



  • 中文名:徐宗偉
  • 外文名:Zongwei Xu
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:遼寧
  • 畢業院校:遼寧工學院
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 所在系別:精密儀器工程系
  • 所屬課題組:微納製造實驗室
  • 主講課程:《精密機械設計基礎》
  • 導師類型:博導,碩導
  • 辦公地址:天津市南開區衛津路92號


  • 1997.9~2001.7,遼寧工學院化學機械系,工學學士
  • 2001.9~2007.1,哈爾濱工業大學機電工程學院,工學碩士、博士
  • 2007.1~2009.3,天津大學,天津市微納製造技術工程中心,博士後
  • 2013.2~2013.6,英國University of Huddersfield,訪問學者
  • 2013.6~2013.8,英國University of Strathclyde,訪問學者
  • 2016.2~2017.1,德國Ruhr University Bochum,訪問學者
  • 2018.1~2018.2,芬蘭University of Helsinki、德國Fraunhofer研究所,訪問學者
  • 2009.3~至今,天津大學精密儀器與光電子工程學院,副教授,博士生導師。


  1. 離子束微納加工技術
  2. 能量束加工機理的計算模擬
  3. 納米功能器件設計、製備及套用



  1. “碳化矽金剛石切削加工脆塑轉變和材料去除機理研究”,國家自然基金委與德國科學基金會(NSFC-DFG)合作研究項目(No.5171101287),2018.01-2020.12,70萬元,子課題負責人。
  2. “基於SEM線上納米切削的加工極限及材料去除機理研究”,國家自然科學基金項目(51575389),2016.1-2019.12,73.9萬元,負責人。
  3. “新型功能器件的超快能量束加工研究”,國家重點實驗室青年探索性課題(Pilt1705),2017.8-2021.7,40萬元,負責人。
  4. “碳化矽半導體器件的製造基礎研發”,國際合作項目(合作單位:德國Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB),2017.10-2020.9,2017年已派出兩名本科畢設同學,中方負責人。


  1. 國家自然科學基金國際合作與交流項目(被英國皇家學會納入“牛頓基金”)(51511130074),10萬元,負責人。
  2. 國家自然科學基金項目(51275559),80萬元,負責人。
  3. 國家自然科學基金項目(50905126),20萬元,負責人。
  4. 天津市自然科學基金項目(10JCYBJC06400),10萬元,負責人。
  5. 中國博士後科學基金項目(一等)(20080440099),5萬元,負責人。
  6. 中國工程物理研究院開放基金項目(KF13008),30萬元,負責人。
  7. “北洋學者·青年骨幹教師” E計畫,10萬元,負責人。
  8. 國家自然科學基金重點項目(50935001),40萬元,合作單位負責人。
  9. 工信部科技重大專項資助項目(2011ZX04014-071),71萬元,合作單位負責人。


1項PCT (US8897910 (B2), JP5616961 (B2)), 11項中國授權發明專利(ZL201410123818.2, ZL2014101285520, ZL201310756423.1, ZL200910069010.X, ZL201010562861.0, ZL2010105634109,ZL200910307013.2, ZL2009100695616, ZL200910067643.7, ZL200710060332.9, ZL 200310107767.6)。


通過自主技術開發,利用聚焦離子束微納加工技術,已為德國Erlangen-Nuremberg大學、Mitutoyo Research Center Europe、清華大學、中科院成都光電所、中科院長春光機所、中科院上海技術物理所、南開大學、電子科技大學,飛思卡爾和Continental Automotive等高校、科研院所和企業,成功開發出複雜微結構、微/納光學元件、納米模板等難加工關鍵器件,解決了精密顯微測量、納米光學及微納製造等領域關鍵功能器件的加工難題。



  1. Zhang L., You Y.S., Fu Y.Q., Xu Z.W., Fang F.Z. (2017): A Simplified and Cost-Effective Optical Absorber and Corresponding Photo-Thermal Effect. Plasmonics, DOI 10.1007/s11468-017-0508-2
  2. 徐宗偉,趙兵等(2017). 基於EBSD技術的單晶矽納米切削研究. 天津大學學報,Vol.50 (1) :99-104
  3. 賈瑞麗,徐宗偉等(2016). 面向Ga+和惰性離子的聚焦離子束加工機理的研究. 電子顯微學報, Vol. 35(1):63-69.
  4. Xu Z.W.*, Wang L.Y., Fang F.Z.*, Fu Y.Q., Yin Z. (2016): A Review on Colloidal Self-Assembly and their Applications. Current Nanoscience, Vol. 12, 725-746.
  5. Xu, Z.W.*, Fu, Y.Q., Han, W., Wei, D.G., Jiao, H.S., Gao, H.F. (2016): Recent developments in focused ion beam and its application in nanotechnology, Current Nanoscience, Vol. 12, 696-711.
  6. Hu, X.T., Xu, Z.W.*, Li, K., Fang, F.Z.*, Wang, L.Y. (2015): Fabrication of a au-polystyrene sphere substrate with three-dimensional nanofeatures for surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy. Applied Surface Science, Vol. 355, 1168-1174.
  7. Fang, F.Z., Liu, B., Xu, Z.W.* (2015): Nanometric cutting in a scanning electron microscope. Precision Engineering, Vol. 41, 145–152.
  8. Xiao, Y.J., Fang, F.Z.*, Xu, Z.W.*, Hu, X.T. (2015): Annealing recovery of nanoscale silicon surface damage caused by Ga focused ion beam. Applied Surface Science, Vol. 34, 56–69.
  9. Wu, W., Xu, Z.W.*, Fang, F.Z.*, Liu, B., Xiao, Y.J., Chen, J.P., Wang, X.B., Liu, H.Z. (2014): Decrease of FIB-induced lateral damage for diamond tool used in nano cutting. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol. 330, 91-98.
  10. Li, G.H., Xu, Z.W., Fang, F.Z.*, Wu, W., Xing, X.D., Li, W.L., Liu, H.Z. (2013): Micro cutting of V-shaped cylindrical grating template for roller nano-imprint. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.213, 895-904.
  11. Xiao, Y.J., Fang, F.Z.*, Xu, Z.W., Wu, W., Shen, X.C. (2013): The study of Ga+ FIB implanting crystal silicon and subsequent annealing. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol.307, 253–256.
  12. Xu, Z.W., Fang, F.Z.*, Gao, H.F., Zhu, Y.B., Wu, W., Weckenmann, A. (2012): Nano fabrication of star structure for precision metrology developed by focused ion beam direct writing. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 61(1), 511–514.
  13. Gao, T.T., Xu, Z.W., Fang, F.Z.*, Gao, W.L., Zhang, Q., Xu, X.X. (2012): High performance surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates of Si-based Au film developed by focused ion beam nanofabrication. Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 7(1), 399.
  14. Xie, C., Hu, M.L.*, Xu, Z.W., Wu, W., Gao, H.F., Qin, P., Zhang, D.P., Liu, B.W., Wang, C.Y. (2012): High power femtosecond Bessel-X pulses directly from a compact fiber laser system. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, 151111.
  15. Chen, Y.H., Fang, F.Z.*, Xu, Z.W., Zhang, X.D., Hu, X.T. (2012): Surface modification for brittle monocrystalline materials by MeV ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol.272(1), 433–436.
  16. Xu, Z.W., Fang, F.Z.*, Zhang, S.J., Zhang, X.D., Hu, X.T., Fu, Y.Q., Li, L. (2010): Fabrication of micro DOE using micro tools shaped with focused ion beam. Optics Express, Vol.18, 8025-8032.
  17. Fang, F.Z.*, Xu, Z.W., Hu, X.T., Wang, C.T., Luo, X.G., Fu, Y.Q. (2010): Nano-photomask fabrication using focused ion beam direct writing. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol.59, 543–546.
  18. Xu, Z.W., Fang, F.Z.*, Fu, Y.Q., Zhang, S.J., Han, T., Li, J.M. (2009): Fabrication of micro/nano structures using focused ion beam implantation and XeF2 gas assisted etching. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.19, 054003(9pp).


  1. Xu, Z.W., Fang, F.Z. (2014): Section Editor, Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. London, Springer.
  2. Xu, Z.W., Fang, F.Z., Zeng, G.S. (2014): Focused Ion Beam Nanofabrication Technology. London, Springer. 33 pp. (Book Chapter).
  3. Fang, F.Z., Xu, Z.W. (2014): State-of-the-Art for Nanomanufacturing using Ion Beam Technology. London, Springer. 37 pp. (Book Chapter).
  4. Xu, Z.W., Fang, F.Z., Dong, S. (2011): Carbon Nanotube AFM Probe Technology. InTech. 20 pp. (Book Chapter. It was selected and included in the Research Collection Books by Intech marked its 10 anniversary in 2015).
  5. Fu, Y.Q., Fang, F.Z., Xu, Z.W. (2011): Nanofabrication and Characterization of Plasmonic Structures. InTech. 24 pp. (Book Chapter).


  1. Associate Editor, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2017-
  2. Guest Editor, Current Nanoscience, 2016
  3. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation; 2016-, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications, 2017-; Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2018-
  4. Section Editor, Springer, In: Nee A.(Ed.) Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, London, 2014
  5. 中國微米納米技術學會微納米製造及裝備分會理事,2016年至今
  6. 中國電子顯微鏡學會聚焦離子束FIB專業委員會委員,2012年至今
  7. 中國機械工程學會生產工程分會精密工程及微納技術委員會委員,2010年至今
  8. 中國工程院選拔先進制造方向代表,參加“第四屆中美工程前沿研討會”,“中印青年工程領袖研討會”,2015年
  9. 天津市科學技術獎技術發明一等獎(排名第四),2013年
  10. “北洋學者·青年骨幹教師”E計畫,2013年
  11. 天津大學“教書育人”優秀青年教師,2012年
  12. 亞洲精密工程與納米技術學會“Young Researcher Award”,2009年
  13. 邀請報告:
  14. 2nd International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumental Advances (Keynote, Spain 2016), EUSPEN (Session Keynote, UK 2016); ASPEN (Japan 2009,China 2015);
  15. 1st Sino-German Symposium, Modeling and Experiment of Material-Oriented Micro/Nano Manufacturing(MEMMM2017) (Harbin 2017);
  16. 中國微米納米技術學會第十九屆學術年會暨第八屆國際會議(CSMNT2017)(Dalian 2017);
  17. 全國聚焦離子束FIB技術及學術交流研討會(Beijing 2015, Lanzhou 2017); 全國“掃描電鏡中能譜、電子背散射衍射技術及聚焦離子束”前沿技術與套用高端研修班(Harbin 2014); 中國科協“微納製造技術研究與套用”青年科學家論壇(Beijing 2014)
  18. 北京大學 (2017); Cardiff University (UK 2016), University of Strathclyde (UK 2016); EMN Meeting (Germany 2016), etc.
  19. ISNM summer school (Ultra-precision Manufacturing and Measurement)(Tianjin 2017); 第四屆天津大學-香港大學夏令營(Tianjin 2017)
  20. 期刊審稿人:Scientific Reports, Computational Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Applied Surface Science, Nanoscale Research Letters, Measurement Science and Technology, Precision Engineering, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Scanning, Current Nanoscience, Journal of Materials Research, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Science China Technological Sciences, International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, etc.
  21. 會議主席:第四屆全國FIB技術及學術交流研討會 (天津 2013)
  22. 分會主席:MEMMM2017(Harbin 2017), EMN Meeting (Germany 2016), SEIA' 2016 (Spain 2016), nanoMan2014 (Germany 2014), ICMT 2012 (Tianjin 2012); 全國FIB技術及學術交流研討會(2012, 2015, 2017);
  23. 國際學術會議學術(組織)委員會委員: The 4th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CIRP CSI 2018)(China 2018); World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (Slovenia 2018, Taiwan 2017); International Conference on Nanochemistry (Nanochemistry 2017) (USA 2017); the 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2017) (Korea 2017); 2017 International Symposium on Mechanical Design, Manufacture and Automation(ISMDMA, Dubai 2017), nanoMan (Singapore 2008, China 2010, Germany 2012, Macau 2016), International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumental Advances (Dubai 2015, Spain 2016); 10th CHINA-JAPAN International Conference on Ultra- Precision Machining Process (China 2014); International Symposium on Micro/Nano Mechanical Machining and Manufacturing (China 2010), etc.
  24. 受邀參與第12屆年度QS全球學術調查 QS Global Academic Survey 2017 (QS World University Rankings®)
  25. 19 國家自然基金青年基金通訊評審人(2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016),北京市和廣西省自然基金通訊評審人。教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心抽檢學位論文通訊評審人(2014-2017)。
  26. “科研貢獻獎”,天津大學精密儀器與光電子工程學院,2015年12月
  27. “國際交流貢獻獎”,天津大學精密儀器與光電子工程學院,2017年12月


