

劉默芳,1969年9月生,九三學社社員,博士研究生,中國科學院上海生命科學研究院生物化學與細胞生物學研究所研究員、博士生導師。分別於1991年、1994年在華東理工大學學士碩士學位,2000年在中科院上海生物化學研究所獲博士學位。分別於2000 -2005年、2005-2006年在美國國家健康研究院癌症研究所 (National Cancer Institute, NIH)博士後研究、約翰霍浦金斯醫學院遺傳和分子生物學系任研究助理。2006-至今,中科院上海生化與細胞所,先後擔任co-PI、RNA研究技術平台主任、研究組長。2013年入選國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者。


  • 中文名:劉默芳
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:女




  1. Gou LT, Dai P, Liu MF*. Small Non-coding RNAs and Male Infertility. WIREs RNA, 2014, doi: 10.1002/wrna.1252.
  2. Gou LT, Dai P, Yang JH, Xue Y, Hu YP, Zhou Y, Kang JY, Wang X, Li H, Hua MM, Zhao S, Hu SD, Wu LG, Shi HJ, Li Y, Fu XD, Qu LH, Wang ED, Liu MF*. (2014) Pachytene piRNAs Instruct Massive mRNA Elimination during Late Spermiogenesis. Cell Res, 24:680-700.
  3. Hu S, Zhu W, Zhang LF, Pei M, Liu MF*. (2014) MicroRNA-155 broadly orchestrates inflammation-induced changes of microRNA expression in breast cancer. Cell Res, 24:254-257.
  4. Zhao S, Gou LT, Zhang M, Zu LD, Hua MM, Hua Y, Shi HJ, Li Y, Li JS, Li DS, Wang ED*, Liu MF*. (2013) piRNA-triggered MIWI ubiquitination and removal by APC/C in late spermatogenesis. Dev Cell, 24: 13-25.
  5. Qiao M, Zu LD, He XH, Shen RL, Wang QC, Liu MF*. (2012) Onconase down-regulates microRNA expression through targeting microRNA precursors. Cell Res, 22:1199-202.
  6. Jiang S, Zhang LF, ZhangHW, Hu S, Lu MH, Liang S, Li B, Li Y, Li D, Wang ED, Liu MF*. (2012) A novel miR-155/miR-143 cascade controls glycolysis by regulating hexokinase2 in breast cancer cells. EMBO J, 31:1985-1998.
  7. Zhou B, Li C, Qi W, Zhang Y, Zhang F, Wu JX, Hu YN, Wu DM, Liu Y, Yan TT, Jing Q, Liu MF, Zhai QW*. (2012) Downregulation of miR-181a upregulates sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) and improves hepatic insulin sensitivity. Diabetologia, 55:2032-2043
  8. Ni MJ, Hu ZH, Liu Q,Liu MF, Lu MH, Zhang JS, Zhang L, Zhang YL*. (2011) Identification and Characterization of a Novel Non-Coding RNA Involved in Sperm Maturation. PLoS One, 6, e26053.
  9. Ma F, Xu S, Liu X, Zhang Q, Xu X, Liu MF, Hua MM, Li N, Yao HP, Cao XT*. (2011) The microRNA miR-29 controls innate and adaptive immune responses to intracellular bacterial infection by targeting interferon-g. Nature Immuno, 12: 861-870.
  10. Ma X, Kumar M, Choudhurya NS, Buscagliaa LEB, Barkera JR, Kanakamedala K, Liu MF, Li Y*. (2011) Loss of the miR-21 allele elevates the expression of its target genes and reduces tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 108: 10144-10149.
  11. Jiang S, Zhang HW, Lu MH, He XH, Li Y, Gu H, Liu MF*, Wang ED. (2010) MicroRNA-155 functions as an oncomiR in breast cancer by targeting the suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 gene. Cancer Res; 70: 3119-3127.
  12. Liu MF, Lu Z, Jiang S, Young KH, Li Y*. (2010) Physiological and pathological functions of mammalian microRNAs. In: McQueen CA eds. Comprehensive Toxicology: CellularandMolecularToxicology, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier. 2010, 427-446.
  13. Liu Y, Hu W, Wang H, Lu M, Shao C, Menzel C, Yan Z, Li Y, Zhao S, Khaitovich P, Liu M, Chen W, Barnes BM, Yan J. (2010) Genomic Analysis of miRNAs in an Extreme Mammalian Hibernator, the Arctic Ground Squirrel. Physiol Genomics, 42A:39-51.
  14. Han YC, Park CY, Bhagat G, Zhang J, Wang Y, Fan J, Liu M, Zou Y, Weissman IL, Gu H*. (2010) microRNA-29a induces aberrant self-renewal capacity in hematopoietic progenitors, biased myeloid development, and acute myeloid leukemia. J Exp Med, 207:475-489.
  15. Yan HL, Xue G, Mei Q, Wang YZ, Ding FX, Liu MF, Lu MH, Tang Y, Yu HY, Sun SH*. (2009) Repression of the miR-17-92 cluster by p53 has an important function in hypoxia-induced apoptosis. EMBO J, 28: 2719-2732.
  16. Zhao S, Liu MF*. (2009) Mechanisms of miRNA-mediated gene regulation. Sci in Chin Series C: Life Sci, 39: 109-113.
  17. Lu Z, Liu MF, StribinskisV, Klinge CM, Ramos KS, Colburn NH, Li Y*. (2008) The programmed cell death 4 gene is targeted by microRNA-21. Oncogene, 27: 4373-4379.
  18. Liu MF, Tolstorukov M, Zhurkin V, Garges S, Adhya S*. (2004) A mutant spacer sequence bet




