

主演: Cláudia Raia

類型: 喜劇 / 劇情



  • 導演:Neville de Almeida
  • 編劇喬洛·比薩尼 / Neville de Almeida
  • 對白語言葡萄牙語
  • imdb編碼:tt0241708
  • 中文名:殺死家庭,看電影去
  • 外文名:Killed the Family and Went to the Movies
  • 製片地區: 巴西
  • 類型:劇情 / 喜劇
  • 片長:90 分鐘
  • 上映時間:1991


傳奇巴西地下電影傑作《殺死家庭看電影去》有兩個版本,69年的原版和91年的這本翻拍版,導演Neville de Almeida同樣來自70年代的“邊緣電影”運動,此次與前輩Júlio Bressane共同改寫了部分章節,卻達到了意想不到的效果和好評,當然影片原本就有的反叛另類風格依然得以延續。。。
A brilliant exemplary of the Brazilian new cinema! Matou a Família e Foi ao Cinema is the most astounding Brazilian movie of the 90's. As a remade of the classic masterpiece of the Cinema Novo with the same name, the movie drive us to a storm of feelings and doubts. In this version Julio Bressane, the original director, rewrote the script to best fit the new conception of an inhuman crime. Alexandre Frota is the tormented guy who kills the family and goes to the movies as if it doesn't really matters. He was at the time the most promiser upcoming artist. Frota today is a porn star. The trajectory of the character should be compared with the one made by Rodya Raskolnikov in the literature classic 'Crime and Punishment' written by Dostoyevsky. The director's vanguard position influenced by Locke shows us the real dilemma of a killer, the ambiguity of the human being. We can discern some Nietzsche's positivism influence in the picture as in the famous crime scene. To give us the sense of reality, Neville, the director, shot his movie in an exotic distribution of colors, inserting the purple and white tendency in our times. In his movie's composition impeccable, Neville remembers us of great cinema classics such as The Discreet Charm of the Burgeoisie and many of IstvAn Szabó pictures, such as Mephisto. Counting with a undefectable supporting casting, Matou a Família e Foi ao Cinema is the best representer of what's happening in the Brazilian cinema.


Best Director (Melhor Direção) Neville de Almeida
Best Film (Melhor Filme) (提名) Neville de Almeida
Gramado Film Festival 1991
Best Supporting Actress (Melhor Atriz Coadjuvante) 安娜·貝琪茲·諾奎拉


