

高效偉:1960年生,博士、教授、博士生導師。在英國、美國學習和工作11年,2005年10月作為流固耦合學科帶頭人到東南大學工程力學系工作。多年來一直從事非線性邊界單元法氣動彈性力學、飛行器熱防護系統和計算流體力學方面的研究。1991年被國家教委國務院學位委員會授予“做出突出貢獻的中國碩士學位獲得者”榮譽稱號。主持過美國航空航天局項目和國家自然科學基金項目, 發表論文80多篇,其中SCI檢索論文30餘篇。2002年由劍橋大學出版社出版了專著“Boundary Element Programming in Mechanics”,發表了國際上第一個彈塑性邊界元程式;提出了可將任何區域積分轉換成邊界積分的徑向積分法,此方法中的公式被認為是繼高斯散度公式後又一重要的數學公式,由此發展了非線性問題無內部格線邊界元法,創立了無奇異積分邊界單元法


  • 中文名:高效偉
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1960年
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士


1999年獲英國Glasgow 大學計算力學專業博士學位;
1986.8-1991.12: 寧夏大學物理系 講師;
1992.1-1994.11: 寧夏大學套用力學研究所 副教授;
1999.1-1999.12: 英國Glasgow大學博士後;
1999.12-2001.6: 美國亞利桑那州立大學 Reseach Associate;
2001.7-2005.10: 美國Zona Technology 高級工程師;
2008.12至今: 大連理工大學航空航天學院 教授、副院長;
2009.10至今: 大連理工大學工業裝備結構分析國家重點實驗室副主任。
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering;
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering;
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids;
Computational Mechanics;
Journal Key Engineering Materials;
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements;
Journal of computational and applied mathematics。




美國航天局(NASA)資助項目:“Package for Identification of Multi- Dimensional Film Coefficient Maps”(2004年1月至2004年12月)。
美國航天局(NASA)資助項目:“BEM solver for CFD/CSD Interfacing”(1999年12月至2001年5月)。
美國航天局(NASA)資助項目:“Design-Oriented Aeroservoelastic ZAERO Capability for 3D Configuration shape Multidisciplinary Design Optimization” (2003年1月至2003年7月)。
美國空軍資助項目:“Integrated Hypersonic Aerothermoelastic Methodology for TAV/TPS Structural Design and Optimization”(2002年1月至2005年9月)。
歐共體(EPRSC)資助項目:“Off-shore structure repair”,(1994年12月至1995年9月)。
國家自然科學基金項目: “多重介質界面積分邊界單元法及其套用 ” (2009年1月至2011年12月)。
江蘇省自然科學基金項目: “橋基滲流軟化的無格線非線性邊界元分析” (2006年7月至2009年1月)。
教育部重大專項預研項目:“結構與熱防護基礎問題研究” (2008年11月至2010年6月)。
中國航天一院研究項目:“xxx飛行器熱環境計算” (2008年4月至2009年6月)。
多年來一直從事計算力學、飛行器熱防護系統最佳化設計、氣動熱環境預測、航天結構熱-力耦合多尺度計算等方面的研究。主持過美國航空航天局(NASA)、國家重大專項、國家自然科學基金、航天研究部門和省部級項目30多項;共發表論文180多篇,其中SCI檢索刊物論文70多篇,被國內外學者他引700多次, SCI他引420多次,單篇論著最高他引65次。


由劍橋大學出版社出版了專著“Boundary Element Programming in Mechanics”,發表了國際上第一個非線性力學邊界元程式,填補了30多年來國內外在該領域只有文章發表沒有程式公布的空白。美國套用力學評論和德國的數學評論(Zentralblatt MATH)都刊登文章,對該書進行了高度的評價。
提出了徑向積分法RIM (Radial Integration Method)公式,可將任意域積分轉換成邊界積分。著名的高斯散度公式和格林公式只可將含微分運算元的域積分轉換成邊界積分,而RIM可將任意域積分轉換成邊界積分。以RIM為基礎,發展了非均質、非線性問題的無內部格線邊界元算法,此算法已被許多學者成功地用於解決彈塑性問題 、接觸問題、熱-力耦合問題、結構多尺度問題,和非定常氣動彈性力學問題。
建立了可壓縮粘性流體基本物理量表述的邊界元算法;與Danny教授和P.C.Chen合作完成了計算空氣動力學商用軟體ZONAIR的開發,可以計算從亞聲速、超聲速到高超聲速的空氣動力學問題(含有層流和湍流邊界層計算功能);參加了有華盛頓大學Lyvne教授參加的氣動彈性力學商用軟體ZAERO中最佳化設計部分的研製 (ZAERO是目前國際上唯一的非定常氣動彈性力學商用軟體)。
2002年由劍橋大學出版社出版了專著“Boundary Element Programming in Mechanics”,發表了國際上第一個彈塑性邊界元程式,建立了每個節點只有一個未知量的彈塑性力學疊代算法;提出了可將任意域積分轉換成邊界積分的徑向積分法(RIM),由此發展了非均質、非線性問題無內部格線邊界元算法,彌補了高斯散度定理和格林公式只能將含全微分運算元的域積分轉換成邊界積分的不足;提出了求解大型非對稱線性方程組的同時消元回代法求解技術,使計算效率有數量級的提高。
XW Gao and TG Davies. Boundary Element Programming in Mechanics,Cambridge University Press (ISBN: 052177359-8), 2002.
X. W. Gao, A. H-D. Cheng, C. A. Brebbia, Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XXXVI, WIT Press (ISBN:978-1-84564-841-1,eISBN: 978-1-84564-842-8), Southampton, UK, 2014.
1. Bo Yu, Wei-An Yao, Xiao-Wei Gao, Sheng Zhang, Radial integration BEM for one-phase solidification problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 39:36–43, 2014.
2. A.V. Ekhlakov, O.M. Khay, Ch. Zhang, X.W. Gao, J. Sladek and V. Sladek, A comparative study of three domain-integral evaluation techniques in the boundary-domain integral equation method for transient thermoelastic crack analysis in FGMs, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 92 (6): 595-614, 2013.
3. X.W. Gao, H.F. Peng, J. Liu, A boundary-domain integral equation method for solving convective heat transfer problems, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 63 (2013) 183–190.
4. YU X.C., BAI Y.G., CUI M. & GAO X.W., Inverse analysis of thermal conductivities in transient non-homogeneous and non-linear heat conductions using BEM based on complex variable differentiation method, SCIENCE CHINA: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2013:56(5): 966–973.
5. Y.Z. Yan, X.W. Gao, Application of the pFFT algorithm to the hybrid-domain boundary element method for acoustic problems, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 11(1) (2013):31-36.
6. J.X. Hu, X.W. Gao, Development of complex-variable differentiation method and its application in isogeometric analysis, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 11(1) (2013):37-43.
7. Y.G. Bai, Y.G. Zhang, Y.F. Liu, K. Yang, X.W. Gao, Numerical analysis of a heater with conjugate heat transfer, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 629 (2013) pp.711-715.
8. Y.G. Bai, K. Yang, DK Sun, Y.G. Zhang, K. David, W. Fred, X.W. Gao, Numerical aerodynamic analysis of bluff bodies at a high Reynolds number with three-dimensional CFD modeling, Science China, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56 (2), 2013:277-289.
9. T. Panzeca, E.Parlavecchio, L.Zito, X.W.Gao, X.Guo, Lower bound limit analysis by bem:Convex optimization problem and incremental approach, Engineering Analysis with BoundaryElements 37 (2013) 558–568.
10. H. F. Peng, M. Cui, X. W. Gao, A boundary element method without internal cells for solving viscous flow problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 37 (2013) 293–300.
11. Z.Y. Yan, X.W. Gao, The development of the pFFT accelerated BEM for 3-D acoustic scattering problems based on the Burton and Miller’s integral formulation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 37 (2013) 409–418.
12. X.W.Gao, L.J. Li. A Solver of Linear Systems of Equations (REBSM) for Large-Scale Engineering Problems, International Journal of Computational Methods 2012:9(1): 1240011(12 pages).
13. A. Ekhlakov, O. Khay, C. Zhang, J. Sladek, V. Sladek And X. W. Gao. Thermoelastic crack analysis in functionally graded materials and structures by a BEM. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2012:35, 742–766.
14. Miao Cui, Xiaowei Gao, Jinbo Zhang. A new approach for the estimation of temperature-dependent thermal properties by solving transient inverse heat conduction problems, International journal of thermal sciences, 2012, 58: 113-119.
15. Miao Cui, Kai Yang, Yunfei Liu, Xiaowei Gao, Inverse Estimation of Transient Heat Flux to Slab Surface, Journal of Iron and Steel research, International, 2012, 19(11): 13-18.
16. 崔苗,高效偉,劉雲飛,基於瞬態熱傳導反問題反演材料隨溫度變化的導熱係數,中國電機工程學報,2012,32(14):82-87.
17. YANG Kai, GAO Xiao-wei(楊愷,高效偉),Aeroheating CFD analysis of missile slots,Theoretical and Appied Mechanics Letters.(力學快報),2,012003 (2012).
18. 高效偉,胡金秀,崔苗. 基於行消元回代法的多域邊界元分析方法, 力學學報, 2012;44(2), 361-368.
19. Li Guo, Tang Chen, Xiao-Wei Gao, Transient meshless boundary element method for prediction of chloride diffusion in concrete with time dependent nonlinear coefficients, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 36 (2012) 104-111.
20. M Cui, XW Gao, H Chen. Reconstruction of the total heat exchange factor using the inverse heat conduction problem, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 308-310 (2011) pp 890-893.
21. 王靜, 高效偉. 熱輻射問題的邊界元算法.飛彈與航天運載技術,311(1):2011,46-53.
22. K Yang, XW Gao, YF Liu. Using analytical expressions in radial integration BEM for variable coefficient heat conduction problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 35 (2011) 1085-1089.
23. 崔苗, 高效偉, 史國棟. 蜂窩夾心結構等效導熱係數反演邊界單元法, 計算力學學報, 2011: 28,Sup.,126-130.
24. M Cui, XW Gao, H Chen. A new inverse approach for the equivalent gray radiative property of a non-gray medium using a modified zonal method and the complex-variable-differentiation method, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 :1336–1342, 2011.
25. X.W.Gao and H.F. Peng, Numerical evaluation of arbitrary singular domain integrals based on radial integration method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2011; 35:587-593.
26. Ch. Zhang, M. Cui, J. Wang, X.W. Gao, J. Sladek, V. Sladek. 3D crack analysis in functionally graded materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 585–604.
27. 高效偉, 王靜, 崔苗. 輻射-導熱耦合換熱邊界元算法. 中國科學: 物理學 力學 天文學, 2011, 41: 302–308
28. 高效偉,楊愷. 功能梯度材料結構的熱應力邊界元分析. 力學學報, 2011;43(1), 136-143.
29. 王燕昌,鄭靜,高效偉.徑向積分邊界元法確定非均質土石壩滲流自由面.計算力學學報,2010,27(6):1011-1015.
30. XW Gao. Source point isolation boundary element method for solving general anisotropic potential and elastic problems with varying material properties, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 34 (2010) 1049–1057.
31. XW Gao. An effective method for numerical evaluation of general 2D and 3D high-order singular boundary integrals, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2010; 199: 2856–2864..
32. K. Yang, XW Gao. Radial integration BEM for transient heat conduction problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 34 (2010) 557–563.
33. Cui M, Chen HG, Gao XW. Mathematical Models Developed by Zone Method Considering Non-Gray Radiation Properties of Gas in Combustion Chamber, Journal Of Iron And Steel Research International, 17 (11): 13-18, 2010.
34. JJ Sha, J Wang, XW Gao, Thermo-Mechanical Analysis in W/Cu-Alloy Joints with different Interlayer Thickness, Advanced Materials Research, 123-125:595-598, 2010.
35. 王靜,高效偉. 基於單元子分法的結構多尺度邊界單元法, 計算力學學報,27(2):258-263,2010.
36. 楊愷, 高效偉. 高超聲速氣動熱環境工程算法研究.飛彈與航天運載技術,308(4):2010,19-23.
37. 洪俊,高效偉,基於復變數求導法的彈塑性邊界元參數識別,東南大學學報,40(5):1-4, 2010.
38. XW Gao,J Wang . Interface integral BEM for solving multi-medium heat conduction problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 33 (2009) 539–546.
39. XW Gao, K Yang, Interface integral BEM for solving multi-medium elasticity problems. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 198 (2009) 1429–1436.
40. XW Gao, K Yang, J Wang. An adaptive element subdivision technique for evaluation of various 2D singular boundary integrals. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 32 (2008) 692–696.
41. XW Gao, Ch. Zhang, J Sladek and V Sladek. Fracture Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials by a BEM. Composites Science and Technology, 68: 1209-1215, 2008.
42. J Wang, XW Gao, and Ch. Zhang. Crack Analysis of 3D Functionally Graded Materials by a BEM, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 385-387, pp 881-884, 2008.
43. 郭力,高效偉. 復變數求導靈敏度分析彈塑性參數反演。東南大學學報(自然科學版),38(1):141-145, 2008.
44. XW Gao. Explicit formulations for evaluation of velocity gradients using boundary-domain integral equations in 2D and 3D viscous flows, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 2007; 54:1351–1368.
45. X. W. Gao, Ch. Zhang, L. Guo, Boundary-only element solutions of 2D and 3D nonlinear and nonhomogeneous elastic Problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2007;31:974–982.
46. X. W. Gao, L. Guo, and Ch. Zhang, Three-step multi-domain BEM solver for nonhomogeneous material problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2007;31:965–973.
47. 高效偉,流體力學邊界元算法,中國科教創新導刊,2007;468:68-70.
48. 高效偉、Ch. Zhang,非均質和非線性問題中的無格線邊界單元法,固體力學學報, 27 (S. Issue): 62-69,2006。
49. XW Gao. Numerical evaluation of two-dimensional singular boundary integrals ? Theory and Fortran code, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 188(1): 44-64, 2006.
50. XW Gao. A meshless BEM for isotropic heat conduction problems with heat generation and spatially varying conductivity, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 66: 1411-1431, 2006.
51. XW Gao and Ch Zhang. Isotropic damage analysis of elastic solids using meshless BEM. Key Engineering Materials, 325: 1261-1264, 2006.
52. Ch Zhang and XW Gao. Fracture mechanics analysis of 2-D FGMs by a meshless BEM, Key Engineering Materials, 324: 1165-1172, 2006.
53. TG Davies and XW Gao. Three-dimensional elasto-plastic analysis via the boundary element method, Computers and Geotechnics, 33: 145–154, 2006.
54. XW Gao . Evaluation of regular and singular domain integrals with boundary-only discetization - theory and Fortran code, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 175(2):265-290, 2005.
55. XW Gao. A promising boundary element formulation for three-dimensional viscous flow, Int. J. Numer. Method Fluids, 47(1):19-43, 2005.
56. XW Gao. A new inverse analysis approach for multi-region heat conduction BEM using complex-variable-differentiation method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,29:788–795, 2005
57. P.C. Chen, X.W. Gao, and L. Tang, An Overset Field-Panel Method for Unsteady Transonic Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient Matrix Generation. AIAA Journal Vol.42 (9), 1775-1787, 2004.
58. X. W. Gao, P. C. Chen and L. Tang, Deforming Mesh for Computational Aeroelasticity Using A Nonlinear Elastic Boundary Element Method, AIAA Journal, Vol. 40, No. 8, August 2002, pp 1512-1517.
59. X. W. Gao, A boundary-domain integral equation method in viscous fluid flow, Int. J. Numer. Method Fluids 2004; 45:463-484.
60. X.W. Gao. A boundary element method without internal cells for two-dimensional and three-dimensional elastoplastic problems. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 69: 154-160, 2002.
61. X. W. Gao, D. D. Liu, and P. C. Chen, Internal stresses in inelastic BEM using complex-variable differentiation, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 28, 40-46, 2002.
62. X. W. Gao and T. G. Davies, 3D Multi-Region BEM with Corners and Edges, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 37, 1549-1560 (2000).
63. X. W. Gao and T. G. Davies, An effective boundary element algorithm for 2D and 3D elastoplastic problems, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.37, 4987-5008 (2000).
64. X. W. Gao, Boundary element analysis in thermoelasticity with and without internal cells. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engineering, Vol. 57, 975-990, 2003.
65. X. W. Gao, The radial integration method for evaluation of domain integrals with boundary-only discretization. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 26, 905-916, 2002.
66. X. W. Gao, D. D. Liu, and P. C. Chen, Computation of internal stresses in nonlinear BEM using a numerically-exact complex-variable approach, Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, Vol. BETEQ 2001, No.3, pp. 303-310, 2002.
67. X. W. Gao and T.G. Davies, Adaptive algorithm in elasto-plastic boundary element analysis. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (English edition), Vol.23 (3):349-356, 2000.
68. X. W. Gao and T. G. Davies, 3-D Infinite Boundary Elements for Half-Space Problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.21, 207-213,1998.
69. Y. C. Wang and X. W. Gao, Practicable BEM Analysis of Frictional Bolts in Underground Opening, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.124, No.3, 342-346, (1998).
70. X. W. Gao and Q. Hong, The Isoparametric Computation of the Direction Cosines of Spatial Curved Surface, Journal of Ningxia Institute of Technology, No.2, 1993.
71. X. W. Gao, Elastoplastic Flow Rule for Finite Deformation, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, No.2, 1992.
72. X. W. Gao and Z. Q. Zhong, Elastoplastic Damage Theory in Isotropic Medium, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, No.4, 1992.
73. X. W. Gao, Elastoplastic Damage Constitutive Equation and Computation, Journal of NingXia University, No.2, 1992.
74. L. S. Zheng and X. W. Gao, The Design and Computation of Extensional Bolt and Its Application in the Tunnel of Weak Rock, Tunnel and Underground Engineering, No.1, 1992.
75. X. W. Gao, Z. G. He and Y. R. Zheng, The Measurement in Situ and optimum Support, Journal of China Coal Society, No. 4, 1991.
76. W. X. Zhang and X. W. Gao, A New Iterative Method on Elastoplastic BEM, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, No.2, 1991.
77. X. W. Gao, J. Liu and Y. R. Zheng, On Treatment of Measured Displacement and Back Analysis in Underground Excavation, Tunnel and Underground Engineering, No.1, 1991.
78. Z. Q. Zhong and X. W. Gao, The Deformation Characteristic of Elastoplastic Coupled Materials, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, No.1, 1990.
79. X. W. Gao and Z. Q. Zhong, The Strain Decomposition of Finite Deformation, Journal of Ningxia Institute of Technology, No.1, 1990.
80. D. C. Zhang, X. W. Gao and Y. R. Zheng, The Calculation of Fully bonded bolts in Viscoelastic Medium, Journal of NingXia University, No.3, 1990.
81. X. W. Gao and N. Xun, The Acceleration Technique of Elastoplastic Iteration in Strain Space, Journal of NingXia University, No.4, 1990.
82. X. W. Gao, D. C. Zhang and Y. R. Zheng, The General Relationship of Elasto-plastic Constitutive Equations, Journal of NingXia University, No.1, 1990.
83. Y. R. Zheng, G. Xu and X. W. Gao, The Coupled Computational Method of Elastoplastic BEM and FEM, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mechanics, No.1, 1989.
84. Z. Q. Zhong and X. W. Gao, The Usual Numerical Methods in Solid Mechanics and Related Relationship, Journal of Ningxia Institute of Technology, No.1, 1989.
85. L. S. Zheng and X. W. Gao, An inverse Method of Computing Simultaneously Elastic Parameters, Journal of NingXia University, No.2, 1989.
86. X. W. Gao and D. C. Zhang, Boundary Element Method and Influence Coefficients, Journal of NingXia University, No.2, 1988.
87. G. C. Xu and X. W. Gao, The Analytic Expression of Initial Stress Coefficients in Elastoplastic BEM, Journal of Air Force College, No.1, 1987.
88. Y. R. Zheng and X. W. Gao, Elastoplastic BEM Applied to Back Analysis, Journal of Underground Technology, No.2, 1986.
89. Gao XW, Davies TG. 3D multi-region BEM with corners and edges. Int. J. Solids Struct, 2000; 37:1549–60.
90. X. W. Gao, Ch. Zhang, L. Guo,Boundary Element Method without Internal Cells for Nonlinear and Nonhomogeneous Problems, Proc. 2nd Asia-Pacific Int. Conf. on Comp. Meth. in Engrg (ICOME 2006), Nov. 14-16, 2006, Hefei,China.
91. X.W. Gao, C. Zhang, J. Sladek, V. Sladek: A Meshless BEM for 2-D Stress Analysis in Linearin Linear Elastic FGMs. In: Mehsfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations III (Editors: M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer), pp. 105-119, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
92. X.W. Gao, Ch. Zhang, J. Sladek and V. Sladek: An efficient meshless BEM for 2D nonhomogenoeus elastic solids, ICCES Special Symposium on MESHLESS METHODS, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, 8-10 June 2005. Also In: Advances in Meshless Methods (Ed. by J. Sladek and V. Sladek), Chapter 1, pp. 1-16, Tech Science Press, 2006.
93. Chen, P.C., Liu, D.D., Tang, L., Gao, X.-W., and Chang, K., “Aerothermodynamic Optimization of Hypersonic Vehicle TPS Design by POD-RSM-Based Approach”, AIAA-2006-0777.
94. Tang, L., Shyy, W., Chen, P.C., Liu, D.D., Gao, X.W., Utturkar, Y., and Zhang, B.-N., “Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Response Surface Method for TPS/RLV Structural Design and Optimization,” AIAA-2005-0839.
95. L. Tang, P.C. Chen, D. D. Liu, X.W. Gao, W. Shyy, Y. Utturkar, B.N. Zhang, P. S. Beran, A. Bhungalia, POD/RSM-Based S/Hypersonic Aerodynamic Module for TPS/RLV Structural Design and Optimization: X-34 Case Study, Proc. of the 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, 10-13 January 2005 (2005-0839).
96. D.D. Liu, P.C. Chen, L. Tang, K.T. Chang, and X.W. Gao, Expedient Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics Methodology for RLV/TPS Design, Proc. Of AIAA/AAAF 11th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Orleans,France, 29 Sep - 4 Oct 2002, 2002.
97. B.Yang, X.W. Gao, K. Kim, and M.P. Mignolet, Fatigue life prediction for panels subjected to thermo-acoustic loading, AIAA Structures and Dynamics conference, 2003.
98. X-W Gao & T. G. Davies. Multi-region BEM in solid mechanics. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. BeTeQ, Sept. 10-12, 2002, Beijing,China, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
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2013年榮獲ICACM(國際華人計算力學大會,新加坡)Fellows Award獎。
2013年榮獲ICACM(國際華人計算力學大會,新加坡)Fellows Award獎。


