



  • 中文名:劉曉宙
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1966年生
  • 職業:教授,博導
  • 性別:男


在國內外學術刊物及國際會議上發表論文100餘篇,曾獲國家教委科技進步獎二項(2007,排名第三;1997年,排名第六)、遠東無損檢測論文一等獎(2011,排名第二);四川省科學技術協會所授予的優秀學術論文獎(2006,排名第一);中國聲學學會優秀青年論文獎( 2003年,排名第二)及上海交通大學博士後獎勵基金一項(2001年,排名第一),曾主持完成二項國家自然科學基金項目;參與完成五項國家自然科學基金(包括二項重點基金)和完成一項中國博士後基金的研究。研製成功新型壓電超聲感測器,達到國際先進水平,並通過江蘇省科技廳鑑定。已獲得四項國家發明專利。


非線性聲學, 醫學超聲, 超聲無損檢測






[1]. Li Quan, Xu Zhong, Xiaozho Liu, Xiufen Gong, Paul Johnson, Effective impedance boundary optimization and its contribution to dipole radiation and radiation pattern control, Nat. Commun. 5: 3188(2014).
[2]. Xiaozhou Liu, Wenhua Jiang, Wenwu Cao, Zheng Jiang, Interactions of collinear acoustic waves propagating along pure mode directions of crystals,J. Appl. Phys. 115(6):064909 (2014).
[3]. Jinlin Zhu, Ying Zhang, Xiaozhou Liu, Simulation of multi-cracks in solids using nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy with a time-reversal process,Wave Motion 51:146–156(2014).
[4]. Xiaozhou Liu, Yi Zhu, Fei Zhang, Xiufen Gong, Estimation of temperature elevation generated by ultrasonic irradiation in biological tissues using the thermal wave method, Chin. Phys. B 22(2):024301(2013).
[5]. Rongrong Wu, Xiaozhou Liu, Xiufen Gong, A study of the acoustical radiation force considering attenuation. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 56(7):1237-1245(2013)
[6]. Jiexing Lin, Xiaozhou Liu, Xiufen Gong, Computational study on the propagation of strongly focused nonlinear ultrasound in tissue with rib-like structures,J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134 (2):1702–1714(2013).
[7]. Tingting Zhang, Xiaozhou Liu, Shujun Zhang, Wenwu Cao, Poling induced higher order nonlinearity changes in lead zirconate titanate ceramics, Solid State Commun. 152(3):166-167(2012).
[8]. Li Quan, Xiaozhou Liu, Xiufeng Gong, Nonlinear nonclassical acoustic method for detecting the location of cracks,Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 054906(2012).
[9]. Li Quan, Xiaozhou Liu, Xiufeng Gong, Quasi-Phase-Matched Backward Second-Harmonic Generation by Complementary Media in Nonlinear Metamaterials, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132 (4)2852–2856(2012).
[10]. Xin Jiang, Xiaozhou Liu, Xiufeng Gong, Fei Zhang, Rongrong Wu, Junru Wu, Jun Liu, Model and experimental analysis of oblique incident ultrasound in a tissue layer using doublet mechanics theory, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130 (6), 4117-4125(2011).
[11]. Xiaozhou Liu, Chang Yin, Xiufen Gong, Wenwu Cao, Theoretical and experimental study on temperature elevation behind ribs caused by weakly focused ultrasound, Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 36, No. 10, 1704–1712(2010).
[12]. Xiaozhou Liu, Shujun Zhang, Jun Luo, Thomas R. Shrout and Wenwu Cao, Electric field dependence of nonlinearity parameter and third order elastic constant of 0.70Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.30PbTiO3 single crystal, App. Phys. Let. 96 (2010).
[13]. Xiaozhou Liu, Shujun Zhang, Jun Luo, Thomas R. Shrout and Wenwu Cao, A complete set of material properties of single domain 0.26Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.46Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.28PbTiO3 single crystals, App. Phys. Let. 96, 012907 (2010).
[14]. Xiaozhou Liu, Shujun Zhang, Jun Luo, Thomas R. Shrout and Wenwu Cao, Complete set of material constants of xPb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-(1-x-y)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-yPbTiO3 single crystal with composition near the morphotropic phase boundary, J. Apply. Phys. 106, 074112 (2009).
[15]. Xiaozhou Liu, Junru Wu, Acoustic microstreaming around an isolated encapsulated microbbubble, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125(3):1319-30 (2009).
[16]. Dao Zhou, Xiaozhou Liu, Xiufen Gong, Experimental study of acoustical memory in lithium niobate, Physics Review E,78,016602(2008).
[17] Xiaozhou Liu, Xiufen Gong, Chang Yin, Junlun Li, Dong Zhang, Noninvasive estimation of temperature elevations in biological tissues using acoustic nonlinearity parameter imaging, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 34(3): 414-424 (2008).
[18]. Xiaozhou Liu, Junlun Li, Chang Yin, Xiufen Gong, Dong Zhang, Honghui Xue, The transmission of finite amplitude sound beam in multi-layered biological media, Physics Letters A, 362 :50–56(2007).
[19]. Xiaozhou Liu, Junlun Li, Xiufen Gong, Zhenmin Zhu, Dong Zhang, Theoretical and experimental study on the third-order nonlinearity parameter C/A for biological media, Physica D, 228: 172-178(2007).
[20]. JunLun Li, Xiaozhou Liu, Dong Zhang, Xiufen Gong,Influence of ribs on the nonlinear sound field of therapeutic ultrasound, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology,33(9):1413–1420(2007).
[21]. Xiaozhou Liu, Junlun Li, Xiufen Gong, Dong Zhang, Nonlinear absorption in biological tissue for high intensity focused ultrasound, Ultrasonics, 44: e27-e30(2006).
1. 劉曉宙, 龔秀芬, 葉式公, 平面型複合結構超聲換能器(2008)專利號:ZL 2005 10122648.7
2. 劉曉宙, 周到, 龔秀芬, 採用非線性共振頻率的偏移測定混凝土含水量和裂紋的方法(2010):專利號:200710133999.7
3. 劉傑惠, 劉曉宙, 龔秀芬, 朱金林, 周到, 油沙中油含量的聲學測定方法(2010):專利號:200810020676.1
4. 全力,劉曉宙,多裂紋的非線性超聲定位方法(2012):專利號:201110002007.3


