


  • 中文名:盧敏
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1963年
1984年9月至1987年8月,任安徽阜陽師範學院外語系教師, 1989年3月畢業於黃河大學,研究生,譯審。1989年4月至2003年10月,任中央編譯局文獻部英文處副處長;1990年9月至1991年9月,美國麻薩諸塞州立大學做訪問學者。2003年至今,任中國外文局翻譯專業資格考評中心副主任。中國翻譯協會理事,全國翻譯專業資格(水平)考試英語專家委員會委員, 全國翻譯系列高級評審委員會委員。參加全國人大、全國政協、中國共產黨全國代表大會及國際會議重要檔案的英文翻譯和審定稿,參加《周恩來選集》、《陳雲文選》、《劉少奇選集》、 《鄧小平文選》(第一、二、三卷)、《中國共產黨七十年》、《我的父親—鄧小平》(上卷)等英文翻譯和審定稿。
Lu Min, male, Han nationality, born in 1963 in Anhui Province, started to work in September 1984, became a Party member in 2005, graduated as an undergraduate from the Department of Foreign Languages of Anhui Normal University in June 1984, served as a teacher in the Department of Foreign Languages of Anhui Fuyang Normal College from September 1984 to August 1987, finished his postgraduate education in Huanghe University in March 1989 and won the professional title of professor of translation. He served as Deputy Director of the English Division of the Party Literature Translation Department of the Central Translation Bureau from April 1989 to October 2003 and became a visiting scholar of the American University of Massachusetts from September 1990 to September 1991. Since 2003, he has served as Deputy Director of CIPG’s National Translation Test and Appraisal Center. He acts as a council member of the Translators Association of China, a member of the English Experts Committee of China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (CATTI) and a member of the National Senior Translators and Interpreters Appraisal Committee. He participated in the English translation and finalization of important documents of the National People’s Congress, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party and international conferences. He was also engaged in the English translation and finalization of Selected Works of Zhou Enlai, Selected Works of Chen Yun, Selected Works of Liu Shaoqi, Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Volumes I, II and III), Seventy Years of the Chinese Communist Party, My Father — Deng Xiaoping, etc.


