

唐承佩,男,教師,碩士生導師。1978年6月出生,籍貫湖南邵陽, 2007年畢業於中山大學信息科學與技術學院,獲理學博士學位。

※ 研究興趣:物聯網,人工智慧,智聯網(AIOT),研究物聯網技術及套用十餘年,承擔科研項目二十餘項,縱橫向經費比1:1,發表文章二十餘篇,SCI收錄16篇,EI收錄8篇,申請發明專利20項,已授權4項。

※ 曾參與丁肇中教授領導的AMS大型國際合作項目“AMS-02矽微條軌跡探測器熱控電子系統”的研製

※ 作為負責人主持過廣州東塔超大型工程物聯網套用項目“無線自組網與智慧型定位技術套用”,並獲吳文俊人工智慧技術發明獎,排名第一


  • 中文名:唐承佩
  • 外文名:peyton
  • 別名:peyton
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:湖南邵東
  • 出生日期:1978
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 主要成就:榮獲第7屆吳文俊人工智慧獎(中國人工智慧領域最高獎)
  • 代表作品:已發表30餘篇學術論文,其中SCI收錄20餘篇,20餘項發明專利






□ 主持的科研項目(PI)
□ 以主要參與者身份參與的項目:
【1】 國際合作項目“第二代阿爾法磁譜儀(AMS-02)軌跡探測器熱控制系統的研製(TTCS)—電子子系統”(國際科技合作重點項目計畫,廣東省人民政府科技專項和科技部國際科技合作重點項目計畫)。第二代阿爾法磁譜儀項目(Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer ,AMS-02)是由著名美籍華裔科學家丁肇中教授領導的一個大型國際科研合作項目,其中矽微條軌跡探測器是阿爾法磁譜儀中的關鍵組件,本人主要參與項目中矽微條軌跡探測器中的電子系統設計。
【2】 國家自然科學基金,物聯網環境下基於上下文相關的RFID安全機制關鍵技術研究。
【3】 國家自然科學基金,基於模型的魯棒和安全水印新方法研究。
【4】 廣東省教育部產學研項目,RFID 追溯編碼體系及物流監管服務平台。
【5】 廣州市科技計畫項目,物聯網RFID關鍵技術研究及信息平台的集成套用。
【6】 珠海市科技攻關項目,基於數字水印的有線數位電視播出監控平台的研製。


1 Chengpei Tang,Caijiang Lu.Strong,Hongli Gao,Guoqiang Fu, self-biased magnetoelectric charge coupling in transducer of SmFe2,Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 stack,and stepped horn substrate with multi-frequency effect,Applied Physics Letters,(10),2017(DOI:10.1063/1.4990576) ,SCI ,中科院二區(TOP期刊),IF=3.411
2 Chengpei Tang,Caijiang Lu.Strong self-biased magnetoelectric charge coupling in a homogenous laminage stack for magenetic sensor.Journal of Alloys and Compounds.686:723-726,2016 ,SCI, 中科院二區(TOP期刊),IF=3.014
3 Chengpei Tang*, Nian Yang,CoDA: Collaborative Data Aggregation in Emerging Sensor Networks Using Bio-Level Voronoi Diagrams. Sensors, 16(8):1235-1257,2016, SCI ,中科院二區( 儀器儀表學科),IF=2.245
4 Chengpei Tang , Sanesy Kumcr Shokla , George Modhawar, Qiang Wang. An Effective Collaborative Mobile Weighted Clustering Schemes for Energy Balancing in Wireless Sensor Network. Sensors, 16(2):261-280,2016, SCI, 中科院二區(儀器儀表學科),IF=2.245
5 Zhonghua Li,Jianming Li, Chunhui He, Chengpei Tang∗(通信作者), Jieying Zhou,RFID reader-to-reader collision avoidance model withmultiple-density tag distribution solved by artificialimmune network optimization. Applied Soft Computing,30:249–264,2015, SCI ,二區(TOP期刊),IF=2.810
6 Zhonghua Li,Jianming Li, Shanjin Wang, Chengpei Tang∗(通信作者), Ming Hua. Comparative performance analysis of various artificial immune networks applied to RFID reader-to-reader collision avoidance. Applied Soft Computing,32:553–567,2015 ,SCI ,二區(TOP期刊),IF=2.810
7 Chengpei Tang*, Nian Yang,Virtual Grid Margin Optimization and Energy Balancing Scheme for Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications,18(6):1-20,2016 SCI 三區,IF=1.346
8 Chengpei Tang*, Nian Yang, A Monitoring and Control System of Agricultural Environmental Data Based on the Internet of Things,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,13(7):4694-4698,2016 SCI ,IF=1.343
9 Chengpei Tang*, Ruiqi Liu, Jiangqun Ni. A Novel Wireless Sensor Network Localization Approach:Localization based on Plant Growth Simulation Algorithm, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 19(8):97-100,2013. SCI ,IF= 0.561
10 Chengpei Tang*. Comprehensive Energy Efficient Algorithm for WSN. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 9(2):209-216, April, 2014 SCI,IF= 0.746
11 Alberti,B. Alpat,A. Alvino…, C.P. Tang(唐承佩), Samuel C. C. Ting(丁肇中教授)et al. First Result from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station:Precision Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5–350 GeV. Physical Review Letters,110(14),2013 (參與AMS國際合作項目,團隊合作發表論文,按姓氏首字母排序) SCI 一區(TOP期刊), IF=7.943
12 M.Aguilar,D.Aisa,A.Alvino… C.P. Tang(唐承佩), Samuel C. C. Ting(丁肇中教授)et al. “Electron and Positron Fluxes in Primary Cosmic RaysMeasured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on theInternational Space Station.” Physical Review Letters ,113(12),2014. (參與AMS國際合作項目,團隊合作發表論文,按姓氏首字母排序) SCI 一區(TOP期刊), IF=7.943
13 L.accardo,M.aguilar,D.Aisa,B.Alpat, … C.P. Tang(唐承佩), Samuel C. C. Ting(丁肇中教授)et al. “High Statistics Measurement of the PositronFraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5–500 GeV with the Alpha
Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station.”Physical Review Letters ,113(12),2014 (參與AMS國際合作項目,團隊合作發表論文,按姓氏首字母排序) SCI 一區(TOP期刊), IF=7.943
14 M.Aguilar,D.Aisa,B.Alpat,A.Alvino, … C.P. Tang(唐承佩), Samuel C. C. Ting(丁肇中教授)et al. Precision Measurement of the Proton Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from Rigidity 1 GV to 1.8 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. Physical Review Letters ,114(17),2015 (參與AMS國際合作項目,團隊合作發表論文,按姓氏首字母排序) SCI 一區(TOP期刊), IF=7.943
15 Zhaocai Wang, Chengpei Tang(通信作者), Haifeng Liu, Renlin Pei ,A New Algorithm for Set Splitting Problem Based DNA Molecules Computation, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience .Vol. 11, 899–900, 2014 SC,IF=1.343
16 Zhaocai Wang, Dongmei Huang , Chengpei Tang(通信作者). Fast parallel algorithm to the minimum edge cover problem based on DNA molecular computation. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences .2013.21(7),:711-716 SCI ,IF=0.731
17 L. Wu, S. Wang, L. Li, and Chengpei Tang*, Compact Microstrip UWB Power Divider with Dual Notched Bands Using Dual-Mode Resonator, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 75, 39-45, 2018. EI
18 L. Wu,Chengpei Tang*, A New Microstrip-to-Microstrip Vertical Transition Structure for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Applications, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 73, 133-136, 2018
19 Chengpei Tang*, Nian Yang, Design of Compact Microstrip UWB Bandpass Filter with Triple-notched Bands. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters,58:9-16,2016 EI
20 Chengpei Tang*, Nian Yang,A novel compact UWB antenna with triple notched bands using square ring short stub loaded resonator. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters,58:17-22,2016 EI
21 Chengpei Tang*,Jiao Yin,Yu Dong. Balancing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on the Assistance of Approaching Nodes.Sensor & Transducers. 150(3):72-78,2013. EI
22 Chengpei Tang*,Jiao Yin.A Localization Algorithm of Weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Wireless Sensor Network, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2011,8 (16): 4293-4300 EI
23 Chengpei Tang*,Yongshan Cheng,Jiao Yin. An Optimized Algorithm of Grid Calibration in WSN Node Deployment Based on the Energy Consumption Distribution Model. Journal of Information and Computational Science. 2012(3):1035-1042 EI
24 Chengpei Tang*,Xiao Xiao-Hong.Development of Manufacturing Execution Management System for Workshops Based on IOT Technology. Advanced Materials Research-Equipment Manufacturing Technology and Automation. 2011(6):1547-1554 EI




