
李佩棟,男,1989年11月出生,博士,四川大學助理研究員,主要從事力學相關的科研與教學工作。重點研究壓電、電磁、準晶等多場耦合材料的斷裂、接觸等基本力學行為。在International Journal of Solids and Structures,Smart Materials and Structures,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,Engineering Fracture Mechanics等國際期刊上發表SCI論文16篇,Google Scholar引用100多次。


  • 中文名:李佩棟
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1989年11月
  • 畢業院校:西南交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:助理研究員




1、 多場耦合材料的斷裂和接觸力學
2、 功能梯度板的相關力學問題


2、熱-機械荷載作用下準晶體中剪下模態平面裂紋的三維分析(11672250) (參與)


1. Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Kang G.Z., Axisymmetric thermo-elastic field in an infinite one-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal space containing a penny-shaped crack under anti-symmetric heat fluxes. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 190 (2018) 74-92.
2. Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Kang G.Z., Müller R., Electric and magnetic polarization saturations for a thermally loaded penny-shaped crack in a magneto-electro-thermo-elastic medium. Smart Materials and Structures 26 (2017) 095049 (15pp).
3. Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Kang G.Z., Müller R., Three-dimensional fundamental solution of a penny-shaped crack in an infinite thermo-magneto-electro-elastic medium with transverse isotropy. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017, 130: 203-220.
4. Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Kang G.Z., Gao C.F., Müller R., Crack tip electric polarization saturation of a thermally loaded penny-shaped crack in an infinite thermo-piezo-elastic medium. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 117: 67-79.
5. Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Kang G.Z., Axisymmetric thermo-elastic field in an infinite space containing a penny shaped crack under a pair of symmetric uniform heat fluxes and its applications. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 115-116: 634-644.
6. Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Zheng R.F., Thermo-elastic Green’s functions for an infinite bi-material of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals. Physics Letters A, 2013, 377: 637-642.
7. Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Wang T., Three-dimensional thermo-electro-elastic field in a circular plate of functional graded materials with transverse isotropy. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2015, 22: 537-547.
8. Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Kang GZ, Crack tip plasticity of a half-infinite Dugdale crack embedded in an infinite space of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal. Mechanics Research Communications, 2015, 70, 72-78.
9. Li X.Y.*,Li P.D., Kang G.Z., Chen W.Q., Müller R., Steady-state thermo-elastic field in an infinite medium weakened by a penny-shaped crack: Complete and exact solutions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 84, 167-182.
10. Li X.Y.*, Li P.D., Kang GZ, Crack tip plasticity of a thermally loaded penny-shaped crack in an infinite space of 1D QC. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2015, 28, 471-483.
11. Li X.Y.*,Li P.D., Three-dimensional thermo-elastic general solutions of one-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal and fundamental solutions. Physics Letters A, 2012, 376: 2004-2009.
12. Li X.Y.*, Li P.D., Wu T.H., Shi M.X., Zhu Z.W., Three-dimensional fundamental solutions for one dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal with piezoelectric effect. Physics Letters A, 2014, 378: 826-834.
13. Li X.Y.*,Li P.D., Kang G.Z., Pan D.Z., Axisymmetric thermo-elasticity field in a functionally graded circular plate of transversely isotropic material. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2012, 18: 464-475.
14. Wang Z.P., Wang T., Li P.D., Li X.Y.*, Chen W.Q., Müller R., Three-dimensional fundamental thermo-elastic solutions applied to contact problems. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 120, 174904.
15. Li X.Y.*, Wang Y.W., Li P.D., Kang G.Z., Müller R., Three-dimensional fundamental thermo-elastic field in an infinite space of two-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal with a penny-shaped/half-infinite plane crack. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 88 (2017) 18-30.
16. Li X.Y.*, Ding H.J., Chen W.Q., Li P.D., Three-dimensional piezoelectricity solutions for uniformly loaded circular plates of functionally graded piezoelectric materials with transverse isotropy. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013, 80: 0410071-12.


Applied Mathematical Modelling等期刊的審稿人


1、2017.01 四川省優秀大學畢業生;
2、2016.12 博士研究生國家獎學金;
3、2014.12 博士研究生國家獎學金;
4、2014.12 西南交通大學博士研究生拔尖創新人才支持計畫;
5、2013.12 碩士研究生國家獎學金;


