《Time Love and Tenderness》一經問世,迅速榮登榜首,在數月里保持在前十的位置。Michael Bolton憑藉獨特的演繹和聲線,以及極富創意的作詞、作曲的才華,贏得了樂迷的欣賞,成為80年代到90年代樂壇炙手可熱的巨星。


How Am I Supposed To Live Without You
Michael Bolton
I could hardly believe it
When I heard the news today
I had to come and get it straight from you
They said you were leavin
Someone swept you heart away
From the look upon your face I see it's true
So tell me all about it,
tell me 'bout the plans you're makin
Tell me one thing more before I go
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Now that I've been lovin you so long
How am I supposed to live without you
How am I supposed to carry on
When all that I've been livin for is gone
I didn't come here for cryin
Didn't come here to breakdown
It's just a dream of mine is coming to an end
And how can I blame you
When I built my world around
The hope that one day we'd be so much more than friends
And I don't wanna know the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming
Even now it's more than I can take
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Now that I've been lovin you so long
How am I supposed to live without you
How am I supposed to carry on
When all that I've been livin for is gone
No I don't wanna know the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming
Now that your dream has come true
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Now that I've been lovin you so long
How am I supposed to live without you
How am I supposed to carry on
When all that I've been livin for is gone


