


“百人計畫”引進海外傑出人才,國家傑出青年基金獲得者,國家重大研究計畫首席科學家。2001 年畢業於中國農業大學,獲生理學理學博士學位。2000-2001年作為短期交換留學生在日本東京農工大農學部田谷一善先生研究室從事合作研究。曾獲Lalor Foundation 博士後基金資助,在美國堪薩斯大學醫學中心和范德堡大學醫學中心SK Dey 先生研究室進行博士後培訓。2004-2007年在范德堡大學醫學中心兒科系先後擔任研究助理教授和助理教授。目前主要從事早期胚胎髮育、著床和胎盤發生的分子生理機制研究,在Nat Med、J Clin Invest、PNAS、Development、JBC等雜誌上發表了50多篇SCI收錄論文,並於2006年和2010年分別受邀為Nat Rev Genet、Endocrine Rev和J Clin Invest等雜誌撰寫特邀綜述。王海濱博士多次受邀參加生殖生物學Keystone Symposia並做大會報告,目前擔任Am J Reprod Immunol、PLoS ONE等雜誌編委會委員。


  • 中文名:王海濱
  • 外文名:Wang HB
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:浙江省義烏市
  • 出生日期:1974年9月
  • 職業:中國科學院動物研究所 計畫生育生殖生物學國家重點實驗室
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 主要成就:國家傑出青年基金獲得者(2008年)
    美國Solvay/Joseph Mortola研究獎,2005年度唯一獲獎人
  • 代表作品:SCI論文50多篇




  • 美國生殖生物學學會(Society for the Study of Reproduction)會員(2001-)
  • 美國內分泌學會(Endocrine Society)會員(2004-)
  • 美國生殖免疫學會(American Society of Reproductive Immunology)會員(2010-)
  • Am J ReprodImmunol雜誌編委會委員(2010-)
  • PLoS ONE雜誌編委會委員(2010-)
  • Reprod Med Biol雜誌編委會委員(2011-)
  • Development & Reproduction雜誌編委會委員(2011-)
  • Biol Reprod雜誌編委會委員(2012-)
  • Invited Guess Editor, Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 2013年特刊:Regulation of Early Pregnancy
  • Invited Guess Editor, International Journal of Endocrinology. 2013年特刊:Endocannabinoids and Reproduction
此外,是領域內許多國際刊物,如Nat Med、JCI、JAMA、JBC、Mol Endocrinol、Endocrinology、Biol Reprod、Reproduction、Hum Reprod、Mol Hum Reprod、Fertil Steril、PLoS ONE、BMC Genomics、Placenta等的ad hoc審稿


北美產科研究學會Solvay/Joseph Mortola研究獎(2005年)


  • 基金委重點項目-母-胎互作微環境決定妊娠結局的分子基礎(81130009),2012-2016
  • 青年科學基金項目-組蛋白H2A 泛素E3 連線酶Bmi1 和Mel18 在胚胎著床中的作用(31200881),2012-2015
  • 國家傑出青年基金項目-胚胎髮育與著床/Wnt信號通路在胚泡著床和子宮蛻膜反應中的生理作用(30825015),2009-2012
  • 國家重大科學研究計畫(973)項目-妊娠建立和維持的分子機制研究(2011CB944400)2011-2015
  • 國家重大基礎研究(973)項目“卵巢衰老及相關重大疾病的基礎研究”二級課題-卵巢衰老誘發女性生殖系統疾病的分子機理(2010CB945002),2010-2015


  1. Lu J, Zhang S, Nakano N, Simmons DG, Wang S, Wang Q, Kong S, Shen L, Wang W, Wang B, Wang HM, Wang YL, van Es JH, Clevers H, Leone G, Cross JC,Wang H*. A positive feedback loop involving Gcm1 and Fzd5 directs chorionic branching morphogenesis in the placenta.PLoS Biology.2013.11(4)
  2. Zhang S, Lin H, Kong S, Wang S, Wang H,Wang H*, Armant DR*(Co-correspondence)..Physiological and molecular determinants of embryo implantation.Mol Aspects Med.2013 Jan 2. doi:pii: S0098-2997(12)00158-6. 10.1016/j.mam.2012.12.011. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Wang Q, Lu J, Zhang S, Wang S, Wang W, Wang B, Wang F, Chen Q, Duan E, Leitges M, Kispert A,Wang H*. Wnt6 is essential for stromal cell proliferation during decidualization in mice.Biol Reprod.88(1):5, 2013
  4. Zhang S, Kong S, Lu J, Wang Q, Chen Y, Wang W, Wang B,Wang H*. Deciphering the molecular basis of uterine receptivity.Mol Reprod Dev.80(1):8-21, 2013
  5. Kong S, Zhang S, Chen Y, Wang W, Wang B, Chen Q, Duan E*,Wang H*. Determinants of uterine aging: lessons from rodent models.Sci China Life Sci.55(8): 687-93, 2012
  6. Lim H &Wang H* (Co-correspondence). Uterine disorders and pregnancy complications: insights from mouse models.J CIin Invest. 120(4), 1004-15, 2010
  7. Chen Q, Zhang Y, Lu J, Wang Q, Wang S, Cao Y,Wang H*, Duan E* (Co-correspondence). Embryo-uterine cross-talk during implantation: The role of Wnt signaling.Mol Hum Reprod. 15(4):215-21, 2009
  8. Xie H, Tranguch S, Jia X, Zhang H, Das SK, Dey SK,Kuo CJ, andWang H* (*Correspondence). Inactivation of Nuclear Wnt-β-Catenin Signaling Limits Blastocyst Competency for Implantation.Development. 135(4): 717-727, 2008
  9. Wang H*, Xie H*(equal contribution), Dey SK. Loss of cannabinoid receptor CB1 induces preterm birth.PLoS ONE. 3(10):e3320, 2008
  10. Xie H*,Wang H* (equal contribution), Tranguch S, Iwamoto R, Mekada E, DeMayo FJ, Lydon JP, Das SK and Dey SK. Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor serves as a molecular link between the blastocyst and uterus during implantation.PNAS. 104(46): 18315-20, 2007
  11. Wang H*, Xie H* (equal contribution), Sun X, Tranguch S, Zhang H, Jia X, Wang D, Das SK, Desvergne B, Wahli W, DuBois RN and Dey SK. Stage-specific integration of maternal and embryonic PPARδ signaling is critical to pregnancy success.J Biol Chem.282(52): 37770-37782, 2007
  12. Wang H*, Xie H*, Sun X* (equal contribution), Kingsley PJ, Marnett LJ, Cravatt BF and Dey SK. Differential regulation of endocannabinoid synthesis and degradation in the uterus during embryo implantation.Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat.83(1-2): 62-74, 2007
  13. Wang H*, Xie H, Guo Y, Zhang H, Takahashi T, Kingsley PJ, Marnett LJ, Das SK, Cravatt BF and Dey SK. Fatty acid amide hydrolase deficiency limits early pregnancy events.J CIin Invest.116 (8): 2122-2131, 2006
  14. Wang H*, Dey SK and Maccarrone M. Jekyll and Hyde: Two faces of cannabinoid signaling in male and female fertility.Endocr Rev. 27 (5): 427-448, 2006
  15. Wang H*and Dey SK. Roadmap to embryo implantation: Clues from mouse models.Nat Rev Genet. 7 (3): 185-199, 2006
  16. Wang H*, Xie H and Dey SK. Endocannabinoid signaling directs periimplantation events.AAPS J. 8 (2): E425-E432, 2006
  17. Wang H*, Xie H* (equal contribution), Zhang H, Das SK and Dey SK. Conditional gene recombination by adenovirus-driven Cre in the mouse uterus.Genesis. 44(2): 51-56, 2006
  18. Lei L, Zhang H, Jin S, Wang F, Fu M,Wang H* and Xia G* (co-correspondence). Stage-specific germ-somatic cell interaction directs the primordial folliculogenesis in mouse fetal ovaries.J Cell Physiol. 208(3): 640-647, 2006
  19. Wang H*, Tranguch S* (equal author), Xie H, Hanley G, Das SK, Dey SK. Variation in commercial rodent diets induces disparate molecular and physiological changes in the mouse uterus.PNAS. 102 (28): 9960-9965, 2005
  20. Wang H*and Dey SK. Lipid Signaling in Embryo Implantation.Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 77(1-4): 84-102, 2005
  21. Guo Y*,Wang H*(equal author), Okamoto Y, Ueda N, Kingsley PJ, Marnett LJ, Schmid HH, Das SK, Dey SK. N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D is an important determinant of uterine anandamide levels during implantation.J Biol Chem.280 (25): 23429-23432, 2004
  22. Wang H*, Ma W, Tejada L, Zhang H, Morrow JD, Das SK, and Dey SK. Rescue of female infertility from the loss of Cyclooxygenase-2 by compensatory upregulation of Cyclooxygenase-1 is a function of genetic make-up.J Biol Chem.279(11): 10649-10658, 2004
  23. Wang H*, Guo Y, Wang D, Kingsley PJ, Marnett LJ, Das SK, DuBois RN and Dey SK. Aberrant cannabinoid signaling impairs oviductal transport of embryos.Nat Med.10(10): 1074-1080, 2004
  24. Wang H*, Matsumoto H, Guo Y, Paria BC, Roberts RL, and Dey SK. Differential G-Protein coupled cannabinoid receptor signaling by anandamide directs blastocyst activation for implantation.PNAS. 100(25): 14914-14919, 2003
  25. Wang H*, Herath CB, Xia GL, Watanabe G, and Taya K. Superovulation, fertilization and in vitro embryo development in the mouse after administration of inhibin-neutralizing antiserum.Reproduction. 122(5): 809-816, 2001


