



  • 中文名稱:人民郵電報社
  • 類別:信息產業
  • 主管單位:中華人民共和國工業和信息化部
  • 編輯單位:人民郵電報社
  • 創刊時間:1948年12月
  • 出版周期:周五報
  • 國內刊號:CN11-0116
  • 郵發代號:1-11
  • 定價:全年價: 246.00元


為適應通信行業發展的新形勢,充分發揮《人民郵電》報的橋樑、紐帶作用,2000年9 月,在北京成立了由通信行業政府主管部門和各大通信運營公司共同參加的《人民郵電》新聞宣傳理事會,指導《人民郵電》報辦報工作,從而,形成了信息產業部主管,人民郵電報社主辦,各大通信運營公司協辦的辦報新體制。




☆ 信息產業部辦公廳
☆ 中國聯合通信有限公司
☆ 中國通信廣播衛星公司
☆ 中國網通公司
☆ 吉通通信公司
☆ 鐵通通信信息公司
☆ 人民郵電報社


《人民郵電》報每期1~4版為正刊,全方位捕捉第一時間刊發通信產業最新新聞報導。 《人民郵電》報每期5~12版為周刊:
《無線時空》雙周刊:隔周五出版,追蹤報導移動、尋呼和衛星通信領域的技術發展態勢,全面展示無線電通信領域的市場風雲,深入剖析社會關注的無線電通信行業熱點問題,及時反映無線電管理方面的政策法規和動態。 《終端世界》雙周刊:隔周五出版,專注終端市場,從“產經要聞”、“市場動態”、“深度報導”、“新品速遞”等四個主要內容出發,站在行業高度深度報導終端領域的方方面面。專業化品質將是本刊永遠保持和不斷追求的生命線。


People’s Posts and Telecommunications News (PPTN) is directly under the supervision of the Ministry of Information Industry (MII) of China, People’s Posts and Telecommunications News Agency(PPTNA) is the authoritative news agency in China’s communication and information industry.
Currently, PPTNA possesses three newspapers as People’s Posts and Telecommunications News (PPTN), China Netizen News, and China Philately; and three magazines as China Telecom Industry, China Radio Management, and Posts and Telecommunications Enterprises Management. It also runs a website----China Information Industry Net(CNII) ,a TV news program-producing center and China Philately Net.
PPTN is one of the earliest industrial newspapers established in China and the most valuable publications with the largest circulation. The masthead of “People’s Posts and Telecommunications” in Chinese was inscribed by Chairman Mao Zedong at Xibaipo in December 1948 to the newspaper under preparation. After 50 years’ development, PPTN has become the number one publication in China’s communication industry. It sets up a bridge for domestic and foreign professionals, helps them enhance the understanding and extend the cooperation; hence brings itself great fame in the communication industry at home and abroad.
Based on PPTNA's six publications (including three newspapers and three periodicals), CNII is also backed by PPTNA's journalists who endeavor to collect latest industrial information at home and abroad. Therefore, CNII can offer timely, full-scale and authoritative information,information consultation, information technology and products release for domestic and foreign info-communications industry.
After years of construction, PPTNA has fostered a group of expert journalists, most of whom possess a bachelor degree or a master degree. Meanwhile, PPTNA has led the capital’s journalism industry in building the computer-editing network, and its whole procedures of news collecting, editing and publishing are computerized. The editors and reporters in headquarter as well as reporters throughout the country are equipped with high-tech tools as computer and digital camera. Reporters in other places are also able to send the contributions and news photos to the Intranet via Internet; thus the timeliness of news reporting is greatly improved.
To serve the information industry in every aspect, PPTNA also organizes activities as forum and seminar on important issues in the industry, in order to discuss the developing strategy with the enterprises. Many of the activities were widely welcomed in the field, such as ’99 China Information Harbour Forum,New Telecom Forum,2000 Summit Seminar on Trend of Wireless Communication Development in the New Century, and publishing of the series of analyzing articles of ten focus issues in China’s current telecom industry.
With the coming of information times, PPTNA is facing the new developing opportunities. To comply with the requirement of MII, the publications issued by PPTNA will expand reporting scopes and enhance the reporting qualities. PPTNA will endeavor to build itself into an authoritative newspaper group with high efficiency in China’s communication and information industry, and devote itself to the development of our national information industry.






