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1995-2001在美國Purdue University生物系和園藝系工作和學習,獲得博士學位。2001-2004年在美國Vector Tobacco公司任科學家和課題組長。2004年入選中國科學院“百人計畫”,回遺傳與發育生物學研究所石家莊農業資源研究中心工作。




Feifei Sun, Wensheng Zhang, Haizhou Hu, Bao Li, Youning Wang, Yankun Zhao, Kexue Li, Mengyu Liu, Xia Li (2007) Salt modulates。
gravity signaling pathway to regulate growth direction of primary roots in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol First published on November16, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.109413。
Yuzuki Manabe, Tao Wang, Ray A. Bressan, Fang Li, Hisashi Koiwa, Irina Sokolchik, Xia Li* and Albino Maggio* (2007) The Arabidopsis。
kinase-associated protein phosphatase regulates adaptation to Na+ stress. Plant Physiol (In revision, * Co-corresponding author)。
Youning Wang, Tao Wang, Kexue Li, Xia Li (2007) Genetic analysis of involvement of ETR1 in plant response to salt and osmotic stress。
Plant Growth Regul (In revision)。
Xiaohuan Wang, Zhenhua Gao, Yuzhen Wang, Ray A. Bressan, Stephen C. Weller, Xia Li (2007) Highly efficient in vitro adventitious shoot。
regeneration of peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) using internodal explants. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant(In revision)。
Youning Wang, Wensheng Zhang, Kexue Li, Feifei Sun, Chunyu Han, Yukun Wang, Xia Li (2007) Salt-induced plasticity of root hair。
development is caused by ion disequilibrium in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Plant Res DOI10.1007/s10265-007-0123-y。
Wang Y, Liu C, Li K, Sun F, Hu H, Li X, Zhao Y, Han C, Zhang W, Duan Y, Liu M, Li X (2007) Arabidopsis EIN2 modulates stress response。
through abscisic acid response pathway. Plant Mol Biol 64(6):633-44。
Inan G, Goto F, Jin J, Rosado A, Koiwa H, Shi H, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Maggio A*, Li X* (2007) Isolation and characterization of。
shs1, a sugar-hypersensitive and ABA-insensitive mutant with multiple stress responses. Plant Mol Biol 65:295-309。
DOI 10.1007/s11103-007-9219-y (*Co-corresponding author)。
Liu C, Wang T, Zhang W, Li X (2007) Computational identification and analysis of immune-associated nucleotide gene family in。
Arabidopsis thaliana. J Plant Physiol DOI 10.1016/j.jplph.2007.06.002。
Kexue Li, Youning Wang, Chunyu Han, Wensheng Zhang, Huizhen Jia and Xia Li (2007) GA signaling and CO/FT regulatory module。
mediate salt-induced late flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regul DOI 10.1007/s10725-007-9218-7。
Zhang W*, Li X*, Liu J (2007) Genetic variation of Bmy1 alleles in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) investigated by CAPS analysis。
Theor Appl Genet 114(6):1039-50. (Co-first author)。
X. Li, Z. Gong, X. Niu, H. Koiwa, J. Espartero, X. Zhu, P. Veronese, S.C. Weller, R.A. Bressan, and P.M. Hasegawa. 2001. Bar expressing。
peppermint (Mentha X piperita L. Var. Black Mitcham) plants are highly resistant to the glufosinate herbicide Liberty. Molecular Breeding,8(2): 109-118.。
P. Veronese, X. Li, X. Niu, S.C. Weller, R.A. Bressan, and P.M. Hasegawa. 2001. Genetic Bioengineering for mint crop improvement。
Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 64(2-3): 133-144。
X. Niu, X. Li, P. Veronese, R.A. Bressan, S.C. Weller and P.M. Hasegawa. 2000. Factors affecting Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediatedtransformation of peppermint. Plant Cell Reports, 19:304-310。
X. Li, X. Niu, R.A. Bressan, S.C. Weller and P.M. Hasegawa. 1999. Highly efficient plant regeneration of Native Spearmint (Menthaspicata L.). In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. - Plant, 35: 333-338。


