

醫學博士,從事泌尿外科專業20年。擅長泌尿系腫瘤的微創治療和分子靶向治療;對血尿診治、尿路感染、男科等疾病也有獨到治療經驗。在著名雜誌“American Journal of Kidney Disease”和“Journal of Urology”上發表論文,本人作為第一/通訊作者在SCI收錄期刊發表論文20餘篇。參與編寫學術專著3部;主持或參加國家自然科學基金等項目4項。










(1) Chen S, Meng H, Cao M, Shen B. Renal Artery Aneurysm Mimicking Renal Calculus With Hydronephrosis.
(2) Yang K, Shen J, Chen SW, Qin J, Zheng XY, Xie LP. Upregulation of PAWR by small activating RNAs induces cell apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells.
(3) Wang S, Chen S, Xu J, Cai S. Clinicopathological characteristics of unicentric retroperitoneal Castleman's disease: a study of 14 cases.
(4) Chen S, Zhang H, Shi H, Tian L, Jin W, Li M. Endovascular stenting for treatment of Nutcracker syndrome: report of 61 cases with long-term followup.
(5) Wang Y, Chen S, Wang W, Liu J, Jin B.Renal vein thrombosis mimicking urinary calculus: a dilemma of diagnosis.
(6) Tian L, Chen S, Zhang G, Zhang H, Jin W, Li M. Extravascular stent management for migration of left renal vein endovascular stent in nutcracker syndrome.
(7) Wang S, Chen SW, Cai SL, Jin BY. A case report of retroperitoneal pararenal Castleman’s disease associated with myasthenia gravis.
(8) Chen S, Jin B, Xu L, Fu G, Meng H, Liu B, Li J, Xia D. Cystic renal cell carcinoma: a report of 67 cases including 4 cases with concurrent renal cell carcinoma.
(9) Luo J, Mao Y, Cai S, Shen X, Chen S, Xie L. Post-nephrectomy foreign-body granuloma in the retroperitoneum mimicking lymph node metastasis of renal cell cancer.
(10) Jiang P, Wang C, Jin B, Lin Y, Chen S. Eosinophilic cystitis in a patient with hypereosinophila syndrome: A case report.
(11) Lu Z, Qian F, Chen S, Yu G. Pulmonary hamartoma resembling multiple metastases: A case report.
(12) Tian L, He Y, Zhang H, Wu Z, Li D, Chen S. Diabetes insipidus-like state mplicating percutaneous transluminal renal stenting for transplant renal artery stenosis.
(13) Wang C, Chen S, Tang F, Shen B. Metachronous renal vein and artery injure after percutaneous nephrostolithotomy.
(14) Chen S, Chen G, Xia D, Li J, Wang S, Shen B, Jin B. Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the renal pelvis: Experience of multiple cases over a ten-year period.
(15) Meng H, Chen S, Chen G, Tan F, Wang C, Shen B. Renal subcapsular hemorrhage complicating ureterolithotripsy: an unknown complication of a known day-to-day procedure.
(16) Chen SW, Wang S, Wang B, Li WD, Yan S, Xie LP. Metachronous pulmonary and adrenal metastases after liver transplantation for hepatocarcinoma.
(17) Xia D, Chen SW, Zhang HK, Wang S. Renal subcapsular haematoma: an unusual complication of renal artery stenting.
(18) Chen GM, Chen SW, Xia D, Li J, Yan S, Jin BY. Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the renal pelvis in duplex kidney.
(19) Chen S, Zhang H, Tian L, Li M, Zhou M, Wang Z.A stranger in the heart: LRV stent migration.
(20) Shi H, Zhang FR, Zhu CX, Wang S, Li S, Chen SW. Incidence of changes and predictive factors for sexual function after coronary stenting.
(21) Chen SW, Shen ZJ, Yu YL, Zhou XL, Shi H, Liao GD, Shi HF. Subcapsular collection of glomerular filtrate: rare form of page kidney.


