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  • 中文名:竇鵬
  • 職業:教授
  • 學位/學歷:清華大學精密儀器與機械學系博士後
  • 職務:重慶大學教授
  • 主要成就:國家能源局核電重大專項課題評審專家


1992.9-1996.6 江西理工大學材料工程系 本科
1996.9-1999.3 江西理工大學 材料工程系碩士
1999.5-2005.1 清華大學材料科學與工程系博士
2005.1-2006.6 清華大學 精密儀器與機械學系 博士後
2006.7-2008.4 京都大學先進能源研究所 產學官連攜研究員
2008.4-2011.4 京都大學 先進能源研究所特任助理教授
2011.4-2012.7美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室 材料科學與技術部 研究科學家
2011.4-2012.7 美國田納西大學 材料科學與工程系研究助理教授
2012.8-2013.11 香港城市大學機械與生物醫學工程系 Research fellow
2013.12-至今 重慶大學材料科學與工程學院特聘研究員(百人計畫)博士生導師
2015.11 - 2016.2 京都大學 先進能源研究所 訪問教授


  1. 國際學術期刊審稿人:Philosophical Magazine、Journal of Nuclear Materials、Nuclear Engineering and Technology、Fusion Engineering and Design、Acta Materialia、Materials Science and Engineering: A、Materials Characterization、Carbon、Materials letters、Scientific reports等。
  2. 國家能源局核電重大專項課題評審專家
  3. 美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室學術和技術報告以及國際期刊論文的內部評審人(2011.4–2012.7)
  4. 學術組織成員:中國核學會、中國核學會核材料分會、日本金屬學會(JIM)、美國材料研究學會(MRS)、美國礦物、金屬和材料學會(TMS)和美國陶瓷學會(ACerS)。
  5. 揚州市產業技術研究院技術專家委員會委員
  6. 中廣核研究院-重慶大學ATF包殼ODS先進合金聯合實驗室主任
  7. 江西理工大學校友會第一屆理事會理事


  1. ODS合金設計理論和強韌化機理
  2. 先進透射電子顯微學技術及其在材料科學中的套用
  3. 輻照材料科學
  4. 納米結構材料的研究與開發及其強塑化機理
  5. 核材料的腐蝕與防護
  6. 高溫合金


  1. 第四代核反應堆(鈉冷卻快堆、超臨界水冷堆和鉛基快堆)核燃料包殼材料
  2. 聚變核反應堆包層材料
  3. 輕水堆事故容錯燃料包殼材料
  4. 加速器驅動次臨界系統(ADS系統)核燃料包殼材料
  5. 先進透射電子顯微學技術及其在先進結構核材料、納米材料和高溫合金等方面的套用
  6. 材料輻照效應
  7. 核材料的腐蝕與防護,納米材料複合塗層
  8. 高溫合金


[1] P. Dou,A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, S. Jiang, Z.G Yang, TEM and HRTEM Study of Oxide Particles in an Al-alloyed High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel withHf Addition, Journal of Nuclear Materials,485(2017)189-201(Corresponding Author).
[2]P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, TEM and HRTEM Study of Oxide Particles in an Al-alloyed High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel with Zr Addition, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 444 (2013) 441–453 (Corresponding Author).
[3] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Effects of Titanium Concentration and Tungsten Addition on the Nano-Mesoscopic Structure of High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Ferritic Steels, Journal of Nuclear Materials,442 (2013) S95–S100 (Corresponding Author).
[4] P. Dou, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Polymorphic and Coherency Transition of Y-Al Complex Oxide Particles with Extrusion Temperature in an Al-alloyed High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steel, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 992–1002 (Corresponding Author).
[5] P. Dou, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Effects of Extrusion Temperature on the Nano-Mesoscopic Structure and Mechanical Properties of High-Cr ODS Ferritic Steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417 (2011) 166-170 (Corresponding Author).
[6] P. Dou, R. Kasada, Preliminary Study on Nano- and Micro-composite Sol–Gel Based Alumina Coatings on Structural Components of Lead–Bismuth Eutectic Cooled Fast Breeder Reactors, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 409 (2011) 177-182 (Corresponding Author).
[7] R. Kasada, P. Dou, Sol-Gel Composite Coatings as Anti-Corrosion Barrier for Structural Materials of Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Cooled Fast Reactor, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 440, 647-653.
[8] N.Y. Iwata, T. Liu, P. Dou, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, F. Abe, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, Effects of MA Environment on the Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of ODS Ferritic Steels, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417 (2011) 162-165.
[9] A. Kimura, R. Kasada, N. Iwata, H. Kishimoto, C.H. Zhang, J. Isselin, P. Dou, J.H. Lee, N. Muthukumar, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, T. F. Abe, Development of Al-Added high-Cr ODS steels for Fuel Cladding of Next Generation Nuclear Systems, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417 (2011) 176-179.
[10] P. Dou, S.F. Suo, Z.G. Yang, Y.G. Li, D.R. Chen, Ratcheting Short Crack Behavior in Medium Carbon Bainitic Back-up Roll Steel under Mild Tractive Rolling Contact, Wear 268 (2010) 302–308, (Corresponding Author).
[11] P. Dou, S.F. Suo, B.Z. Bai, Z.G. Yang, Y.G. Li, Vertical Short Crack Initiation in Medium Carbon Bainitic Steel under Mild Tractive Rolling Contact, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 15(3) (2008) 37-41, (Corresponding Author).
[12]P. Dou, X.H. Jia, S.F. Suo, R.C. Wang, M. Zhang, Pressure Distribution at the Stump/socket Interface in Transtibial Amputees during Walking on Stairs, Slope and Non-flat Road,Clinical Biomechanics, 21 (2006) 1067-1073,(Corresponding Author).
[13] Y.G. Li, G.Z. Kang, C.A. Wang,P. Dou, J. Wang, Vertical Short-crack Behavior and its Application in Rolling Contact Fatigue,International Journal of Fatigue, 28 (2006) 804-811.
[14]P. Dou, Y.G. Li, K.M. Liang, Behavior of Short Fatigue Cracks in Medium Carbon Bainitic Back-up Roll Steel under Mild Tractive Rolling Contact,Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 41(2) (2005) 140-144,(Corresponding Author).
[15]P. Dou, Y.G. Li, K.M. Liang, C.A. Wang, Finite Element Analysis of Contact Stresses on the Backup Roll of CVC Hot Rolling Mills,Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology),45(12) (2005) 1668-1671,(Corresponding Author).
[16]P. Dou, Y.G. Li, K.M. Liang, B.Z. Bai, Optimization of Preventive Grinding of Backup Roll against Contact Fatigue Cracking,Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 12(3) (2005) 28-33, 45,(Corresponding Author).
[17]P. Dou, Y.G. Li, K.M. Liang, B.Z. Bai, Ratcheting Led Surface Failure of Medium Carbon Bainitic Steel under Mild Operation Conditions,Journal of University of Science and TechnologyBeijing,12(1) (2005) 60-66,(Corresponding Author).


