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  • 中文名:王軍
  • 外文名:WangJun
  • 職位:中南大學生命科學學院教授
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:博士生導師、博士


2001年至2003年在美國羅氏製藥公司 (Roche Pharmaceutical) 進行博士後工作,領導小鼠高通量單核苷酸多樣性 (SNP) 基因分型技術開發工作,參與構建小鼠單核苷酸多樣性基因資料庫,領導多項致病基因連鎖研究課題。
2003年至2007年在美國羅氏分子診斷公司(Roche Molecular Diagnostics) 擔任經理/首席科學家,在“實時聚合酶鏈反應技術”(Real-time PCR) 發明人西古奇博士 (Russell Higuchi) 領導下,管理高通量基因分型課題組,進行“實時聚合酶鏈反應技術”的產品套用開發,人類單核苷酸多樣性 (SNP) 基因分型技術研究,以及對骨質疏鬆症、乳腺 癌、心血管病等多項致病基因連鎖研究。
2007年至2011年,在美國富魯達公司擔任新試劑開發組經理/高級科學家,進行納米微流體技術的基因組學套用研究,從事“實時聚合酶鏈反應技術”套用、高通量單核苷酸多樣性 (SNP) 基因分型、基因表達定量測定、基因拷貝數鑑定、致癌基因突變檢測、基因甲基化深度測序、下一代基因測序技術等研究。在美國和加拿大從事了16年的科研工作,積累了豐富的科研經驗及美國生物工業技術開發及管理經驗,在國際性雜誌上發表了十多篇SCI論文,申請了4項美國專利,獲1項歐洲專利,應邀在多個大型國際會議上作專題報告並發表二十多篇會議摘要,擔任過多個國際性雜誌評審(Clinical Chemistry, PLoS ONE, Analytical Biochemistry, BioTechniques, Clinica Chimica Acta等),是美國癌症研究學會 (AACR) 和美國人類遺傳學會 (ASHG) 會員。




1. Wang J, Ramakrishnan R, Tang A, Fan W, Kluge A, Dowlati A, Jones RC, Ma P, Quantifying EGFR Alterations in the Lung Cancer Genome with Nanofluidic Digital PCR Arrays. Clin Chem 2010, 56:4, 625-634.
2. Wang J, Lin M, Crenshaw A, Hutchinson A, Hicks B, Yeager M, Berndt S, Huang WY, Hayes RB, Chanock SJ, Jones RC, Ramakrishnan R, High-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping using nanofluidic Dynamic Arrays.BMC Genomics 2009, 10:561.
3. Rhodes S, Erlich H, Im K, Wang J, Li J, Bugawan T, Jeffers L, Tong X, Su X, Yee L, Liang T, Yang H, Associations between the human MHC and sustained virologic response in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Genes Immun. 2008, 9(4), 328–333.
4. Wang J, Higuchi R, Francesmary M, Li J, Umblas N, Lee J, Lui L-Y, Ziv E, Tice J, Cummings RS. Rhees B. Estrogen Receptor Alpha Haplotypes and Breast Cancer Risk in Older Caucasian Women. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007 Dec; 106(2):273-80. Epub 2007 Feb 1.
5. Blackburn AC, Hill LZ, Roberts AL, Wang J, Aud D, Jung J, Nikolcheva T, Allard J, Peltz G, Otis CN, Cao QJ, Ricketts RS, Naber SP, Mollenhauer J, Poustka A, Malamud D, Jerry DJ. Genetic mapping in mice identifies DMBT1 as a candidate modifier of mammary tumors and breast cancer risk. Am J Pathol. 2007 Jun;170(6):2030-41.
6. Lane NE, Lian K, Nevitt MC, Zmuda JM, Lui L, Li J, Wang J, Fontecha M, Umblas N, Rosenbach M, de Leon P, Corr M. Frizzled Related Protein Variants are Risk Factors for Hip Osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Mar 29; 54(4):1246-1254.
5. . Wang J, Chuang K, Ahluwalia M, Patel S, Umblas N, Mirel D, Higuchi R, Germer S. High-throughput SNP genotyping by single-tube PCR with Tm-shift primers. BioTechniques 2005, Dec, 39 (6): 885-893.
8. Lian K, Zmuda JM, Nevitt MC, Lui L, Hochberg MC, Greene D, Li J, Wang J, Lane NE. Type I Collagen _1 Sp1 Transcription Factor Binding Site Polymorphism Is Associated With Reduced Risk of Hip Osteoarthritis Defined by Severe Joint Space Narrowing in Elderly Women. Arthritis Rheum 2005 May; 52(5):1431-6.
9. Wang J, Aud D, Germer S, Higuchi R, SNP Discovery and Genotyping: Methods and Applications.Computational Genetics and Genomics: New Tools for Understanding Disease, G Peltz, Ed Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2005 (Book chapter).
10. Siu C-H, Sriskanthadevan S, Wang J, Hou L, Chen G, Xu X,Thomson A, Yang C,Regulation of spatiotemporal expression of cell-cell adhesion molecules during development of Dictyostelium discoideum.Development Growth and Differentiation 2011, 53(4):518-27.
11. Siu C-H, Harris T, Wang, J, Wong E, Regulation of cell-cell adhesion during Dictyostelium development.Semin Cell Dev Biol 2004 Dec; 15 (6):633-41.
12. Mirel D, Barcellos LF, Wang J, Hauser SH, Oksenberg JR, Erlich HA, Analysis of IL4R haplotypes in predisposition to multiple sclerosis. Genes Immun 2004 Mar; 5(2):138-41.
13. Wong E,Yang C, Wang J, Fuller D, Loomis WF, and Siu C-H, Disruption of the gene encoding the cell adhesion molecule DdCAD-1 leads to aberrant cell sorting and cell-type proportioning during Dictyostelium development. Development, 2002, 129, 3839-3850.
14. Wang J, Hou L, Awery D, Loomis WF, Firtel RA, and Siu C-H, The Membrane Glycoprotein gp150 is Encoded by the lagC Gene and Mediates Cell-cell Adhesion by Heterophilic Binding during Dictyostelium Development. Dev Biol.2000, 227, 734-745.
15. Siu C-H,Harris TJC, Wong EFS, Yang C, Sesaki H, and Wang J, Cell Adhesion Molecules in Dictyostelium. In:Dictyostelium-A Model System for Cell and Developmental Biology Y Maeda, K Inouye, and I Takeuchi, eds p69-79 Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, 1997 (Book chapter).
16. Wang J, Tang JG, Zhang TF, and Zhang LX, Studies on the Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Disulfide Linkage Cys129-Cys232 of Trypsin. Chinese Biochem J, 1996,12, 583-587.


