
付才.華中科技大學計算機學院博士,教授,計算機學院網路與信息安全研究所副所長。中國密碼學會,計算機學會以及IEEE成員。信安所信息安全實驗室重要科研骨幹,長期參與網路與信息安全方面的科研工作,是國家有關部門多項安全系統技術負責人。主要研究方向為惡意代碼、行動網路安全、網路行為分析以及密碼理論與技術;在TDSC、計算機學報、中國科學、JPDC、IJCI、HPCC、TrustCom、ISPA等期刊、國際會議上發表文章50餘篇,並40餘次被SCI,EI檢索;2003 年12 月以《金盾防密碼竊取安全中間件》獲深圳市科技進步獎;2007 年擔任“江城2007”軍事演習網路攻防項目總指揮,該演習是武漢市30多年來規模最大的一次軍事演習,完成了黑客入侵與反入侵、無線網路攻擊、網路安全態勢評估等內容,獲先進個人獎;2008年獲湖北省自科基金資助;2009年以及2012年獲國家自科基金資助;2010年獲華科大國防創新基金資助;2011與2014年獲華為創新基金資助;2013年獲Intel國際合作惡意代碼研究資助;2015年惡意代碼多態聚類及隱式空間研究獲國家自科面上基金資助;2016年獲中航工業集團測量惡意代碼檢測資助;多次指導學生參加全國信安大賽,獲全國一等/二等獎多項。


  • 中文名:付才
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士學位
  • 職務:計算機學院網路與信息安全研究所副所長
  • 職稱:教授




[1]Fu Cai, Huang Qingfeng,Han Lansheng,Shen Li,Liu Xiaoyang.. Virus propagation power of the dynamic network. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking,2013,v2013:210(SCI期刊 Q3)
[2]FU Cai. Li Min, Zou deqing, Qu Shuyan, Han Lansheng,Park, James.J. Community Vitality in Dynamic Temporal Networks. International journal of distributed sensor networks,2013,v2013:281565(SCI期刊 Q3)
[3]Fu Cai, Gao Xiang. GRAP: Grey risk assessment based on projection in ad hoc networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, v 71, n 9, September 2011: p 1249-1260 (SCI期刊, Q2,IF前50%,本文將移動自組網看做一個"Grey System",採用"Grey Relation Projection" 以及"GM(1,1)"預測模型從系統的角度分析各個節點的風險狀況與發展態勢,具有較好的區分度與分析效果)
[4]Fu Cai, Liu Ming. A Projection Pursuit Based Risk Assessment Method in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,2011.v4,n5:p749-758(SCI期刊 ,Q2,IF前50%,本文的主要思想是通過投影尋蹤理論分析移動自組網中的風險線索,在處理高維數據方面優勢明顯,為網路風險評估提供了新思路)
[5]Han Lansheng, Fu Cai(通信作者).Task-based behavior detection of illegal codes. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, v55,n1, 2012,1:p80-86(SCI期刊,Q2,IF前50%,本文基本思想是基於任務的惡意代碼檢測,通過任務的定義與區分,檢測效果較好)
[6]Lei Feng-Yu, Fu Cai(通信作者). Secure data aggregation solution based on dynamic multiple cluster key management model, Journal of Internet Technology, v 12, n 3, 2011: p 465-476 (SCI期刊 Q3)
[7]Peng Xu, GuoHua Cui, Cai Fu, XueMing Tang. A more efficient accountable authority IBE scheme under the DL assumption. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,2010,53(3):p581-592(SCI期刊 Q3中國科學英文版)
[8]Chen Jing, Lian Shiguo, Fu Cai, Du Ruiying. A hybrid game model based on reputation for spectrum allocation in wireless networks. Computer Communications, v33, n14, September 1, 2010:p 1623-1631 (SCI期刊 Q2 IF前50%)
[9]付才,洪亮,彭冰,韓蘭勝,徐蘭芳. 移動自組網中非完全信息節點風險評估.計算機學報, 32(4),2009: p 805-816(EI)
[10]付才,洪帆,洪亮,彭冰,崔永泉.基於信任保留的移動Ad Hoc 網路安全路由協定TPSRP.計算機學報,2007,30(10):p1853~1864(EI)
[11]Fu Cai, Han LanSheng. Network anomaly detection based on projection pursuit regression,Proceedings - 9th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Workshops, ISPAW 2011 - ICASE 2011, SGH 2011, GSDP 2011, 2011: p 16-20(EI)
[12]Fu Cai, Ye Jihang. A principal component analysis and risk assessment framework based on projection pursuit in ad hoc networks;Proceedings - 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2010, v 7, 2010: p 2721-2725 (EI)
[13]Fu Cai, Zhang Li. A projection pursuit based risk assessment method in mobile ad hoc networks. Proceedings - 2010 International Symposium on Intelligence Information Processing and Trusted Computing, 2010:p 60-66(EI,本文被組委會推薦到IJCIS,經擴展再審後已發表)
[14]Fu Cai, Ye Jihang. A dynamic risk assessment framework using principle component analysis with projection pursuit in ad-hoc networks. Proceedings - Symposia and Workshops on Ubiquitous, Autonomic and Trusted Computing in Conjunction with the UIC 2010 and ATC 2010 Conferences, UIC-ATC 2010, 2010: p 154-159(EI)
[15]Fu Cai, Huang Chu. A risk assessment method based on grey relational projection in ad hoc networks. 1st International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, MINES 2009, v 1, 2009: p 370-373 (EI)
[16]Fu Cai, Hong Fan. Self-organized public-key management for mobile Ad Hoc Networks based on a bidirectional trust model. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, v11, n1, January 2006: p 188-192(EI)
[17]Peng Bing, Fu Cai. ECC based mobile electronic payment. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)(華科大學報), v 36, n 10, October 2008, Language: Chinese: : p 82-85 (EI)
[18]Liu Xiaoyang, Fu Cai. Grey model-enhanced risk assessment and prediction for P2P nodes. 4th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, FCST 2009, 2009: p 681-685(EI)
[19]Hong Fan, Fu Cai. Bridge nodes based secure OLSR. 2005 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WCNM 2005, v 2, 2005: p 710-713 (EI)
[20]付才,洪帆等.一個基於SPKI的Ad Hoc網路匿名可控路由方案.計算機科學,2007,10,33(10A):p182~183
[21]付才,崔永泉,彭冰,李俊.一個簡潔高效的Ad Hoc移動自組網路仿真工具.計算機仿真, 2007, 24(1):p131~134.
[24]洪帆,洪亮,付才. 一種安全的移動自組網鏈路狀態路由協定:SOLSR.計算機科學,2005, 32(11):p20~24
[25]CUI Yongquan, HONG Fan, FU Cai. Context-aware Usage_based Grid Authorization Framework.Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2006,11(6):p1467~1472
[27]Ye Jihang,Liu Mengyao,Fu Cai.Trusted risk evaluation and attribute analysis in ad-hoc networks security mechanism based on projection pursuit principal component analysis, Proceedings - IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, EUC 2010: p 492-497(EI)


