Autodesk Inventor 10工程設計繪圖

Autodesk Inventor 10工程設計繪圖

《Autodesk Inventor 10工程設計繪圖》是2009年清華大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是貝休恩。


  • 書名:Autodesk Inventor 10工程設計繪圖
  • 作者:(美)貝休恩,竇忠強
  • ISBN:9787302192404 
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009-2-1


本書是一本學習Autodesk Inventor10的教材,是使用該設計軟體的工程技術人員和各類學校的學生、教師極好的學習和參考用書。


Chapter 1 Getting Started
1-1 Introduction
1-2 Creating a First Sketch
1-3 Creating a Solid Model
1-4 Exercise Problems
Chapter 2 Two-Dimensional Sketching
2-1 Introduction
2-2 Line
2-3 Spline
2-4 Circle
2-5 Ellipse
2-6 Arc
2-7 Rectangle
2-8 Fillet
2-9 Chamfer
2-10 Polygon
2-11 Mirror
2-12 Rectangular Pattern
2-13 Offset
2-14 Extend
2-15 Trim
2-16 Move
2-17 Rotate
2-18 Constraints
2-19 Show C,onstraints
2-20 To Edit a Sketch
2-21 Insert AutoCAD File
2-22 Text
2-23 Exercise Problems
Chapter 3 Three-Dimensional Models
3-1 Introduction
3-2 Extrude
3-3 Revolve
3-4 Holes
3-5 Shell
3-6 Fillet
3-7 Chamfer
3-8 Face Draft
3-9 Split
3-10 Mirror
3-11 Rectangular Pattern
3-12 Circular Pattern
3-13 Sketch Planes
3-14 To Edit a 3D Model
3-15 Default Planes and Axes
3-16 Work Planes
3-17 Angled Work Planes
Chapter 4 Orthographic Views
Chapter 5 Assembly Drawings
Chapter 6 Treads and Fasteners
Chapter 7 Dimensioning
Chapter 8 Tolerancing
Chapter 9 Bearings and Shafts
Chapter 10 Geras
Chapter 11 Cams Springs and Keys
Chapter 12 Sheet Metal and Weldments
Chapter 13 The Design Process
Chapter 14 Design Projects


