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劉穎:電子科技大學教授。劉穎博士的研究領域在商業智慧型與計算機軟體架構。以第一作者發表了關於市場區隔(market segmentation)的大數據算法和套用論文在世界頂級的Marketing Science 雜誌。其基礎是創新的多目標最佳化集群算法。研究成果把沉寂多年的基於傳統統計算法的市場區隔套用推進到大數據套用領域。 另有關於人工智慧和人機互動的多篇論文發表於Communications of the AC,International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Decision Support Systems,以及Expert Systems with Applications等高質量SCI檢索雜誌。



·管理信息系統博士,University of Arizona (Aug 2003 - May 2007)
·計算機科學碩士, University of Southern California (Aug 1997 – Dec.1998)
·系統工程碩士,華南理工大學(Aug 1989 – Dec.1991)
·電氣工程學士,西安交通大學(Aug. 1985 – Jun.1989)


oWang, Y.Q.,Wang,X.W.,Jiang,Y., Liang,Y.W., Liu,Y.“A Code Reviewer Assignment Model Incorporating the Competence Differences and Participant Preferences”, Forthcoming, Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences. SCI Impact Factor 0.338.
oWang, Y.Q., Liang, Y.W., Liu, L.N, Liu, Y. “A Multi-peer Assessment Platform for Programming Language Learning: Considering Group Non-consensus and Personal Radicalness”, Forthcoming, Interactive Learning Environments. SSCI Impact Factor 1.323.
oWang, Y.Q., AI, W.G., Liang, Y.W., LIU, Y., “Towards Motivating Participants to Assess Peers' Work More Fairly: Taking Programming Language Learning as an Example”, May 2015, Journal of Educational Computing Research, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 180-198. SSCI Impact Factor 0.670.
oLiu, Y., Kiang, M., Brusco, M. “A Unified Framework for Market Segmentation and its Application”, September 2012, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 11, Pages: 10292-10302. SCI Impact Factor 2.571.
oWang, Y., Li, H., Feng, Y., Jiang, Y., Liu, Y. “Assessment of Programming Language Learning Based on Peer Code Review Model: Implementation and Experience Report”, September 2012, Computers & Education, Volume 59, Issue 2, Pages: 412-422. SCI Impact Factor 3.227.
oLiu, Y., Ran, S., Lusch, R., Brusco, M. “Multicriterion Market Segmentation: A New Model, Implementation, and Evaluation”, September 2010, Marketing Science, Volume 39, Issue 5, Pages: 880-894. SCI Impact Factor 3.035.


