

  • 軟體名稱:HACK黑客
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:3.02MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
應用程式包括應用程式內購買內容 在這場比賽中,混合冒險,謎和系統的黑客成為一名黑客。 你需要為了得到最安全的IT系統是合乎邏輯的 體現一個30歲的亞當Peerson,開發人員,IT社會和住他的生命和你我一樣。然而,有一天,辛苦了一天的工作回到家裡後,亞當收到一個奇怪的郵件。事實上,一家名為BlindTail似乎看後,他和他的間諜活動,因為幾年為了看他的IT技能。強制亞當的工作,他們威脅要殺死他的妹妹Dayna; Blindtail提供任何軟體,以幫助亞當在他的黑客程式。 第一項任務將很容易和,將允許BlindTail確認他們認為亞當(他是一個很好的IT開發人員)。 滲透IT系統,打破了他們的安全和學習一些關於你周圍的人,找到這個神秘的BlindTail公司的真相。 本場比賽是國王的連續調查。當然,謎將越來越難。用戶界面模擬UNIX或DOS的外殼,您可以在其中執行命令來讀取郵件,滲透系統等。.. 為了防止被卡住了,我們設定了一個系統的提示和解決方案,在任何時候都可以有一個提示,“粘住”你。或者,如果你仍然會被卡住,你可以有一個新的水平的完整的解決方案。 還有,我們希望你能有一個很好的遊戲體驗。所以,如果你想要的任何信息,或者如果您想報告一個錯誤,你可以與我們聯繫。 的遊戲的第一部分是完全自由的。一旦你在中間的比賽中,你將不得不支付(0.89歐元或1.09美元),以繼續玩遊戲。 The application includes in-app purchase content Become a hacker in this game mixing adventures, enigmas and system hacking. You'll need to be logical in order to get in the most secure IT system ! Embody Adam Peerson, a 30 years old developer working for an IT society and living his life like you and me. However, one day, back to home after a hard day work, Adam receive a weird email. Indeed, a company called BlindTail seems to look after him and spying him since a few years in order to watch his IT skills. Forcing Adam to work for them threatening to kill his sister Dayna; Blindtail will provide any software to help Adam in his hacking process. The first mission will be easy and will allow BlindTail to confirm what they think of Adam (that he is a good IT developer). Infiltrate IT system, broke their security and learn a bit more about people around you and find the truth about this mysterious BlindTail company. The game is king of successive surveys. Of course, enigmas will be harder and harder. The user interface emulates a unix or DOS shell, in which you can execute commands to read mail, penetrate system, etc... In order to prevent from being stuck, we set up a system of Hints and Solutions; at any moment you can have an hint to 'unstuck' you. Or if you still get stuck you can have the complete solution to the next level. And please, we would like you to have a really good game experience. So if you want any information or if you want to report a bug, you can contact us. The first part of the game is completely free. Once you get at the middle game, you will have to pay (0.89€ or 1.09$) to continue playing the game.


