



  • 公司名稱:英國皇家保護鳥類協會
  • 外文名稱:The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
  • 總部地點:英格蘭
  • 成立時間:1889
  • 經營範圍:保護生境
  • 公司性質:自然保育公益組織
  • 公司口號:for birds 為了鳥兒 for people 為了人類 
  • 員工數:超過100萬


Royal society for the protection of birds (RSPB) The RSPB is the UK’s largest conservation charity.It was founded in 1889 Specifically to prevent the trade in the feathers of the Great Crested Gresbe for hats in the UK,and in the 21st century is a major player in all aspects of UK and international conservation. It currently has over one million members, an annual income of over 50 million pounds a year, a full and part-time staff of over 1,500 and nice regional offices. In 2004, 11900 volunteers gave 700000 hours of work to the RSPB. There are also 175 local members groups, and 110 youth groups throughout the country , and thousands of events are organised locally and nationally each year. There are 140,000 members of the RSPB’s Wildlife Explorers society for young children,and 40,000 members of the RSPB Phoenix Club for teenagers. There are three specific magazines for younger members , as well as the quarterly Birds for adult members. The RSPB owns and manages 180 reserves throughout the UK, which cost $15.7 million in 2004,and had over 1 million visitors. These reserves are home to 80﹪ of the UK’s rarest and most threatened birds. The aim of the RSPB are to campaign about environmental issues,protect,restore and manage endangered environments and to research bird life. An example of its work is the annual Big Garden Birdwatch, which has been going since 1979. On January 29th ----30th , 2005 , 419,000 people recorded more than 6 million birds in 210,000 gardens acroos the UK , to give a unique picture of the birds that live there. This kind of information is then used to put pressure on governments and business to help save and manage the environment correctly.


21世紀,該組織已經是英國和國際範圍內各領域保護組織的積極參與者. 目前該組織成員超過100多萬,年收入多於5千萬英鎊,全職工和鐘點工超過1500人,並設立了尼斯地區辦事處.2004年,有11900名志願者為英國皇家保護鳥類協會提供了70萬小時的工作.在英國,還有175個地方成員組織和110個青年團體,每年由全國或者地方組織的(鳥類保護)活動達數千起. 英國皇家保護鳥類協會的少年兒童野生動物探險家協會有成員14萬人,其青少年鳳凰俱樂部有成員4萬人.該鳥類協會還辦有專門針對青年讀者的三種雜誌,以及針對成年讀者的季刊. 在英國,英國皇家保護鳥類協會擁有並管理著180個自然保護區,2004年,這些自然保護區耗資1570萬美圓,訪問者超過1百萬人次.這些自然保護區是英國百分之八十的稀有和最瀕臨威脅鳥類的棲息地. 英國皇家保護鳥類協會的宗旨就是鼓動和參與有關環境問題的活動,保護,恢復和管理已經遭到危害的環境和研究鳥類的生存. 每年的大花園鳥類調查(觀賞)活動就是英國皇家保護鳥類協會組織的一項活動實例,它自1979年延續至今.2005年1月29日至30日,在英國全國21萬個花園裡,有49萬人共記錄了6百萬隻鳥的活動情景,提供了當地生存鳥類的唯一描述資料.這種資料被用來給政府和企業施加壓力,以達到正確地保護環境和合理管理環境的目的.


