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  • 中文名:田雲濤
  • 畢業院校:中國地質大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:教授


教學興趣主要集中在構造地質學,地質年代學和熱年代學。科研工作主要關注構造變形、氣候變化、地表剝蝕、地貌演化及地質災害(如地震等)之間的相互作用。研究手段包括野外地質填圖(geological mapping)、熱年代學分析(如Ar-Ar、fission-track、U-Th-He)、宇宙成因核素(cosmogenic nuclides)、構造地貌分析(tectono-morphometric analysis)、熱-運動模擬(thermo-kinematic modelling)等。通過與國內外研究者的合作,現主要從事如下課題的研究。
2016年入選中山大學“百人計畫II期”急需傑出青年人才計畫。迄今發表SCI學術論文25篇。根據 《Google學術》 檢索,論文總引>360餘次。國際會議論文及摘要40餘篇,會議邀請報告4次。發表於地球科學權威雜誌Geophysical Research Letters和Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystem上的兩篇論文被選為雜誌封面和AGU研究亮點(AGU Research Spotlight)。


2010年8月 – 2013年9月:博士(構造地質學與熱年代學),澳大利亞墨爾本大學
2007年9月 – 2010年7月:碩士(構造地質學與地熱學),中科院地質與地球物理學研究所
2003年9月 – 2007年7月:本科(地質學理科基地班),中國地質大學(武漢)


2013年10月 – 2016年11月:英國倫敦大學學院,地球科學學院,倫敦地質年代學中心,博士後研究助理


Jian Chang, Yuntao Tian, Nansheng Qiu, Mid-Late Miocene deformation of the northern Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt (southern Chinese Tian Shan): An apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He study, Tectonophysics, 2017, 694, 101~113
Tian, Y., B. P. Kohn, D. Phillips, S. Hu, A. J. W. Gleadow, and A. Carter (2016), Late Cretaceous–earliest Paleogene deformation in the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau margin: Pre-Cenozoic thickened crust?, Tectonics, doi: 10.1002/2016TC004182.
Shen, X., Y. Tian, D. Li, S. Qin, P. Vermeesch, and J. Schwanethal (2016), Oligocene-Early Miocene river incision near the first bend of the Yangze River: Insights from apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology, Tectonophysics, 2016.08.006.
Tian, Y., B. P. Kohn, S. Hu, and A. J. W. Gleadow (2015), Synchronous fluvial response to surface uplift in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for crustal dynamics, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2014GL062383, doi:10.1002/2014GL062383.
Li, G., Y. Tian, B. P. Kohn, M. Sandiford, Z. Xu, and Z. Cai (2015), Cenozoic low temperature cooling history of the Northern Tethyan Himalaya in Zedang, SE Tibet and its implications, Tectonophysics, 643(0), 80-93, 2014.12.014.
Tian, Y., B. P. Kohn, A. J. W. Gleadow, and S. Hu (2014), A thermochronological perspective on the morphotectonic evolution of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JB010429.
Tian, Y., B. P. Kohn, S. Hu, and A. J. W. Gleadow (2014), Postorogenic rigid behavior of the eastern Songpan-Ganze terrane: Insights from low-temperature thermochronology and implications for intracontinental deformation in central Asia, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 15, doi:10.1002/2013GC004951.
Vermeesch, P., and Y. Tian (2014), Thermal history modelling: HeFTy vs. QTQt, Earth Sci. Rev., 139, 279-290, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.09.010.
Guenthner, W. R., P. W. Reiners, and Y. Tian (2014), Interpreting date-eU correlations in zircon (U-Th)/He datasets: A case study from the Longmen Shan, China, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 403(0), 328-339, 2014.06.050.
Tian, Y., B. P. Kohn, A. W. Gleadow, and S. Hu (2013), Constructing the Longmen Shan eastern Tibetan Plateau margin: insights from low-temperature thermochronology, Tectonics, 32, 576-592, doi: 10.1002/tect.20043.
Tian, Y., B. P. Kohn, A. J. W. Gleadow, and S. Hu (2013), Peneplain formation in southern Tibet predates the India-Asia collision and plateau uplift: COMMENT, Geology, 41(9), e295-e296, doi:10.1130/g33617c.1.
Tian, Y., B. P. Kohn, C. Zhu, M. Xu, S. Hu, and A. J. W. Gleadow (2012), Post-orogenic evolution of the Mesozoic Micang Shan Foreland Basin system, central China, Basin Res., 24(1), 70-90, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2117.2011.00516.x.
Tian, Y., N. Qiu, B. P. Kohn, C. Zhu, S. Hu, A. J. W. Gleadow, and B. I. A. McInnes (2012), Detrital zircon (U–Th)/He thermochronometry of the Mesozoic Daba Shan Foreland Basin, central China: Evidence for timing of post-orogenic denudation, Tectonophysics, 570–571, 65-77, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.08.010.
田雲濤, 朱傳慶, 徐明, 饒松, Barry P. Kohn, 胡聖標, 2011, 晚白堊世以來川東北地區的剝蝕歷史——多類低溫熱年代學數據綜合剖面的制約, 地球物理學報, 54(3): 807~816
田雲濤, 朱傳慶, 徐明, 饒松, Kohn, Barry P., 胡聖標, 2010, 白堊紀以來米倉山—漢南穹窿剝蝕過程及其構造意義:磷灰石裂變徑跡的證據, 地球物理學報, 53(4): 920~930


