


  • 中文名:陳善偉
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:香港中文大學、倫敦大學亞非學院


陳教授出版著作等身,包括編輯《翻譯學百科全書》,審定《朗文當代大辭典》,修訂Philosophy: An Art of Living (李瑞環:《學哲學、用哲學》)及The Biography of LeeShau Kee (《李兆基傳》),撰寫《翻譯科技辭典》及《漢英翻譯詞典:身體用語彙編》,英譯《仁學》(譚嗣同)、《紫禁城宮殿》、《近代名人手札精選》、《饒宗頤書畫集》、《高陽小說選譯》、《中國古代印刷史圖冊》、《溫家寶總理經典引句解說》、《中國經濟改革與發展研究》(成思危),及漢譯《我的兒子馬友友》等。


1. Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2015) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology, London and New York: Routledge, 756 pages.
2. Laurence K.P. Wong, John C.Y. Wang, and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) (2014) Two Voices in One: Essays in Asian and Translation Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 188 pages.
3. Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (2014)《翻譯科技新視野》(New Vistas in Translation Technology), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 392 pages.
4. Laurence K.P. Wong and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) (2013) The Dancer and the Dance: Essays in Translation Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 211 pages.
5. Tao Tao Liu, Laurence K.P. Wong and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) (2012) Style, Wit and Word-Play: Essays in Translation Studies in Memory of David Hawkes, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 328 pages.
6. Chan Sin-wai (tran.) (2012) Economic Reforms and Development in China, Volume 2, Hong Kong: Enrich Professional Publishing, 421 pages.
7. Chan Sin-wai (2011) 《《漢英翻譯詞典--身體用語彙編》(A Chinese-English Dictionary of the Human Body), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 1,308 pages.
8. Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2010) The Teaching of Computer-aided Translation, Special Issue of the Journal of Translation Studies Vol.13, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 314 pages.
9. Chan Sin-wai (tran.) (2009) Famous Chinese Sayings Quoted by Wen Jiabao, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company (H.K.) Limited, 340 pages.


