

《批判與論辯--論辯文寫作入門》編著者曲衛國。 《批判與論辯--論辯文寫作入門》主要是為我國英語專業學生、本科高年級學生或研究生編寫的寫作教材,也可作為GRE寫作或為適應英美大學本科生或研究生寫作教學的訓練教材。本書跳出國內傳統寫作教材的編寫思路,以Habermas,Toulmin和Rogers等理論為框架,重點訓練學生獨立判斷分析、多維度思考、逆向思考等批判性思維和寫作能力,與英美大學寫作教學理念接軌。本書對論辯寫作的核心要素如有效立論、合理定義、命題合理性的審視、命題類型的判斷依據、論點的支持與反駁,證據的有效運用等國內大多數寫作教材語焉不詳的內容都有深入細緻的分析講解。本書實例題材廣,論證講解概念清楚,邏輯嚴密,練習針對性強,重點突出。第一版曾獲上海市普通高校優秀教材一等獎(2007年)。


  • 書名:批判與論辯:論辯文寫作入門
  • 作者:曲衛國
  • 出版日期:2013年5月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787040371178
  • 外文名:Introducing Critical Thinking and Argumentation
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:274頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社








Chapter One Critical thinking and argumentation /1
1.0 Orientation /1
1.1 What do we mean by "critical" ? /4
1.2 Theories /6
1.2.1 Stephen Toulmin's theory /6
1.2.2 Carl Rogers' theory /10
Critical thinking activities /12
Writing tasks /17
Chapter Two Basic concepts of argumentation /20
2.0 Orientation /20
2.1 Defining argumentation and argument /22
2.2 Argumentation and communication /27
2.3 Argumentation and persuasion /30
2.4 Argumentation and explanation /32
2.5 Work ethic for argumentation /33
Critical thinking activities /36
Writing tasks /39
Chapter Three Definition and its functions /45
3.0 Orientation /45
3.1 Defining definition /46
3.2 Definition and reality /48
3.3 Definition and point of departure /52
3.4 Definition and thoughts-collecting ./55
3.5 Definition and structuring /56
3.6 Definition and audience /58
3.7 Working definitions /59
Critical thinking activities /60
Writing tasks /66
Chapter Four Basics of definition /69
4.0 Orientation /69
4.1 How to start a definiticn? /70
4.2 The basic structure of a definition /72
4.2.1 First-level definition /72
4.2.2 Common ways of first-level defining /75
4.3 Second-level elaboration /86
Critical thinking activities /88
Writing tasks /89
Chapter Five Basics of claims /92
5.0 Orientation /92
5.1 The nature of a claim /93
5.2 Functions of a claim /96
5.3 The structure of a claim /100
Critical thinking activities /106
Writing tasks /108
Chapter Six Claims of fact /111
6.0 Orientation /111
6.1 Defining a claim of fact /112
6.2 Presenting facts in a claim of fact /114
6.3 Relativity of certainty in a claim of fact /116
6.4 Supporting a claim of fact /117
6.5 Challenging a claim of fact /123
6.6 A case study /129
Critical thinking activities /133
Writing tasks /136
Chapter Seven Claims of value /140
7.0 Orientation /140
7.1 Defining a claim of value /141
7.2 Supporting a claim of value /145
7.3 Challenging a claim of value /155
Critical thinking activities /165
Writing tasks /168
Chapter Eight Claims of policy /171
8.1 Defining a claim of policy /171
8.2 Establishing a problem /171
8.3 Matching the problem with the course of action /176
Critical thinking activities /178
Writing tasks /179
Chapter Nine Warrant /185
9.0 Orientation /185
9.1 Defining warrant /187
9.2 Warrant and its strength of validation /189
9.3 Types of warrants /194
Critical thinking activities /198
Writing tasks /201
Chapter Ten Support /208
10.0 Orientation /208
10.1 Defining support /210
10.2 Evidential support /211
10.3 Motivational support /218
10.4 Measuring the strength of support /220
Critical thinking activities /227
Writing tasks /229
Chapter Eleven Quoting /234
11.0 Orientation /234
11.1 Quoting for a purpose /234
11.2 Factors that constrain quoting /236
11.3 Ways of quoting /241
Writing tasks /245
Chapter Twelve Concluding remarks /250
12.1 Critical reading /250
12.2 Basics of a critical approach /251
Critical thinking activities /252
Appendix 1 Worksheets /254
Appendix 2 Asample task for the final examination /258
Appendix 3 Clues to the writing tasks /261
Main References /273


