



  • 中文名:王發明
  • 畢業院校:瑞典隆德大學
  • 學位/學歷:副博士學位和博士學位
  • 專業方向:人體工效學
  • 職務:特聘教授,博士生導師
王發明,蘇州大學紡織與服裝工程學院特聘教授,博士生導師。2010和2011年分獲瑞典隆德大學(Lund University)人體工效學(Ergonomics/working environment) 副博士學位和博士學位,導師為Ingvar Holmér 教授;後繼續在隆德大學Thermal Environment Laboratory從事博士後研究工作,任項目主持;2012年起任職於瑞士聯邦材料科學與技術研究所EMPA (聯邦理工學院ETH下屬研究所),任歐盟瑪麗居里夫人研究員及項目主持;2013年8月受Killam Trusts資助在加拿大阿爾伯塔大學從事科研工作。2013年10月加盟蘇州大學紡織與服裝工程學院。以項目主持PI身份完成6項科研項目,總經費折合人民幣約300萬元,發表學術論文近90篇,包括35篇同行評議期刊論文,在Ergonomics, Appl Ergon, Int J Biometeorol, Ann Occup Hyg, Physiol Meas, Scand J Med Sci Sports等領域內知名期刊發表SCI研究論文25篇,會議論文40篇,出版學術專著及專著章節總計10部,研究報告6部,申請美國設計專利1項。
2014: The 31st Marquis Who’s Who in the World, Berkeley Heights, NJ, USA
2013: Dorothy J Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellow Prize, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
2013: Izzak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
2013: Izzak Walton Killam Research Allowance, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
2011: Marie Curie Research Fellow , EU
2010: Sigfrid och Walborg Nordkvist Scholarship, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
2008-2011: Taiga AB Pre-doctoral Scholarship, Taiga AB, Varberg, Sweden
2013年:蘇州大學科研啟動經費 (PI)
2013年:Killam Trusts資助項目 Characterization and design of functional body mapping clothing, 96 000 加元 (PI)
2013年:台灣紡織研究所合作項目2013 Evaluation of body-mapping t-shirts for warm environments, 700 000新台幣(PI)
2013年: EMPA項目Determination of clothing evaporative resistance by means of a sweating manikin: a round robin study, 5 000 瑞士法郎(PI)
2012-2013年: 歐盟項目Localised moisture transfer through multi-layer clothing ensembles, 273 000 瑞士法郎(PI)
2012年: 台灣紡織研究所合作項目Opportunities and constraints of body-mapping in outer layer”, 600 000 新台幣(參與)
2011年: 台灣紡織研究所項目Assessment of sleeping bags on thermal manikins and human subjects, 900 000 新台幣(PI)
2010年: 台灣紡織研究所項目Assessment of various cold protective clothing, 600 000 新台幣 (PI)
2009-2010年:瑞典國家創新局VINNOVA項目Development of clothing for extreme environments, and assessment model of thermal protection for different work situations, 400 000 瑞典克朗 (參與)
90)Wang F, Gao C (2013) Protective clothing: managing thermal stress. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing. Editor
89) Morrissey M, & Wang F* (2013) Air ventilation and water perfusion clothing. In Wang F & Gao C (eds) Protective clothing: managing thermal stress, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
87) Wang F* (2013) Modelling of cold stress and cold strain in protective clothing. In Wang F & Gao C (eds) Protective clothing: managing thermal stress, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
86) Wang F* (2013) Textiles for protective military footwear. In: Luximon A (ed) Handbook of footwear design and materials. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, ISBN: 0857095390.
85) Wang F*, Rossi RM (2013) A functional body mapping sportswear kit. US Design Patent.
84) Wang F*, Annaheim S, Morrissey M, & Rossi RM (2013) Evaporative cooling efficiency of one-layer tight fitting clothing in a hot environment. Scand J Med Sci Sports, doi: 10.1111/sms.12090.
83) Wang F*, Gao C, Kuklane K, & Holmér I (2013) Effects of various functional clothing and environment conditions on heat strain: the PHS (predicted heat strain) model revisited. Ind Health 51(3):266-274.
82) Zhao M, Gao C, Wang F et. al (2013) The torso cooling benefit of vests incorporated with phase change materials (PCMs) worn under protective clothing: a sweat evaporation perspective. Text Res J 83(4):418-425.
81) Zhao M, Gao C, Wang F et. al (2013) A study on local cooling of garments with ventilation fans and openings placed at different torso sites. Int J Indus Ergonom 43(3): 232-237.
80) Lin LY, Wang F*, Kuklane K et al (2013) A laboratory validation study of the comfort and limit temperatures of four sleeping bags defined according to EN 13537(2002). Appl Ergon 44(2):321-326.
79) Kuklane K, Gao C, Wang F, & Holmér I (2012). Parallel and serial methods of calculating thermal insulation in European manikin standards. Int J Occup Saf Ergon (JOSE) 18(2):171-179.
78) Wang F*, & Kuklane K (2012) Comments on “Correction of the evaporative resistance of clothing by the temperature of skin fabric on a sweating and walking thermal manikin”. Text Res J 82(17):1827-1829.
77) Wang F* (2012) Comments on “Importance of air spaces when comparing fabric thermal resistance”. Text Res J 82(5): 521.
76) Wang F*, del Ferraro S, Lin LY et al (2012) Localised boundary air layer and clothing evaporative resistance for individual body segments. Ergonomics, 55(7):799-812. Research highlight article
75) Gao C, Kuklane K, Wang F, & Holmér I (2012) Personal cooling with phase change materials to improve thermal comfort from a heat wave perspective. Indoor Air, 22(6): 523-530.
74) Wang F*, Kuklane K, Gao C, & Holmér I (2012) Effect of temperature difference between manikin and sweating skin surfaces on clothing evaporative resistance: how much error is there? Int J Biometeorol 56(1): 177-182.
73) Wang F*, Gao C, Kuklane K, & Holmér I (2011) Determination of clothing evaporative resistance on a sweating thermal manikin in an isothermal condition: heat loss method or mass loss method? Ann Occup Hyg 55(7), 775-783.
72) Wang F*, Kuklane K, Gao C, & Holmér I (2011) Can the PHS model predict reasonable human thermophysiological responses while wearing protective clothing in hot environments? Physiol Meas 32(2), 239-249. Most cited article for 2011-2013
71) Wang F*, Gao C, Kuklane K, & Holmér I (2010). A review on technology of personal heating garments. Int J Occup Saf Ergon (JOSE), 16(3), 387-404.
70) Wang F*, Gao C, & Holmér I (2010) Effects of air velocity and clothing combination on heating efficiency of an electrically heated vest (EHV): a pilot study. J Occup Environ Hyg 7(9), 501-505.
69) Wang F*, Kuklane K, Gao C, & Holmér I (2010) Development and validation of a universal equation to predict sweating skin surface temperature for thermal manikins. J Therm Biol 35(4), 197-203. Reported by Science Letter
68) Wang F*, & Lee H (2010) Evaluation of an electrically heated vest (EHV) using thermal manikin in cold environments. Ann Occup Hyg 54(1), 117-124.
瑞典Lund University、瑞士EMPA、 義大利INAIL、葡萄牙CeNTI、芬蘭FIOH、英國Loughborough University、加拿大University of Alberta、University of Ottawa、美國University of Texas,North Carolina State University,University of Alabama,美國陸軍環境醫學研究所USARIEM、澳大利亞RMIT大學、台灣紡織研究所TTRI、韓國Yonsei University,Inha University,日本Shinshu University, KEM公司,美國Gore-Tex公司歐洲總部,瑞典Taiga公司,香港SGS公司,清華大學,中航工業宇航救生裝備公司等。


